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Jake Volkman edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 6 revisions

Tasks To complete this assignment, each group needs to do the following:

Repository Initialization. Initialize your group repository OSU-CS361-W17/group##_project4. You should use the previously developed code in your group's Project Stage 3 repository (OSU-CS361-W17/group##_project3) as the basis for this stage. Follow the Importing between GitHub repositories page for instructions on how to easily import your selected repository code into your group's Project Stage 4 repository. Only one member of the group needs to complete this step in order to begin this stage. - Done

Create a UML Class Diagram for your solution. This step should result in a UML Class Diagram that represents the class structure of all Java components in your Battleship game, including any additions or modifications required for the features in this stage. The diagram should show that your code structure adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle and that there is no code duplication. The diagram must match the version of your group's code that is submitted at the end of this assignment. This diagram can either be composed using UML modeling software, or drawn on paper (drawings should be labelled and legible). Scan and add this diagram to your group's Wiki pages.

Implement Requested Features in Object-Oriented Design. Groups should divide the work equally for implementing all necessary features as requested above. The Java code in the Model portion of your Battleship game must adhere to Object-Oriented design. Your View (UI) should change to allow users to select the Computer difficulty setting. User stories must be added to the group Wiki for each new feature (follow INVEST (Links to an external site.) for these). Tasks must be added into the GitHub Issue page on your group's Project Stage 4 repository. Each group member must have at least one issue assigned to them. Each task/issue must involve implementation code that is added via Pull Request.

Conduct Code Review on Pull Requests. Each team member should conduct a code review for another team member's Pull Request. The requirement is that each team member do a code review for at least one other team member's Pull Request. This should result in code comments within the Files Changed portion of Pull Requests on GitHub. Comments on the Pull Request itself can also help your team members understand the results of your code review. Look at code quality, feature logic, check for bugs, check for code duplication, and verify that code adheres to Object-Oriented design and the Single Responsibility Principle.

Implement Firing Logic for Computer on Hard Setting. The computer on Hard setting will have to do the following: The computer begins by randomly choosing locations to fire at on the player's board. If the computer hits a ship with its fire, then it will try to sink the ship. The computer must adhere to the player rules of Battleship. The computer cannot "cheat" by seeing the location of the player's board or ships.

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