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Add rrules for extrema, findmax, maximum (#480)
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* rules for extrema, findmax, maximum

* fixup extrema

* symmetric maximum rule

* promote types by hand

* argmax?

* allow more zeros

* upgrade tests

* don't do symmetric convention

* tests

* fix 1.0

* rm symmetric versions

* move extrema to last

* tidy

* fixup extrema

* tests

* tests

* use eval loop, tidy, tests

* forward rules for maximum

* frules for findmax

* tidy

* widen similar to ensure writeability

* comments

* dispatch -> branch

* allow for second derivatives

* frule?

* update to use CRC 1.3

* better writezero?

* fix tests

* allow arrays of arrays

* version
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored Nov 24, 2021
1 parent a751937 commit 605354c
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Showing 4 changed files with 243 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "ChainRules"
uuid = "082447d4-558c-5d27-93f4-14fc19e9eca2"
version = "1.13.0"
version = "1.14.0"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Expand All @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ RealDot = "c1ae055f-0cd5-4b69-90a6-9a35b1a98df9"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ChainRulesCore = "1.10"
ChainRulesCore = "1.11"
ChainRulesTestUtils = "1"
Compat = "3.35"
FiniteDifferences = "0.12.8"
FiniteDifferences = "0.12.20"
JuliaInterpreter = "0.8"
RealDot = "0.1"
StaticArrays = "1.2"
Expand Down
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions src/rulesets/Base/array.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -342,3 +342,165 @@ function rrule(::typeof(fill), x::Any, dims...)
fill_pullback(Ȳ) = (NoTangent(), project(sum(Ȳ)), nots...)
return fill(x, dims...), fill_pullback

##### `findmax`, `maximum`, etc.

for findm in (:findmin, :findmax)
findm_pullback = Symbol(findm, :_pullback)

@eval function frule((_, xdot), ::typeof($findm), x; dims=:)
y, ind = $findm(x; dims=dims)
return (y, ind), Tangent{typeof((y, ind))}(xdot[ind], NoTangent())

@eval function rrule(::typeof($findm), x::AbstractArray; dims=:)
y, ind = $findm(x; dims=dims)
project = ProjectTo(x)
# This pullback is a lot like the one for getindex. Ideally they would probably be combined?
function $findm_pullback((dy, _)) # this accepts e.g. Tangent{Tuple{Float64, Int64}}(4.0, nothing)
dy isa AbstractZero && return (NoTangent(), NoTangent())
x_thunk = @thunk project(_zerolike_writeat(x, unthunk(dy), dims, ind))
x_ithunk = InplaceableThunk(x_thunk) do dx
if dims isa Colon
view(dx, ind) .= view(dx, ind) .+ Ref(unthunk(dy))
view(dx, ind) .= view(dx, ind) .+ unthunk(dy) # this could be .+=, but not on Julia 1.0
return (NoTangent(), x_ithunk)
return (y, ind), $findm_pullback

# This function is roughly `setindex!(zero(x), dy, inds...)`:

function _zerolike_writeat(x::AbstractArray{<:Number}, dy, dims, inds...)
# It's unfortunate to close over `x`, but `similar(typeof(x), axes(x))` doesn't
# allow `eltype(dy)`, nor does it work for many structured matrices.
dx = fill!(similar(x, eltype(dy), axes(x)), 0)
view(dx, inds...) .= dy # possibly 0-dim view, allows dy::Number and dy::Array, and dx::CuArray
function _zerolike_writeat(x::AbstractArray, dy, dims, inds...)
# Since we have `x`, we can also handle arrays of arrays.
dx = map(zero, x)
if dims isa Colon
view(dx, inds...) .= Ref(dy)
view(dx, inds...) .= dy

# Allow for second derivatives, by writing rules for `_zerolike_writeat`;
# these rules are the reason it takes a `dims` argument.

function frule((_, _, dydot), ::typeof(_zerolike_writeat), x, dy, dims, inds...)
return _zerolike_writeat(x, dy, dims, inds...), _zerolike_writeat(x, dydot, dims, inds...)

function rrule(::typeof(_zerolike_writeat), x, dy, dims, inds...)
z = _zerolike_writeat(x, dy, dims, inds...)
function _zerolike_writeat_pullback(dz)
dx = sum(view(unthunk(dz), inds...); dims=dims)
nots = map(_ -> NoTangent(), inds)
return (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), dx, NoTangent(), nots...)
return z, _zerolike_writeat_pullback

# These rules for `maximum` pick the same subgradient as `findmax`:

function frule((_, xdot), ::typeof(maximum), x; dims=:)
y, ind = findmax(x; dims=dims)
return y, xdot[ind]

function rrule(::typeof(maximum), x::AbstractArray; dims=:)
(y, _), back = rrule(findmax, x; dims=dims)
maximum_pullback(dy) = back((dy, nothing))
return y, maximum_pullback

function frule((_, xdot), ::typeof(minimum), x; dims=:)
y, ind = findmin(x; dims=dims)
return y, xdot[ind]

function rrule(::typeof(minimum), x::AbstractArray; dims=:)
(y, _), back = rrule(findmin, x; dims=dims)
minimum_pullback(dy) = back((dy, nothing))
return y, minimum_pullback

##### `extrema`

function rrule(::typeof(extrema), x::AbstractArray{<:Number}; dims=:)
if dims isa Colon
return _extrema_colon(x)
return _extrema_dims(x, dims)

function _extrema_colon(x)
ylo, ilo = findmin(x)
yhi, ihi = findmax(x)
project = ProjectTo(x)
function extrema_pullback((dylo, dyhi)) # accepts Tangent
if (dylo, dyhi) isa Tuple{AbstractZero, AbstractZero}
return (NoTangent(), NoTangent())
# One argument may be AbstractZero here. Use promote_op because
# promote_type allows for * as well as +, hence gives Any.
T = Base.promote_op(+, typeof(dylo), typeof(dyhi))
x_nothunk = let
# x_thunk = @thunk begin # this doesn't infer
dx = fill!(similar(x, T, axes(x)), false)
view(dx, ilo) .= dylo
view(dx, ihi) .= view(dx, ihi) .+ dyhi
# x_ithunk = InplaceableThunk(x_thunk) do dx
# view(dx, ilo) .= view(dx, ilo) .+ dylo
# view(dx, ihi) .= view(dx, ihi) .+ dyhi
# dx
# end
return (NoTangent(), x_nothunk)
return (ylo, yhi), extrema_pullback

function _extrema_dims(x, dims)
ylo, ilo = findmin(x; dims=dims)
yhi, ihi = findmax(x; dims=dims)
y = similar(ylo, Tuple{eltype(ylo), eltype(yhi)})
map!(tuple, y, ylo, yhi) # this is a GPU-friendly version of collect(zip(ylo, yhi))
project = ProjectTo(x)
function extrema_pullback_dims(dy_raw)
dy = unthunk(dy_raw)
@assert dy isa AbstractArray{<:Tuple{Any,Any}}
# Can we actually get Array{Tuple{Float64,ZeroTangent}} here? Not sure.
T = Base.promote_op(+, eltype(dy).parameters...)
x_nothunk = let
# x_thunk = @thunk begin # this doesn't infer
dx = fill!(similar(x, T, axes(x)), false)
view(dx, ilo) .= first.(dy)
view(dx, ihi) .= view(dx, ihi) .+ last.(dy)
# x_ithunk = InplaceableThunk(x_thunk) do dx
# view(dx, ilo) .= first.(dy)
# view(dx, ihi) .= view(dx, ihi) .+ last.(dy)
# dx
# end
return (NoTangent(), x_nothunk)
return y, extrema_pullback_dims
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/rulesets/Base/nondiff.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
@non_differentiable all(::Any, ::Any)
@non_differentiable any(::Any)
@non_differentiable any(::Any, ::Any)
@non_differentiable argmax(::Any)
@non_differentiable argmin(::Any)
@non_differentiable ascii(::AbstractString)
@non_differentiable axes(::Any)
@non_differentiable axes(::Any, ::Any)
Expand Down
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions test/rulesets/Base/array.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,3 +198,79 @@ end
test_rrule(fill, 55 + 0.5im, 5)
test_rrule(fill, 3.3, (3, 3, 3))

@testset "findmin & findmax" begin
# Forward
test_frule(findmin, rand(10))
test_frule(findmax, rand(10))
@test @inferred(frule((nothing, rand(3,4)), findmin, rand(3,4))) isa Tuple{Tuple{Float64, CartesianIndex}, Tangent}
@test @inferred(frule((nothing, rand(3,4)), findmin, rand(3,4), dims=1)) isa Tuple{Tuple{Matrix, Matrix}, Tangent}
@test_skip test_frule(findmin, rand(3,4)) # error from test_approx(actual::CartesianIndex{2}, expected::CartesianIndex{2}
@test_skip test_frule(findmin, rand(3,4), output_tangent = (rand(), NoTangent()))
@test_skip test_frule(findmin, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=1,))
# These skipped tests might be fixed by

# Reverse
test_rrule(findmin, rand(10), output_tangent = (rand(), false))
test_rrule(findmax, rand(10), output_tangent = (rand(), false))
test_rrule(findmin, rand(5,3))
test_rrule(findmax, rand(5,3))
@test [0 0; 0 5] == @inferred unthunk(rrule(findmax, [1 2; 3 4])[2]((5.0, nothing))[2])
@test [0 0; 0 5] == @inferred unthunk(rrule(findmax, [1 2; 3 4])[2]((5.0, NoTangent()))[2])

# Reverse with dims:
@test [0 0; 5 6] == @inferred unthunk(rrule(findmax, [1 2; 3 4], dims=1)[2](([5 6], nothing))[2])
@test [5 0; 6 0] == @inferred unthunk(rrule(findmin, [1 2; 3 4], dims=2)[2]((hcat([5,6]), nothing))[2])
test_rrule(findmin, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=1,), output_tangent = (rand(1,4), NoTangent()))
test_rrule(findmin, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=2,))

# Second derivatives
test_frule(ChainRules._zerolike_writeat, rand(2, 2), 5.0, :, CartesianIndex(2, 2))
test_rrule(ChainRules._zerolike_writeat, rand(2, 2), 5.0, :, CartesianIndex(2, 2))
@test_skip test_rrule(ChainRules._zerolike_writeat, rand(2, 2), 5.0, 1, [CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2)] NoTangent()) # MethodError: no method matching isapprox(::Matrix{Float64}, ::Float64; rtol=1.0e-9, atol=1.0e-9)
y, bk = rrule(ChainRules._zerolike_writeat, rand(2, 2), 5.0, 1, [CartesianIndex(2, 1) CartesianIndex(2, 2)])
@test y == [0 0; 5 5]
@test bk([1 2; 3 4]) == (NoTangent(), NoTangent(), [3 4], NoTangent(), NoTangent())

@testset "$imum" for imum in [maximum, minimum]
# Forward
test_frule(imum, rand(10))
test_frule(imum, rand(3,4))
test_frule(imum, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=1,))
test_frule(imum, [rand(2) for _ in 1:3])
test_frule(imum, [rand(2) for _ in 1:3, _ in 1:4]; fkwargs=(dims=1,))

# Reverse
test_rrule(imum, rand(10))
test_rrule(imum, rand(3,4))
test_rrule(imum, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=1,))
test_rrule(imum, rand(3,4,5), fkwargs=(dims=(1,3),))

# Arrays of arrays
test_rrule(imum, [rand(2) for _ in 1:3]; check_inferred=false)
test_rrule(imum, [rand(2) for _ in 1:3, _ in 1:4]; fkwargs=(dims=1,), check_inferred=false)

# Case which attains max twice -- can't use FiniteDifferences for this
res = imum == maximum ? [0,1,0,0,0,0] : [1,0,0,0,0,0]
@test res == @inferred unthunk(rrule(imum, [1,2,1,2,1,2])[2](1.0)[2])

# Structured matrix -- NB the minimum is a structral zero here
@test unthunk(rrule(imum, Diagonal(rand(3) .+ 1))[2](5.5)[2]) isa Diagonal
@test unthunk(rrule(imum, UpperTriangular(rand(3,3) .+ 1))[2](5.5)[2]) isa UpperTriangular{Float64}
@test_skip test_rrule(imum, Diagonal(rand(3) .+ 1)) # MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Any}), from fill!(A::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Any, Int64}, x::Bool)

@testset "extrema" begin
test_rrule(extrema, rand(10), output_tangent = (rand(), rand()))
test_rrule(extrema, rand(3,4), fkwargs=(dims=1,), output_tangent = collect(zip(rand(1,4), rand(1,4))))
# Case where both extrema are the same index, to check accumulation:
test_rrule(extrema, rand(1), output_tangent = (rand(), rand()))
test_rrule(extrema, rand(1,1), fkwargs=(dims=2,), output_tangent = hcat((rand(), rand())))
test_rrule(extrema, rand(3,1), fkwargs=(dims=2,), output_tangent = collect(zip(rand(3,1), rand(3,1))))
# Double-check the forward pass
A = randn(3,4,5)
@test extrema(A, dims=(1,3)) == rrule(extrema, A, dims=(1,3))[1]
B = hcat(A[:,:,1], A[:,:,1])
@test extrema(B, dims=2) == rrule(extrema, B, dims=2)[1]

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