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Releases: OoliteProject/nightlies

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-02-20)

20 Feb 05:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build c8a4f74 to 9e72022
9e72022 phkb Tue Feb 20 09:57:42 2018 +1100 Updates to changelog

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-02-18)

18 Feb 05:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build c3406ef to c8a4f74
c8a4f74 AnotherCommander Sat Feb 17 21:32:05 2018 +0100 Rather than silently failing, report error if a non-expected player.ship.chartHighlightMode is used.
835770b phkb Sat Feb 17 20:19:05 2018 +1100 Added player.ship.chartHighlightMode property, and chartHighlightModeChanged event (#288)

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-01-26)

26 Jan 05:48
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build c608fdb to c3406ef
c3406ef phkb Thu Jan 25 14:20:08 2018 +1100 Fix for custom_chart_mission defaulting to correct background

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-01-12)

12 Jan 05:57
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 3ad742b to c608fdb
c608fdb AnotherCommander Thu Jan 11 18:32:09 2018 +0100 Windows port: For cleanness, print UBR in the log only when the UBR registry value is available.

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-01-10)

10 Jan 05:44
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 8f2e500 to 3ad742b
3ad742b AnotherCommander Tue Jan 9 22:08:01 2018 +0100 Windows port: Include Update Build Revision in OS detection method.
151e098 KonstantinosSykas Tue Jan 9 22:23:39 2018 +0200 License copyright year update to 2018

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-01-04)

04 Jan 05:50
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build a01d250 to 8f2e500
ffe6569 AnotherCommander Wed Jan 3 12:16:44 2018 +0100 Happy new year

Oolite Nightly Build (2018-01-02)

02 Jan 05:45
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 433d8d7 to a01d250
a01d250 phkb Tue Jan 2 13:35:03 2018 +1100 Updates to CHANGELOG.txt

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-30)

30 Dec 05:44
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build e486175 to 433d8d7
433d8d7 phkb Fri Dec 29 23:12:19 2017 +1100 Added extra chart configuration options for mission screens (#284)

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-17)

17 Dec 05:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build dbb5b52 to e486175
e486175 phkb Sat Dec 16 22:55:57 2017 +1100 Multipage primable equip (#282)

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-14)

14 Dec 05:45
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build de4b48c to dbb5b52
dbb5b52 AnotherCommander Wed Dec 13 14:06:46 2017 +0100 Windows port: Enabled PerMonitorV2 DPI awareness wherever possible (Win10 Creators Update and later).