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Releases: OoliteProject/nightlies

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-13)

13 Dec 05:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build dcf8abe to de4b48c
de4b48c AnotherCommander Tue Dec 12 15:10:48 2017 +0200 Windows Resources Addition & Manifest Embedding (#279)

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-05)

05 Dec 05:42
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 2aa78d9 to dcf8abe
dcf8abe AnotherCommander Mon Dec 4 11:09:50 2017 +0100 Unbreak 32-bit Windows build. Some older MinGW headers may be missing the RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW definition.

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-12-04)

04 Dec 05:37
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 8e417bc to 2aa78d9
2aa78d9 AnotherCommander Sun Dec 3 20:26:00 2017 +0100 Windows port: Report correct OS version on releases newer than Windows 8.

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-11-07)

07 Nov 05:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 8d5277d to 8e417bc
8e417bc AnotherCommander Mon Nov 6 11:51:32 2017 +0100 Easier to read version of the new planet diffuse lighting calculation.

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-11-05)

05 Nov 05:42
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 9a1b4a2 to 8d5277d
8d5277d jobi-wan Sat Nov 4 19:15:15 2017 +0100 Bumps master branch version number to 1.87 (#277)
7b58bc9 AnotherCommander Sat Nov 4 12:46:23 2017 +0100 Improved diffuse lighting on default planet shader.

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-11-04)

04 Nov 05:42
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build b1366f0 to 9a1b4a2
2855cc9 Job Bolle Sun Oct 15 18:36:38 2017 +0200 Fixes analyzer issue: Initial value never used
54b6206 Job Bolle Sun Oct 15 18:36:20 2017 +0200 Fixes analyzer issue: initial value never used

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-10-29)

29 Oct 05:42
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build bb0717b to b1366f0
de017b9 phkb Sun Oct 29 09:55:58 2017 +1100 Remove instances of 'vicious vicious' from planetinfo.plist
4df6613 jobi-wan Sat Oct 28 21:36:59 2017 +0200 Scripting: Makes pitch/roll/yaw for playerShip writable (#273)
7e555ef jobi-wan Sat Oct 28 21:36:25 2017 +0200 Scripting: adds 'pauseGame()' method to pause the game from script (#274)
9466fde jobi-wan Sat Oct 28 18:14:34 2017 +0200 Unbalanced braces break function dropdown in xcode IDE (#275)
dae8242 jobi-wan Sat Oct 28 13:09:14 2017 +0200 Implements mouse wheel for Mac (#272)

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-10-26)

26 Oct 04:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 0819f1b to bb0717b
bb0717b AnotherCommander Wed Oct 25 22:56:18 2017 +0200 Changed version number on downloads table.

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-10-22)

22 Oct 04:43
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 6c8a4ca to 0819f1b
e0f311b Job Bolle Sun Oct 15 18:38:55 2017 +0200 Fixes analyzer issue: Access to instance variable results in null pointer dereference
c24bb8d Job Bolle Sun Oct 15 18:37:29 2017 +0200 Fixes analyzer issue: Access to instance variable results in null pointer dereference
aac51d6 Job Bolle Sun Oct 15 18:36:04 2017 +0200 Fixes analyzer issue: Instance variable used while 'self' is not set

Oolite Nightly Build (2017-10-21)

21 Oct 04:42
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The next version of Oolite is being developed, with frequent changes. If you would like to try out the latest code, and give us feedback on the new features, then you can find here the links to the nightly builds relevant to your architecture.

Nightly builds of the latest source are available for testers and are not recommended for regular play. Before using them, it is strongly advised to frequently take backups of any user files (e.g. save games, add-ons, snapshots etc.). Nightly builds represent the cutting edge in Oolite development and may at any time contain serious bugs, prototype features, and other unstable code. There are no guarantees about their functionality and they are produced for testing purposes only. People wishing to just play the game are advised to download the latest official release instead.

Changes from previous successful build 67d9bd3 to 6c8a4ca
6c8a4ca KonstantinosSykas Fri Oct 20 09:08:02 2017 +0300 Yet another import of Mac-specific submodule restructuring the previous fix attempt.