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3.1.1. Semantic features
Rappresentano la classe ontologica per nomi e verbi. Utilizziamo i Topics di Open Multilingual Wordnet, conosciuti anche come lexicographer files su Princeton WordNet. Non li utilizziamo per aggettivi e avverbi dato che non è presente una gerarchia per queste due classi.
POS | Topic | Abr | Definition |
noun | |||
Tops | top | unique beginner for nouns | |
act | act | nouns denoting acts or actions | |
animal | anm | nouns denoting animals or animal parts | |
artifact | art | nouns denoting man-made objects | |
attribute | att | nouns denoting attributes of people and objects | |
body | bod | nouns denoting human body parts | |
cognition | cog | nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents | |
communication | com | nouns denoting communicative processes and contents, this includes languages and computation | |
event | evt | nouns denoting natural events | |
feeling | flg | nouns denoting feelings and emotions | |
food | fod | nouns denoting foods and drinks | |
group | grp | nouns denoting groupings of people or objects | |
location | loc | nouns denoting spatial position | |
motive | mtv | nouns denoting goals | |
object | obj | nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made) | |
person | per | nouns denoting people | |
phenomenon | phn | nouns denoting natural phenomena | |
plant | pln | nouns denoting plants or plant parts | |
possession | pos | nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession | |
process | prc | nouns denoting natural processes | |
quantity | qnt | nouns denoting quantities and units of measure | |
relation | rln | nouns denoting relations between people or things or ideas | |
shape | shp | nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes | |
state | stt | nouns denoting stable states of affairs | |
substance | sub | nouns denoting substances | |
time | tim | nouns denoting time and temporal relations | |
verb | |||
body | bod | verbs of grooming, dressing and bodily care | |
change | chn | verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc | |
cognition | cog | verbs of thinking, judging, analyzing, doubting | |
communication | com | verbs of telling, asking, ordering, singing | |
competition | cmp | verbs of fighting, athletic activities | |
consumption | con | verbs of eating and drinking | |
contact | cnt | verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging | |
creation | crt | verbs of sewing, baking, painting, performing | |
emotion | emo | verbs of feeling | |
motion | mot | verbs of walking, flying, swimming | |
perception | pcp | verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling | |
possession | pos | verbs of buying, selling, owning | |
social | soc | verbs of political and social activities and events | |
stative | stv | verbs of being, having, spatial relations | |
weather | wet | verbs of raining, snowing, thawing, thundering |
E' possibile specificare l'aktionsart dei verbi. Abbiamo utilizzato lo schema di etichette da UniMorph, distinguendo però tra classi azionali e tratti.
- Tratti:
Trait | Label | Definition |
Atelic | ATEL | The event has no terminal point/culmination. |
Durative | DUR | The event can extend over a time span. |
Dynamic | DYN | The event is dynamic (i.e, it is not a static situation) |
Punctual | PCT | The event does not extend over a time span, has no duration. |
Telic | TEL | The event has a terminal point/culmination. |
- Classi (e corrispondenti combinazioni di tratti):
Class | Label | Traits |
Accomplishment | ACCMP | DYN, TEL, DUR |
Achievement | ACH | DYN, TEL, PCT |
Activity | ACTY | DYN, ATEL, DUR |
Semelfactive | SEMEL | DYN, ATEL, PCT |
Stative | STAT | ATEL, DUR |
Un elemento può essere constrained rispetto a una classe; tuttavia in alcuni casi può essere utile specificare un tratto per includere più classi che condividono quel tratto.
Per gli avverbi ho trovato questa classificazione semantica dal progetto: Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance , che però non include annotazione di dati dall'italiano
Class | definition |
manner | Adverbs that characterizes a manner‑property of an element |
quantity | quantify on a scale or a semantic characteristic or the degree of a semantic property expressed by the segment they modify |
time | Adverbs expressing temporal circumstances |
location | Adverbs expressing a local circumstance of the event expressed |
discourse | Adverbs that express metalinguistic, pragmatic and/or discursive extra‑propositional characterizations or speaker‑attitudes |
specification | Focus adverbs express a semantic specification of the segment they modify; their syntactic scope (attribution target) is mostly a noun or any syntagma without verb‑reference |
per gli aggettivi non saprei davvero, da quello che ho capito ItalWordNet ha delle root per gli aggettivi ma è molto macchinoso da consultare, oppure esiste l'ontologia elaborata nel progetto PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS
Class | Examples (adapted from Dixon 2004: 3-5) |
dimension | grande 'big', piccolo 'small', lungo 'long', alto 'tall', corto 'short' |
age | nuovo 'new', vecchio 'old', giovane 'young' |
value | buono 'good', atroce 'atrocious', perfetto 'perfect', necessario 'necessary', strano 'strange' |
colour | rosso 'red', giallo 'yellow', blu 'blue' |
physical_property | duro 'hard', pesante 'heavy', umido 'wet', forte 'strong', pulito 'clean' |
human_propensity | geloso 'jealous', intelligente 'intelligent', felice 'happy', orgoglioso 'proud', ansioso 'anxious' |
speed | veloce 'fast', lento 'slow' |
difficulty | difficile 'difficult, hard', facile 'easy' |
similarity | simile 'similar', diverso 'different' |
qualification | vero 'true', comune 'common', corretto 'correct', normale 'normal', ragionevole 'sensible', appropriato 'appropriate' |
quantification | alcuni 'some', tutto/tutti 'all', poco/pochi 'few' |
position | vicino 'near', distante 'distant' |
cardinal_number | primo 'first', ultimo 'last' |