Hello All , The sample problem statements in Data structures are as follows :-
WAP to convert a given Infix expression into its equivalent Postfix expression and evaluate it using stack.
WAP to convert a given Infix expression into its equivalent Prefix expression and evaluate it using stack.
WAP to implement two stack using array and perform following operations on it. A. PUSH, B. POP, C. StackFull D. StackeEmpty E. Display Stack.
WAP to implement following by using stack. A. Factorial of a given number B. Generation of Fibonacci series
Write a Program to implement circular double ended queue where user can add and remove the elements from both front and rear of the queue
Write a Program to implement multiple two queues using array and perform following operations on it. A. Addq, B. Delq, C. Display Queue. Implement ADD and DELETE operations of QUEUE on Doubly linked list
WAP to perform addition of two polynomials using singly linked list.
Write an iterative Reverse() function that reverses a list by rearranging all the next pointers and the head pointer. Ideally, Reverse() should only need to make one pass of the list.
WAP to create doubly linked list and perform following operations on it. A) Insert (all cases) 2. Delete (all cases).
WAP to merge two sorted Doubly linked lists and display their result.
Implement Push and POP operations of STACK on Doubly linked lists
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Preorder Traversal b. Count Leaf Nodes c. Count total no. of nodes d. Display height of a tree.
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Inorder Traversal b. Mirror Image c. Count total no. of nodes d. Display height of a tree.
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Postorder Traversal b. Display Leaf Nodes c. Count total no. of Leaf nodes d. Display height of a tree.
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Level-wise Traversal b. Display Leaf Nodes c. Count total no. of Leaf nodes d. Display height of a tree.
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Levelwise display b. Mirror image c. Display height of a tree.
Write a Program to create a Binary Tree and perform following Non-recursive operations on it a. Postorder Traversal c. Display Leaf Nodes d. Mirror Image Write a program to illustrate operations on a BST holding numeric keys. The menu must include: • Insert • Delete • Find Level wise Display
Write a Program to create a Binary Search Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Inorder Traversal b. Display Number of Leaf Nodes c. Mirror Image
Write a Program to create a Binary Search Tree and perform following non-recursive operations on it. a. Preorder Traversal b. Display total Number of Nodes C. Display Leaf nodes.
Write a Program to create a Binary Search Tree and perform deletion of a node from it. Also display the tree in nonrecursive postorder way.
Write a Program to create a Binary Search Tree and display it levelwise. Also perform deletion of a node from it.
Write a Program to create a Binary Search Tree and display its mirror image with and without disturbing the original tree. Also display height of a tree using nonrecursion.
Write a program to efficiently search a particular employee record by using Tree data structure. Also sort the data on emp-id in ascending order.
Write a Program to accept a graph from user and represent it with Adjacency Matrix and perform BFS traversals on it.
Write a Program to accept a graph from user and represent it with Adjacency Lists and perform BFS traversals on it.
Write a Program to accept a graph from user and represent it with Adjacency Matrix and perform DFS traversals on it.
Write a Program to accept a graph from user and represent it with Adjacency Lists and perform DFS traversals on it.
Write a Program to implement Prim’s algorithm to find minimum spanning tree of a user defined graph. Use Adjacency List to represent a graph.
Write a Program to implement Kruskals’s algorithm to find minimum spanning tree of a user defined graph. Use Adjacency Matrix to represent a graph.
Write a Program to implement Kruskal’s algorithm to find minimum spanning tree of a user defined graph. Use Adjacency List to represent a graph.
Write a Program to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest distance between two nodes of a user defined graph. Use Adjacency List to represent a graph
Write a Program to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest distance between two nodes of a user defined graph. Use Adjacency Matrix to represent a graph
WAP to implement Quick sort on 1D array of Employee structure (contains employee_name, emp_no, emp_salary), with key as emp_no. And count the number of swap performed.
Assume that an array A with n elements was sorted in an ascending order, but two of its elements swapped their positions by a mistake while maintaining the array. Write a code to identify the swapped pair of elements and their positions in the asymptotically best possible time. [Assume that all given elements are distinct integers.]
Implement following hashing Techniques by assuming suitable input and Table Size. a. Linear Probing With Chaining Without Replacement Also mention number of collisions occurred while inserting a Data in hash table.
Implement following hashing Techniques by assuming suitable input and Table Size. a. Linear Probing With Chaining With Replacement Also mention number of collisions occurred while inserting a Data in hash table.