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Mod Integration

MehVahdJukaar edited this page Jan 7, 2023 · 11 revisions

The mod includes a bunch of compatibility and direct integration with other mods.

These additions can be divided in 2 main sections. The first includes indirect integration done with tags, usually to allow some special modded items to have a shared behavior with the mod features. The second includes more heavy features that usually reference the other mods code directly, often even registering new blocks

Note that this list here will probably be quite incomplete. I have added quite a bunch of this stuff without keeping track of it Also to note most integration features were made for forge mods. While they might work on fabric this is not guaranteed (also because mod in question might not be on fabric)

Indirect Integration

  • Cage and jar catchable tags which allow many other mods to be captured in those items
  • Fluid support for many modded bottles and soups which can be filled in jars and goblets
  • Full support for all modded banner patterns for flags. This works out of the box and already includes many custom textures for many popular mods' banner patterns
  • Rope tags for many modded ropes and chains. This allows them to be accepted by pulleys and rope arrows
  • Support for many special potted pants for flower boxes. This mainly includes extra flower potted plants from quark (things like wheat and carrots for example)
  • Modded soap recipes. Many soap recipes have been added allowing one to clean some colored modded items
  • Ropelogging tags. These allow ropes to be wrapped around many modded post-like blocks such as decorative blocks' palisades or valhelsia structures' posts
  • Cauldron tags which allow faucets to better visually connect to some cauldron like modded blocks. They also allow such blocks to be used as a bucket when being pulled up by a rope allowing for some interesting wells with blocks like farmers delight's basket
  • Flute pet tags which add support for many weird pet animals allowing them to be bound to a flute
  • Fodder tags for farm animals that can feed and breed by eating fodder
  • Un-Rotateable tags which blacklist some weird modded blocks from being rotated by a wrench
  • Wall Lantern support form mods that dont extend the lantern class. This applies to Twigs and Skinned Lanterns
  • Special Wall lantern textures for some mods that add lanterns made of different metals like BYG ones. Note that users can easily add onto these
  • Pancake syrups, some tags that allow some modded items such as chocolate or maple syrup being poured (directly or with a faucet) over pancakes
  • Way Signs destinations tags which already include quite a list of modded structure such as valhelsia structures's castle or some other mods "man-made-looking" structures
  • Curios support for keys
  • Serene season support for crops which use their seasonal tags
  • Combat Overhaul support for wrenches which can use a weapon animation as they are such
  • Throwable bricks tags for many weird modded bricks
  • Flint and Steel tags for many weird modded flint and steel like items so they can be used to light up the mod lightable blocks
  • Support for some "lightable blocks" from other mods (like decorative blocks brazier) allowing them to be lit up by gunpowder trails
  • Cookie tags for cookies in a jar. The list of supported items here is huge
  • Tags for blocks that can be ticked by a bellow. This already include quite some furnace like modded blocks like tconstruct smeltery
  • Hourglass sands support for many weird modded powder-like items

Direct Integration and new features

  • Roped and Stick-Logged Tomato vines blocks from Farmers Delight. This allows for the base tomato vine block to grow onto placed sticks or ropes. The rope-logged block will maintain both the tomato properties and the underlying block ones. Sticks can now also be placed on the first stage of a tomato vine directly onto farmland
  • Custom Configured mod menu, a slightly edited mod menu provided by the configured mod which just has some extra icons and eyecandies
  • Custom Cloth Config and YACL mod menu, same story as with configured one but to a lesser extent
  • Quark Tater in a Jar. Do I need to say more?
  • Flan mod compat which prevents certain items such as slingshots to bypass Flan server protection
  • Decorative Blocks roped chandelier, simply a chandelier block that has a rope attached when placed below a rope.
  • Map atlas support for custom map markers which can be toggled by using an atlas directly onto a map marker-providing block or cleared with a cauldron
  • Spiky bombs, a bomb made out of lead intended to be used with Oreganized mod
  • Lead and Silver doors, trapdoors and lanterns. These will be enabled when a mod that adds such ingots is installed such as Oreganized
  • Create and Quark piston movement behavior for tipped spikes, allowing them to deal damage when pushed by a piston
  • Create movement behavior for hourglasses which allows an hourglass to be properly rotated by a create contraption
  • Flywheel instance renderer for bellows. This is simply taking advantage of flywheel super fast instance renderer to drastically speed up bellows renderers
  • Quark custom tooltips for Sacks and Safes
  • Tooltip for Blackboards that has the same style as Quark map one
  • Quark Oddities Magnet Blocks can activate flint block scraping mechanic
  • Computer Craft Tweaked Peripheral for Speaker Block
  • Cread Display Links can connect to many Supplementaries blocks. This includes blackboard allowing to make animated boards. Check out the ponder for more info.
  • Blackboards are a special case and allow setting specific pixels when supplied strings in the format (2,7)->red
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