This repository contains the python code for the lecture Decision-Making and Motion Planning for Automated Driving at KIT. It is targeted towards both, exemplifying the content of the lecture, and giving a brief introduction to software development. (Please bare with us, the code is largely ported from matlab.)
An API documentation for new parts of the code and exemplary jupyter notebooks can be found in the documentation.
We use uv
as package and project manager. Having uv
installed, run
# clone this repo
git clone
# change into the repo folder
cd behavior_generation_lecture_python
# set up a virtual env and install the requirements
uv sync
Making uv kernels available to jupyter?
- create a kernel
uv run ipython kernel install --user --name=behavior_generation_lecture
- run jupyter
uv run --with jupyter jupyter lab
and chose kernelbehavior_generation_lecture
in the browser
The structure of this repo is inspired by the PyPA sample project.
contains the modules, which is the core implementation, at best browsed in your favorite IDEtests
contains unittests, at best browsed in your favorite IDEscripts
contains scripts that depict exemplary usage of the implemented modules, they can be run from the command linenotebooks
contains jupyter notebooks, that can be browsed online, and interactively be run using jupyter
Feel free to open an issue if you found a bug or have a request. You can also contribute to the lecture code yourself: Just fork this repository and open a pull request.
Unless otherwise stated, this repo is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE.