ROS Driver for the EGL90 Gripper by Schunk based on CAN bus and Schunk-Motion-Interface
rosrun schunk_gripper_egl90 schunk_gripper_egl90_node
All capabilities are available via ros-service calls:
- std_srvs::Trigger : /acknowledge
- std_srvs::Trigger : /reference_motion
- schunk_gripper_egl90::MovePos : /move_pos
- schunk_gripper_egl90::MoveGrip : /move_grip
- std_srvs::Trigger : /clean_up
- std_srvs::Trigger : /stop
This project is a result of the LIAA project.
LIAA received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608604.
Project runtime: 02.09.2013 – 31.08.2017.