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Unbalanced data
Jim Thorson edited this page May 27, 2021
2 revisions
Analysts are using VAST to combine data given unbalanced data. We seek to explore performance in these cases, and use the code below and real-world data to do so. We specifically explore what would happen if we take the EBS survey, and drop data in the east, north, south, or west in all years except 1982/85/88/91/2010/2017-2019, fitting those data the same configuration as we use for pollock/cod indices in VAST, to mimic our design when analyzing the EBS+NBS in a model-based estimator. We then compare the resulting index with a model-based index fitted with all real data.
root_dir = "C:/Users/James.Thorson/Desktop/Work files/AFSC/2021-05 -- Dropping parts of EBS/"
coldpool_dir = "C:/Users/James.Thorson/Desktop/Work files/Collaborations/2019 -- SAFE pollock and cod/Cold pool data/"
#Date = Sys.Date()
Date = "2021-05-25"
date_dir = paste0(root_dir,Date,"/")
species_set = c( "Gadus chalcogrammus", "Gadus macrocephalus", "Limanda aspera", "Chionoecetes opilio" )
design_set = c("All", "No_east", "No_west", "No_north", "No_south")
years_to_keep = c(1982, 1985, 1988, 1999, 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019)
# Run models
pI = sI = 1
for( pI in seq_along(species_set) ){
for( sI in seq_along(design_set) ){
# directory
run_dir = paste0(date_dir,species_set[pI],"/",design_set[sI],"/")
dir.create(run_dir, recursive=TRUE)
# Download
Data = download_catch_rates(survey="Eastern_Bering_Sea", localdir=root_dir, species_set = species_set[pI] )
CP = read.csv( paste0(coldpool_dir,"cpa_areas2019.csv") )
covariate_data = data.frame( "Year"=CP[,"YEAR"], "Lat"=mean(Data[,'Lat']), "Lon"=mean(Data[,'Long']), "CPE"=(CP[,'AREA_SUM_KM2_LTE2']-mean(CP[,'AREA_SUM_KM2_LTE2']))/sd(CP[,'AREA_SUM_KM2_LTE2']) )
# Drop data
plot( x=Data[,'Long'], y=Data[,'Lat'] )
if( design_set[sI]=="All" ) Keep = 1:nrow(Data)
if( design_set[sI]=="No_east" ){
Keep = which( (Data[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data[,'Long']<(-165) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_west" ){
Keep = which( (Data[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data[,'Long']>(-174) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_north" ){
Keep = which( (Data[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data[,'Lat']<(59) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_south" ){
Keep = which( (Data[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data[,'Lat']>(57) )
Data = Data[Keep,]
# Make settings
settings = make_settings( n_x = 100,
Region = "eastern_bering_sea",
purpose = "index2",
ObsModel = c(2,4) )
settings$RhoConfig[c("Epsilon1","Epsilon2")] = 4
# Run model
if( !("Report.RData" %in% list.files(run_dir)) ){
fit = fit_model( settings = settings,
Lat_i = Data[,'Lat'],
Lon_i = Data[,'Long'],
t_i = Data[,'Year'],
b_i = Data[,'Wt'],
a_i = Data[,'AreaSwept_ha']/100,
working_dir = run_dir,
covariate_data = covariate_data,
X1_formula = ~ CPE,
X2_formula = ~ CPE,
X1config_cp = array(2,dim=c(1,1)),
X2config_cp = array(2,dim=c(1,1)),
test_fit = FALSE,
lower = -Inf,
upper = Inf )
# Plot results
plot( fit,
working_dir = run_dir,
n_samples = 0,
check_residuals = FALSE )
# Save
Report = fit$Report
save( Report, file=paste0(run_dir,"Report.RData") )
# Load and plot
year_set = 1982:2019
Index_pstz = array(NA, dim=c(length(species_set),length(design_set),length(year_set),2) )
width = qnorm(0.975)
pI = sI = 1
ThorsonUtilities::save_fig( file=paste0(date_dir,"Comparison"), width=8, height=8 )
par( mfrow=c(4,4), mar=c(2,2,0,0), mgp=c(2,0.5,0), tck=-0.02, oma=c(0,3,3,0) )
for( pI in seq_along(species_set) ){
for( sI in seq_along(design_set) ){
run_dir = paste0(date_dir,species_set[pI],"/",design_set[sI],"/")
if( "Index.csv" %in% list.files(run_dir) ){
Index = read.csv( paste0(run_dir,"Index.csv") )
Index_pstz[pI,sI,,] = as.matrix(Index[,c("Estimate","SD_mt")])
for( sI in 2:length(design_set) ){
# Add to plot
if( !all(is.na(Index_pstz[pI,sI,,])) ){
plot_timeseries( x=year_set, y=Index_pstz[pI,1,,1], y_sd=width*Index_pstz[pI,1,,2],
fn=plot, bounds_type="shading", bounds_args=list(col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2)), type="l", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,max(Index_pstz[pI,,,1]+width*Index_pstz[pI,,,2],na.rm=TRUE)) )
plot_timeseries( x=year_set, y=Index_pstz[pI,sI,,1], y_sd=width*Index_pstz[pI,sI,,2],
fn=lines, bounds_type="shading", bounds_args=list(col=rgb(1,0,0,0.2)), type="l", lwd=2, col="red" )
if(sI==2) mtext(side=2, text=paste0(strsplit(species_set[pI]," ")[[1]],collapse="\n"), line=2)
if(pI==1) mtext(side=3, text=design_set[sI], line=0)
if(sI==2 & pI==1) legend("bottomleft", bty="n", fill=c("black","red"), legend=c("All data","Reduced data") )
if(sI==2 & pI==1) legend("topleft", bty="n", legend=c("Shading: 95% CI") )
plot.new()# x=year_set, y=year_set, type="n", ylim=c(0,1) )
legend("center", legend="Not converged",bty="n")
ThorsonUtilities::save_fig( file=paste0(date_dir,"Design"), width=4, height=6 )
par( mfrow=c(3,2), mar=c(2,2,1,0), mgp=c(2,0.5,0), tck=-0.02, oma=c(0,3,3,0) )
for( sI in seq_along(design_set) ){
# Download
Data0 = download_catch_rates(survey="Eastern_Bering_Sea", localdir=root_dir, species_set = species_set[pI] )
# Drop data
if( design_set[sI]=="All" ) Keep = 1:nrow(Data0)
if( design_set[sI]=="No_east" ){
Keep = which( (Data0[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data0[,'Long']<(-165) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_west" ){
Keep = which( (Data0[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data0[,'Long']>(-174) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_north" ){
Keep = which( (Data0[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data0[,'Lat']<(59) )
if( design_set[sI]=="No_south" ){
Keep = which( (Data0[,'Year']%in%years_to_keep) | Data0[,'Lat']>(57) )
Data = Data0[Keep,]
Data = subset( Data, Year==2016 )
plot( x=Data[,'Long'], y=Data[,'Lat'], main=design_set[sI], xlim=range(Data0[,'Long']), ylim=range(Data0[,'Lat']) )
Example applications:
- Index standardization
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Ordination using joint species distribution model
- End-of-century projections
- Expand length and age-composition samples
- Combine condition and biomass data
- Expand stomach content samples
- Combine presence/absence, counts, and biomass data
- Seasonal and annual variation
- Combine acoustic and bottom trawl data
- Surplus production models
- Multispecies model of biological interactions
- Stream network models
Usage demos:
- Adding covariates
- Visualize covariate response
- Percent deviance explained
- Create a new extrapolation grid
- Custom maps using ggplot
- Modify axes for distribution metrics
- K-fold crossvalidation
- Simulating new data
- Modify defaults for advanced users
Project structure and utilities: