Warfare Module 2: Enemies and Parallax #2752
1 warning and 1 notice
The following artifacts were uploaded using a version of actions/upload-artifact that is scheduled for deprecation: "test_artifacts_deltastation", "test_artifacts_gateway_test", "test_artifacts_icebox", "test_artifacts_kilostation", "test_artifacts_limastation", "test_artifacts_metastation", "test_artifacts_multiz_debug", "test_artifacts_nebulastation", "test_artifacts_northstar", "test_artifacts_pubbystation", "test_artifacts_runtimestation", "test_artifacts_tramstation".
Please update your workflow to use v4 of the artifact actions.
Learn more: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-04-16-deprecation-notice-v3-of-the-artifact-actions/
Run Tests:
Lua Scripting (/datum/controller/subsystem/lua) is a subsystem meant to initialize but doesn't get set as initialized.
This subsystem is marked as SS_OK_TO_FAIL_INIT. This is still a bug, but it is non-blocking.