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Workshops Syllabus 2324

francescodelduchetto edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 2 revisions


Week 1:

Introduction to ROS2 (PC based - INB1101)

*Preparation Materials

  1. Setup your workstation
  2. What is ROS and first concepts presentation (need to be already logged in blackboard)
  3. Using ROS from the command line
  4. Write your first ROS node

Week 2:

Design a robotic system in ROS (PC based - INB1101)

*Preparation Materials

  1. Setup your workstation
  2. Introduction to URDF
  3. The ROS TF tree
  4. Model a 6DOF industrial manipulator
  5. Model a 4 DOF robot arm - SCARA robot

Week 3:

Direct and inverse kinematics (Tutorial - INB1101)

NOTE: Bring pen and paper!

*trigonometric Identities Cheatsheet

  1. Solve Euler angles for direct and inverse problems
  2. Solve Direct and Inverse Kinematics problems

Week 4:

Programming robots in ROS (PC based - INB1101)

  1. Setup your workstation
  2. Implement Forward Kinematics
  3. Use MoveIt! for Inverse Kinematics

Week 5:

Programming and control of a real robotic manipulator (Lab based - INB1101)

  1. Interfacing with a real robot - TIAGo Mobile manipulator
  2. Control the robot from ROS code
  3. Implement control trajectories

Week 6:

Differential kinematics and Planning (Tutorial - INB1101)

NOTE: Bring pen and paper!

  1. Derive Jacobian matrices for 2, 3 and 6 DOF arms.
  2. Trajectory planning with 2 and 6 DOF arms.
  3. Implementation of trajectory planning for a 6 DOF robot.

Week 7:

Review of: Programming and control of a real robotic manipulator (Lab based - INB1101)

  1. Review of week 5

Week 8:

Robot simulation and programming (PC based - INB1101)

  1. ROS2 + Gazebo

Week 9:

Joint trajectory

  1. ROS2 + Gazebo + Joint Trajectory Planning
  2. Implement inverse kinematics

Week 10:

Using the gripper and putting everything together

Simulation of final assessment with simple and incomplete example code

Week 11:

Assessment 2 DEMOS

Week 12:





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