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Spatio temporal stream network models
Jim Thorson edited this page Mar 21, 2023
2 revisions
It is possible to use VAST
to use all existing features (including multivariate models, MICE models, models involving multiple modes of data, etc) when modeling correlations via distance along a stream network in place of Euclidean distance. The example below is based upon the case-study from Charsley et al. 2023, and thanks for A. Charsley, M. Rudd, A. Gruss and many others who contributed to developing the stream-network features and code.
#Load data
data <- data("stream_network_eel_example")
#Set stream network, observations and habitat data
network <- stream_network_eel_example[["network"]] #stream network
obs <- stream_network_eel_example[["observations"]] #longfin eel presence/absence data
#Only using electric fishing and net/trap data
obs <- obs %>% filter(fishmethod %in% c("Electric fishing", "Net", "Trap"))
#Combine net and trap methods to reduce number of catchability parameters estimated
obs$fishmethod <- ifelse(obs$fishmethod %in% c("Net", "Trap"), "Net_trap",
ifelse(obs$fishmethod == "Electric fishing", "Electric fishing", NA))
#Extract stream network data for VAST model
Network_sz = network %>% select(c('parent_s','child_s','dist_s'))
Network_sz_LL = network %>% select(c('parent_s','child_s','dist_s','Lat','Lon'))
#Setup dataset
Data_Geostat <- data.frame( "Catch_KG" = obs$data_value,
"Year" = obs$year,
"Fishing_method" = obs$fishmethod,
"Sampler" = obs$agency,
"AreaSwept_km2" = obs$dist_i,
"Lat" = obs$lat,
"Lon" = obs$long,
"Child_i" = obs$child_i)
#Add a small value to presence observations - needed for binomial models
Data_Geostat[,'Catch_KG'] = Data_Geostat[,'Catch_KG'] * exp(1e-3*rnorm(nrow(Data_Geostat)))
#Set up catchability effects
Q1_formula <- ~ Fishing_method
Q1config_k <- 1
#Q2_formula <- ~ 0
#Q2config_k <- NULL
catchability_data <- Data_Geostat[,c("Lat", "Lon", "Fishing_method")]
#set up example model configuration
FieldConfig = c("Omega1"=1, "Epsilon1"=1, "Omega2"=0, "Epsilon2"=0)
RhoConfig = c("Beta1"=2, "Beta2"=3, "Epsilon1"=0, "Epsilon2"=0)
ObsModel = cbind("PosDist"=2,"Link"=0)
Options = c("Calculate_Range"=1,
settings <- make_settings(n_x = nrow(Network_sz),
purpose = "index2",
Region = "Stream_network",
fine_scale = FALSE,
FieldConfig = FieldConfig,
RhoConfig = RhoConfig,
ObsModel = ObsModel,
bias.correct = F,
Options = Options)
settings$Method <- "Stream_network"
settings$grid_size_km <- 1
#Run model
fit = fit_model( settings=settings,
catchability_data = catchability_data,
Q1_formula = Q1_formula,
Q2_formula = Q2_formula,
Q1config_k = Q1config_k,
Q2config_k = Q2config_k,
input_grid=cbind( "Lat"=Data_Geostat[,"Lat"],
Network_sz = Network_sz)
#Plot results
plot_results( fit=fit,
category_names="Longfin eels",
land_color = rgb(1,1,1,0.2) )
#Probability of capture estimates
POC <- matrix(fit$Report$R1_gct[,1,], ncol = 59, dimnames = list(network$child_s, min(Data_Geostat$Year):max(Data_Geostat$Year)))
POC_df <- data.frame("Lat" = network$Lat, "Lon"=network$Lon, "POC_2018"=POC[,"2018"]) #2018 is the latest year in dataset
#Catchment tracing
l2 <- lapply(1:nrow(network), function(x){
parent <- network$parent_s[x]
find <- network %>% filter(child_s == parent)
if(nrow(find)>0) out <- cbind.data.frame(network[x,], 'Lon2'=find$Lon, 'Lat2'=find$Lat)
if(nrow(find)==0) out <- cbind.data.frame(network[x,], 'Lon2'=NA, 'Lat2'=NA)
l2 <- do.call(rbind, l2)
#Plot POC in catchment
catchmap <- ggplot(POC_df) +
geom_point(data = network, aes(x = Lon, y = Lat), col = "gray") +
geom_segment(data=l2, aes(x = Lon2,y = Lat2, xend = Lon, yend = Lat), col="gray") +
geom_point(aes(x = Lon, y = Lat, col = POC_2018), size=3, alpha = 0.6) +
xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") +
ggtitle("Probability of capture of longfin eel in 2018 (Waitaki Catchment, New Zealand)") +
scale_color_distiller(palette = "RdYlGn", limits = c(0,0.2), direction = 1) +
theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = rel(0.8)))
ggsave("POC_map_2018.png", catchmap, height = 12, width = 15)
Example applications:
- Index standardization
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Ordination using joint species distribution model
- End-of-century projections
- Expand length and age-composition samples
- Combine condition and biomass data
- Expand stomach content samples
- Combine presence/absence, counts, and biomass data
- Seasonal and annual variation
- Combine acoustic and bottom trawl data
- Surplus production models
- Multispecies model of biological interactions
- Stream network models
Usage demos:
- Adding covariates
- Visualize covariate response
- Percent deviance explained
- Create a new extrapolation grid
- Custom maps using ggplot
- Modify axes for distribution metrics
- K-fold crossvalidation
- Simulating new data
- Modify defaults for advanced users
Project structure and utilities: