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The Logistic System in Liberation provides the opportunity to gather resources from your production sectors without needing to transport them by yourself. This system is a suitable replacement of the old "passive income" option for smaller groups of players.
To access the dialog, you need to have at least 2 legit destinations for the logistic system (FOBs and factories). Only the commander can access the dialog and he has to be at a FOB.
Overview for the Logistic Groups. The areas 2, 3 and 4 will only be shown if you've at least one logistic group added.
Creates a new group
Deletes a group. This can only be done if the group has no mission and no truck assigned.
Logistic group status information.
Indicates the current status of the logistic group:
- Standby: In this status the group is ready to receive a new mission or get trucks assigned/unassigned.
- Loading: The group has reached one of the destinations and starts loading the resources. It takes 1 minute for each truck to load 3 resource crates plus another minute to get ready for proceeding.
- Travel: The travel status is shown when the group is driving from one destination to the other one.
- Abort: The current mission is aborted. The group will drive back to the last destination they're coming from, unload all possible loaded resources and prepare themself for the next mission.
Displays time left until the actual status is done and the next status will be reached. The timer display doesn't update when you've opened the dialog. You have to close and reopen to update the timer display. And there are also two special indicators:
- No resources: If you see this, it means that the logistic group is currently at a destination and can't find enough resources to load up the group. But basically it's nothing to worry about, as the group is waiting there and will check every minute to see if there are now enough resources. If you are producing supplies and the group will be transporting supplies from this sector, then you can just leave it. As soon as the sector has produced enough supplies, they will be loaded up and the convoy will continue.
- No storagespace: Essentially the same as above. If there is not enough storage space at a destination where something should be unloaded, then the convoy will wait there with this message. Be sure to either build an additional storage area or unload some crates from the actual one. The convoy will check for the storage space every minute.
Shows A or B to indicate which will be the next destination the convoy arrives.
- Showing A when: Is at B and loads/unloads there, is traveling to A or aborting to A.
- Showing B when: Is at A and loads/unloads there, is traveling to B or aborting to B.
Information about the amount of trucks and currently loaded resources.
Displays the amount of trucks which are assigned to this logistic group.
Shows the amount of resources (not crate count) of the resources which are currently loaded on the trucks of the group.
Assign a truck to the logistic group. This is only possible if the group is in the standby status and you need 100 supplies and 100 fuel in your local storage area to assign one.
This button lets you unassign a truck from the logistic group. Also only possible if the group is in the standby status. You will receive 50 supplies and 50 fuel from unassigning a truck.
Mission planning area.
With these dropdown menus you can choose which destination from your FOBs and production sectors should be the missions destination A and B.
The boxes under the dropdowns are for entering the amount of resources. From left to right: Supplies, Ammo, Fuel. These are amounts and not crate counts. The entered amount is for the whole mission, so it can exceed the capacity of your trucks in the group (3 crates per truck with a max of 100 per crate).
With this button you can assign the mission to your group which you've planned above. The mission won't be accepted if:
- Both destinations are not set.
- Same sector for destination A and B selected.
- Same resource set for transport from A to B and B to A.
- No resources set for transport.
- There is already any kind of route established between the selected destinations.
If the group is currently assigned to a mission you can use this button to abort the mission. The group will turn around and drive back to the last destination, unload all possible loaded resources and prepares for the next assignment.
To use the logistic system as a replacement for the passive income, you should do the following:
Let's assume you've a FOB and a factory sector where you produce ammo:
- Create a logistic group with one truck.
- Select the factory sector as destination A.
- In the field of destination A for ammo enter something like 100,000.
- As destination B you select the FOB.
- Confirm the mission.
This will result in the following behaviour:
- he group will start at destination A and waits there until 300 ammo is produced.
- If the 300 ammo is available at the sector storage it will be loaded on the truck.
- The group drives to your FOB and unload the 300 ammo there.
- Afterwards it will drive back to the factory sector and waits again until 300 ammo is available.
- So the truck will drive back and forth the whole time (as it will take some time to gather 100,000 resources).
- With this setting you'll produce an automatic passive income of 300 ammo every 1,5 hours per sector (with resource multiplier 1)
If you change the production in a sector, you can also set for this example the resources for destination A to 100000 supplies, 100000 ammo and 100000 fuel. This will result in the truck carrying whatever you produce at the sector and bringing it to the FOB you choose.