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Rob edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 3 revisions

Product Page

Page Overview

The product page provides in-depth information on the item, offering the ability to choose a variation and add the item to your shopping cart, in addition to a number of other functions.

Product Images

The main product image allows the user to see exactly what they're buying, with the ability to zoom into the image when hovering their mouse over it.

The alternative images underneath provide some additional views of the product being sold. Clicking on an image will open it up in a popup, with the ability to scroll through the entire range.

Product Title

The large title identifies the product, and also acts as a page header.

Social Share Plugin

The social plugin allows customers to share the product to their various social networks, which takes advantage of free social marketing.

Product Price

This section lets the user know how the item costs.

Stock Status

The colour-specific stock status offers a quick visual way to check whether the item is available to buy.

Product Variations

Some products will consist of variations, for example a mobile phone may come in a number of different colours. If this is the case, a variations section will appear to enable the customer to choose their preferred product. Variations can be presented in the following ways, depending on how the specific is set to show in the system:

  • A dropdown box.
  • Text with the specific name (e.g. red, blue, etc.).
  • Images
  • Images with accompanying text.
  • Radio buttons.

Multilevel Pricing (Buy In Bulk) Table

If you offer structured pricing for different quantities, the multilevel pricing table presents this information in a clear way.

Product Options

These allow you to offer additional options to the customer, with added cost if required. An example of an extra option would be extended warranty.

Add To Cart Button & Quantity Field

This is where the user can choose the number of items to buy, and easily add them to cart.

Add To Wishlist Button

If the customer wants to save the item for later, they can click "Add To Wishlist" and review their list in their account section.

Shipping Calculator

This feature provides a means to calculate shipping costs before deciding whether to purchase. The shipping costs in question are pulled from your shipping matrix setup in your cpanel. Using the calculator shows the following results, depending on how your matrix is set up:

  • Shipping method name (e.g. "Standard Shipping").
  • Shipping method subtext (e.g. "Road delivery Australi wide").
  • Shipping price.
  • An ETA for the delivery.

Product Information

This information is kept neatly in tabs, and includes the following by default:


The description field allows you to educate your customer on the product itself.


Many customers want to know warranty information before purchasing; this is where you enlighten them.


The specifications tab include both text information that can be edited in the backend, and an automatically generated table based on values for the product, such as SKU, brand, shipping metrics, and much more.

"We Also Recommend" Cross-sells

This sections enables you to generate extra revenue by offering items that you feel may tickle the customer's fancy. The items shown must be manually added in the "cross-sells" section for each product in the cpanel.

"More From This Category" Products

This is an automatically generated list of products that are pulled from the same category as the item being viewed. It's useful for customers who might not be convinced on the product they're viewing, and are seeking an alternative.

"Your Browsing History" Products

The products on display here are those that the customer has already viewed; it provides a quick and easy way to get back to the items that you've previously taken a look at.