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Detailed Use Case Descriptions

Max Brodeur-Urbas edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 8 revisions

Use case #1: View Problematic Students

Scenario: Academic Co-op program manager (ACPM) is logged into the system. They intend to view a complete interactive list of “problematic” students.

Main Success Scenario

  1. ACPM selects to view problematic students,
  2. System checks which student is missing a required document.
  3. System registers student with missing document as problematic.
  4. System displays the list of problematic students.
  5. ACPM selects problematic student.

Alternative Scenarios
3a. No student is missing a required document
  3a.1 System displays an empty list.

Use case #2: See the evaluation submitted by employer

Scenario: User is logged into the system and wants to see list of students with their respective evaluation submitted by their employer.

Main Success Scenario

  1. User selects to view evaluation submitted by employer.
  2. System checks which student has an evaluation submitted by employer.
  3. System displays a list of students with their respective employer evaluation.
  4. User selects a document to download.

Alternative Scenarios
3a. No student has an evaluation submitted by employer
3b. System displays an empty list.

Use case #3: View an assortment of courses from most useful to least

Scenario: ACPM wants to see which courses from the curriculum is the most useful and which is the least useful based on students' evaluation.

Main Success Scenario

  1. ACPM selects to view courses evaluation.
  2. For each course, system counts how many coop position found it useful out of total number of co-op in the system that rated the course.
  3. System assigns that number to the course.
  4. System displays all courses in descending order (from most useful to least useful).

Alternative Scenarios
2a. Course does not have any coop positions that found it useful.
2b. No courses have evaluations.
  2b.1 System displays empty list.

Use case #4: Adjudicate completion of Co-op

Scenario: In case of a missing employer evaluation, ACPM wants to able to disregard it, hence removing the student from the problematic category and allowing the co-op to be completed.

Main Success Scenario

  1. ACPM selects to view all failed co-op of a term.
  2. System checks the status all co-op of that term and displays the ones with "failed" as status.
  3. ACPM selects to disregard failed co-op with "missing employer evaluation" as only problem.
  4. System verifies that the operation is allowed for that problem.
  5. System verifies that there are no more problems.
  6. System verifies that all criteria for Co-op completion are met.
  7. System changes co-op status from failed to completed.

Alternative Scenarios
2a. There are no failed co-ops.
  2a.1 System displays empty list.
3a. ACPM selects to disregard failed co-op with other problems than "missing employer evaluation".
  3a.1 System does not allow such operation.

Use case #5: Grade a student

Scenario: Term instructor(TI) wants to submit a grade for every report the student has to submit.

Main Success Scenario

  1. TI enters a grade for a specific student's report.
  2. System checks for the validity of the grade format.
  3. System checks if a grade is already assigned to the report.
  4. System assigns the grade to the report.

Alternative Scenarios
3a. Grade format entered by TI is not valid.
  3a.1 System prompts the user to enter a valid grade format.
4a. A grade is already assigned to the report.
  4a.1 System warns the user and asks if the user still wants to modify grade.
  4a.2 User accepts operation.
    4a.2a User cancels operation.
  4a.3 System assigns new grade to the report, overriding the previous grade.