You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 315
The Production System in Liberation is there to take control of which resources are produced at which captured production sectors. These factory sectors can produce any of the seperate resources. Between this and the Logistic System, you're also able to setup a "passive income" option for smaller groups of players.
To access the dialog, you need to have at least one captured factory. Only the commander can access the dialog and he has to be at a FOB or at a sector which is able to produce.
This is a list of your current captured production sectors. As you select one, the middle UI will change to reference that sector and the map UI on the right will hover above it with a green circle around the current chosen sector marker.
This is your basic sector information.
Will be Factory.
Will be the current chosen resource production.
This indicates how many resource crates are sitting within the sector storage.
Time in minutes until a new resource crate is produced.
This indicates which resources can be produced at the current chosen sector. Green indicates available and red unavailable.
This is a count for how many resources are currently sat within the sector storage, each resource crate is up to 100 resources and therefore 50 (1 Crate) -as shown above- would be a resource craft filled half way, whereas say 600 (7 Crates) would equate to 5 full resource crates as well as 2 other crates that combined, equal the last 100 resources.
Here you can select which resource is being produced. Obviously, the sector needs to be able to produce that resource first before you can select and then confirm it. Once confirmed, the timer will continue and the top Sector Information panel will update.
Okay, so to setup a production sector so that it will show in this UI, you need to simply capture the sector and then "build storage" from the scroll menu. However, you will need to invest some resources into a facility (or all three) before you can produce that/those resource(s). One facility is always provided on each factory sector from the start.
You may produce all three facilities but you can only produce one resource at a single time. The cost to produce a facility currently is 50 of the respective resource as well as 100 of the other two, you may get lucky and find these are already laying around the sector, you may not and need to transport them from elsewhere. The important part is that to produce the facility (from the scroll menu) the resource cost will need to be WITHIN the earlier built storage area. Not just within the sector limits.