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Migrator Definition Rules
To allow users to simply extend the coverage of migration without any compilation, migrators can be defined in a mix of XML definitions, JAXB 2.0 beans, Expression Language, and XSLT 2.0. See below for implementations used. For dev info, see External Migrator Execution.
##Example migrator definition
(taken from here)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<migrator name="MailExtMigrator">
<!-- Declare the JAXB classes. May also use Bean Validation and @Property annotations. -->
<jaxbBean file="TestJaxbBean.groovy"/>
<!-- Define a query of type XML, which returns a collection of JAXB beans.
Queries are performed during the `loadSourceServerConfig()` phase.
EL resolved in: pathMask, xpath, subjectLabel.
<xmlQuery id="mailServices"
subjectLabel="Mail Service config"
<!-- Iterate over the results of the above query.
For each iteration, the current item is accessible in EL as `${it}`. -->
<forEach query="mailServices" var="it">
<!-- Create an action of type CLI.
Actions are created during `prepareActions()` phase; then performed during `performActions()` phase.
EL resolved in: script.
<action type="cli" var="addAction" script="/subsystem=mail/service=foo:add(name=bar,boo=baz)">
<!-- Only create the action for items which conform to this boolean Groovy expression. -->
//! "smtp.nosuchhost.nosuchdomain.com".equals( it.getSmtpHost() )
it.getSmtpHost() != "smtp.nosuchhost.nosuchdomain.com"
<!-- Define parameters for the CLI action.
<forEach query="...">
<param name="${...}" value="${...}"/>
<!-- Example XSLT transformation of a file. -->
<action type="xslt" var="addAction" pathMask="${srcServer.dir}/server/${srcServer.profile}/conf/cache-config.xml"
xslt="JBossCache3_Infinispan4.xslt" dest="${destServer.configDir}">
<!-- Manual actions serve for noticing the user that some manual intervention after the migration is necessary.
Currently, mostly used by placeholder migrator implementations. -->
<action type="manual">
<warning>MailService beans migration is not yet supported.</warning>
<forEach query="mailServices">
//! "smtp.nosuchhost.nosuchdomain.com".equals( it.getSmtpHost() )
it.getSmtpHost() != "smtp.nosuchhost.nosuchdomain.com"
<warning> MailService will be skipped - JNDI name: ${it.getJndiName()}, MBean name: ${ms.getMbeanName()}</warning>
In general, those class properties which have the @EL
See the javadoc of implementations of ContainerOfstackableDefs
- instance ofDefinitionBasedMigrator
. You can reach most of everything you need from this root (as you can see in the following). -
- shorthand for${mig.descriptor}
. See theMigratorDefinition
javadoc. -
- shorthand for${mig.descriptor.origin.file.parentFile}
. See theMigratorDefinition
javadoc. -
- shorthand for${mig.globalConfig}
. See theGlobalConfig
javadoc. -
- shorthand for${mig.globalConfig.sourceServer}
. Source server (e.g. JBoss EAP 5) config & info object. SeeAS5Config
javadoc. -
- target server (e.g. JBoss EAP 6) config & info object. SeeAS7Config
javadoc. -
- current directory as returned bynew File(".")
system property.
This limitation will be removed soon.
There are several built-in actions, and additional can be used in a form of a Groovy class.
EAP 6 specific actions:
- CliCommandAction
- ModuleCreationAction
File oriented actions:
- CreateDirectoryAction
- CopyAction
- MergePropertiesFilesAction
- XsltAction
Default base directory forpathMask
is (currently) CWD. Might change to${srcServer.dir}
in the future.
Special actions:
- ManualAction
Description of actions is here.
A custom action is created by implementing IMigrationAction
package org.jboss.loom.actions.ext;
* My cool action.
public class CoolAction implements IMigrationAction {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( XsltAction.class );
}// class
An abstract implementation is available - AbstractStatefulAction
- which implements default behavior for several features:
// Migration context, almost mandatory, it's a communication point with the rest of the app.
private MigrationContext ctx;
// Text message about where a particular action came from - what is it migrating etc.
private String originMessage;
// Can hold a stack trace of the place it was created. Useful for development.
private StackTraceElement originStacktrace;
// Which migrator (class) created this action.
private Class<? extends IMigrator> fromMigrator;
// Warnings to be displaed to the user in UI (console) and the XML and HTML reports.
private List<String> warnings = new LinkedList();
// List of action this action depends on. Used for sorting of actions when executing.
private List<IMigrationAction> deps = new LinkedList();
After creating an action, JAXB bean is needed, and also an implementation of IActionDefHandler
Currently, action handling is hard-coded and only creates the built-in actions.
Later, implementations of IActionDefHandler interface will define new actions.
For your reference of features available, here are the implementations used in WindRide 0.11:
- XML definitions: Handled by custom processor. See below for syntax.
- JAXB 2.0 beans: Written in Groovy 2.1, handled by EclipseLink MOXy 2.5
- Allows you to read XML or JSON configuration directly into a Java object of simply annotated class.
- May use Bean Validation.
- May describe their properties using
[[@org.jboss.loom.spi.Property|Describing JAXB Beans Properties]]
- Expression Language: Handled by JUEL 2.2
- Allows you to refer to the parts of read configuration using EL, e.g.
- Allows you to refer to the parts of read configuration using EL, e.g.
- XSLT 2.0: Handled by Saxon 9.5.
- Allows you to transform source server XML config files into target server's config files using XSLT templates.