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Tools, Foods and Items

MehVahdJukaar edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 29 revisions


  • A tool that can shoot blocks!
  • Shot blocks will place themselves wherever they land if the position is suitable
  • Can be enchanted with Quick Charge, Multi Shot and Stasis
  • Stasis is a new enchantment just for slingshot and can be found in end cities
  • A Slingshot enchanted with Stasis will be able to shoot in a straight line without being affected by gravity and will additionally gain a white block outline that will indicate where the projectile will land


  • Can be played to summon nearby non sitting owned pets to the player
  • Can be bound to a specific pet by clicking it on the pet
  • A bounded flute will only call the pet that it was bound to

Bomb & Blue Bomb

  • A consumable projectile that will explode wherever it lands
  • Such explosion will only deal damage to mobs without destroying any block, with the exception of blocks that can be removed by water like tall grass
  • Blue Bombs are a more powerful version of bombs. They can be found by exploring, usually in chests
  • A blue bomb explosion will deal significant area damage to entities, will set them on fire and will afflict them with a weakness debuff
  • Blue Bombs do not explode on impact, instead they will flash once they hit something, giving players a split second to react, then they will detonate

Rope Arrow

  • Once shot it will try to deploy a rope coil wherever it lands
  • Can be crafted to hold up to 24 ropes (can be configured in the configs)
  • Useful when adventuring caves
  • Shot rope arrows will retain all the ropes they didn't place so remember to pick them back up


  • Keys are used to lock Safes, Netherite Doors, Netherite Trapdoors and Lock Blocks
  • To lock a block first rename the key to your desired password, the click on the unbounded block
  • To clear the ownership simply shift click with the correct key on the locked block
  • To open a locked block you won't need to have the correct key in hand, it just needs to be in your inventory or Curio slot
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