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Speed test
Jim Thorson edited this page May 10, 2019
5 revisions
When developing new features, I try to check how changes affect speed for estimating parameters and conducting bias-correction. Below, I show code for doing this using the simplified user-interface (in this case using the AFSC virtual machine):
# Download release number 3.0.0; its useful for reproducibility to use a specific release number
devtools::install_github("james-thorson/VAST", ref="3.0.0")
# Set local working directory (change for your machine)
setwd( "C:/Users/james.thorson.vm/Desktop/Speed_test" )
# Load packages
# load data set
# see `?load_example` for list of stocks with example data
# that are installed automatically with `FishStatsUtils`.
example = load_example( data_set="EBS_pollock" )
# Make settings
settings = make_settings( n_x=50, Region=example$Region, purpose="index",
strata.limits=example$strata.limits )
# Simulation settings
n_replicates = 5
nx_set = c(25, 50, 100, 200, 400)
version_set = c("VAST_v7_0_0", "VAST_v8_0_0", "VAST_v8_0_0")
fine_set = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
biascorrect_set = c(FALSE, TRUE)
Speed_rxcb = array( NA, dim=c(n_replicates,length(nx_set),length(version_set),length(biascorrect_set)) )
dimnames(Speed_rxcb) = list( 1:n_replicates,paste0("nx=",nx_set), paste(version_set,"-fine=",fine_set,sep=""),
paste0("biascorr=",biascorrect_set) )
# Loop
for( rI in 1:dim(Speed_rxcb)[1] ){
for( xI in 1:dim(Speed_rxcb)[2] ){
for( cI in 1:dim(Speed_rxcb)[3] ){
for( bI in 1:dim(Speed_rxcb)[4] ){
# Set seed to conserve across xI and cI, and across runs of the experiment
# Settings for each configuration cI
settings$Version = version_set[cI]
settings$fine_scale = fine_set[cI]
settings$n_x = nx_set[xI]
settings$bias.correct = biascorrect_set[bI]
# Run model
fit = fit_model( "settings"=settings, "Lat_i"=example$sampling_data[,'Lat'],
"Lon_i"=example$sampling_data[,'Lon'], "t_i"=example$sampling_data[,'Year'],
"c_i"=rep(0,nrow(example$sampling_data)), "b_i"=example$sampling_data[,'Catch_KG'],
"a_i"=example$sampling_data[,'AreaSwept_km2'], "v_i"=example$sampling_data[,'Vessel'] )
# Record run-time
Speed_rxcb[rI,xI,cI,bI] = as.double( fit$parameter_estimates$time_for_run, units="mins")
# Save
save( Speed_rxcb, file="Speed_rxcb.RData" )
apply( Speed_rxcb, MARGIN=2:4, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE )
This exercise shows that V8.0.0 is only 10-20% slower than previous versions when using fine_scale=FALSE
and perhaps 50% slower when using fine_scale=TRUE
without bias-correction. However, using fine_scale=TRUE
and bias-correction, it is more like 5-10 fold slower than previous versions.
Example applications:
- Index standardization
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Ordination using joint species distribution model
- End-of-century projections
- Expand length and age-composition samples
- Combine condition and biomass data
- Expand stomach content samples
- Combine presence/absence, counts, and biomass data
- Seasonal and annual variation
- Combine acoustic and bottom trawl data
- Surplus production models
- Multispecies model of biological interactions
- Stream network models
Usage demos:
- Adding covariates
- Visualize covariate response
- Percent deviance explained
- Create a new extrapolation grid
- Custom maps using ggplot
- Modify axes for distribution metrics
- K-fold crossvalidation
- Simulating new data
- Modify defaults for advanced users
Project structure and utilities: