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ME495 Embedded Systems Homework 2

Author: Asa Rogers

This package, turtle_brick, simulates a turtle robot that interacts with an arena and brick within the ROS 2 environment. The turtle attempts to catch a falling brick by coordinating its movements in the arena based on physics and real-time positioning. The simulation utilizes RViz for visualization and integrates a variety of ROS 2 services and messages to control the turtle's actions and the environment.


  1. Launch the Simulation:

    • Use the following command to launch the arena and turtle simulation:
      colcon clean workspace -y && colcon build && source install/setup.bash && ros2 launch turtle_brick
    • This will start the turtle simulation in the RViz environment, along with the arena, catcher, and turtle_robot nodes.
  2. Place the brick:

    • Use this command to place the brick in the arena at a x, y, z position:
      source install/setup.bash && ros2 service call /place turtle_brick_interfaces/srv/Place "{x: 5.0, y: 1.0, z: 10.0}" 
  3. Drop the Brick:

    • Use this command to drop the brick:
      ros2 service call /drop std_srvs/srv/Empty
    • This initiates the brick’s descent, which the turtle will attempt to catch if it is within reachable range.
  4. Videos:

    • Here are videos demonstrating the turtle's behavior under different scenarios:

      • Brick within Catching Range:
 - **Brick Out of Reach**:

Functionality Overview

The package defines nodes and services as follows:

  • Arena (arena node): Initializes the arena environment in RViz, including walls and a platform. It also provides services for placing, dropping, and stopping the brick’s gravity to simulate sticking on the turtle platform.

  • Catcher (catcher node): Controls the turtle’s movements to attempt catching the brick. It calculates reachability based on brick and turtle positions and uses the stop_gravity service to catch the brick if reachable.

  • Turtle Robot (turtle_robot node): Manages turtle robot simulation within the arena, handling dynamic frames, transformations, and velocities for movement control.


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