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Releases: PixeyeHQ/actors.unity

Actors Framework

15 Sep 15:50
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes & Improvements:

  • The boilerplate code for components transferred from
	static partial class Components
		public const string Health = "Pixeye.Source.ComponentHealth";

		static void ComponentHealthInit() => new SComponentHealth();

		internal static ref ComponentHealth ComponentHealth(in this ent entity)
			=> ref Storage<ComponentHealth>.components[];

		internal class SComponentHealth : Storage<ComponentHealth>.Setup
			public override ComponentHealth Create() => new ComponentHealth();
			public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
					ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
					component.val    = 0;
					component.valMax = 0;


static partial class component
		public const string health = "Pixeye.Source.ComponentHealth";

		public static ref ComponentHealth ComponentHealth(in this ent entity)
			=> ref StorageComponentHealth.components[];

	sealed class StorageComponentHealth : Storage<ComponentHealth>
		public override ComponentHealth Create() => new ComponentHealth();
		public override void Dispose()
			for (int i = 0; i < disposedLen; i++)
				ref var component = ref components[disposed[i]];
				component.val = 0;
				component.valMax = 0;
  • [GroupWantEvent] attribute changed to [WantEvent]

  • [GroupExclude] attribute changed to [Exclude]

  • You can gain slightly better performance at project initialization by defining a namespace you use for your components in the framework settings file. ```SettingsFramework.json````

  "SizeEntities": 1024, // initial size of entity arrays
  "SizeComponents": 256, // how many components can be registered
  "SizeGenerations": 4, // you don't need to change anything
  "SizeProcessors": 64, // how many processors you want
  "DataNamespace": "Pixeye.Source" // define namespace  that you use in your components.

Изменения и улучшения

  • Настроечный код изменен с
	static partial class Components
		public const string Health = "Pixeye.Source.ComponentHealth";

		static void ComponentHealthInit() => new SComponentHealth();

		internal static ref ComponentHealth ComponentHealth(in this ent entity)
			=> ref Storage<ComponentHealth>.components[];

		internal class SComponentHealth : Storage<ComponentHealth>.Setup
			public override ComponentHealth Create() => new ComponentHealth();
			public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
					ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
					component.val    = 0;
					component.valMax = 0;


static partial class component
		public const string health = "Pixeye.Source.ComponentHealth";

		public static ref ComponentHealth ComponentHealth(in this ent entity)
			=> ref StorageComponentHealth.components[];

	sealed class StorageComponentHealth : Storage<ComponentHealth>
		public override ComponentHealth Create() => new ComponentHealth();
		public override void Dispose()
			for (int i = 0; i < disposedLen; i++)
				ref var component = ref components[disposed[i]];
				component.val = 0;
				component.valMax = 0;
  • [GroupWantEvent] атрибут изменен на [WantEvent]

  • [GroupExclude] атрибут изменен на [Exclude]

  • Инициализацию проекта на старте можно ускорить настроив файл ```SettingsFramework.json````
    ( находится в ресурсах, если нет то создайте вручную )

  "SizeEntities": 1024, // стартовое кол-во сущностей
  "SizeComponents": 256, // кол-во компонентов
  "SizeGenerations": 4, // кол-во поколений компонентов ( скорее все вам непонадобится это менять )
  "SizeProcessors": 64,  // кол-во процессоров
  "DataNamespace": "Pixeye.Source" // какой namespace используется для компонентов.

Actors Framework

07 Sep 17:49
Choose a tag to compare


  • Op.All in group events works correctly
  • Adding entities from Add/Remove group events works correctly

Breaking changes :

  • Processors can work as groups. It's useful when you want to have only one group in the processor.
    // Add OnAdd, OnRemove events for group.
    [GroupWantEvent(Op.Add | Op.Remove)]
    sealed class ProcessorObserver : Processor<ComponentObserver>, ITick
        public void Tick(float delta)
            for (int i = 0; i <  source.length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref source.entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)

        public override void OnAdd(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
        public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
  • OnAdd / OnRemove delegates for entities groups were changed with event class. Also the event method holds all entities that were added/removed to the group at the current frame.
sealed class ProcessorUI : Processor, ITick
        Group<ComponentUI> groupUI;

        public ProcessorUI()
           // Add Events to the group and choose event type.
          // You can choose both events as well.
         //   groupUI.Set<Events>(Op.Add|Op.Remove);

        // Make a special class for events.
        class Events : GroupEvents
            public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ref var entity = ref entities[i];
                    var     cUI    = entity.ComponentUI();
  • Components boilerplate code have changed.
 sealed class ComponentFSM
        public IFSM source;
        public int stateNext = -1;
        public int stateCurrent = -1;

    #region HELPERS

    static partial class Components
	 static void ComponentFSMInit() => new SComponentFSM();
        internal static ref ComponentFSM ComponentFSM(in this ent entity)
        =>  ref Storage<ComponentFSM>.components[];
        internal class SComponentFSM : Storage<ComponentFSM>.Setup
           //  Component create method.
            public override ComponentFSM Create() => new ComponentFSM();

          // Optional dispose method for all components that must be removed on the current frame.
         // Use this method to revert component to default setup or clean links.
            public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
                    component.source       = null;
                    component.stateCurrent = -1;
                    component.stateNext    = -1;

Actors Framework

06 Sep 16:26
Choose a tag to compare


  • Op.All in group events works correctly
  • Adding entities from Add/Remove group events works correctly

Breaking changes :

  • Processors can work as groups. It's useful when you want to have only one group in the processor.
    // Add OnAdd, OnRemove events for group.
    [GroupWantEvent(Op.Add | Op.Remove)]
    sealed class ProcessorObserver : Processor<ComponentObserver>, ITick
        public void Tick(float delta)
            for (int i = 0; i <  source.length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref source.entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)

        public override void OnAdd(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
        public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
  • OnAdd / OnRemove delegates for entities groups were changed with event class. Also the event method holds all entities that were added/removed to the group at the current frame.
sealed class ProcessorUI : Processor, ITick
        Group<ComponentUI> groupUI;

        public ProcessorUI()
           // Add Events to the group and choose event type.
          // You can choose both events as well.
         //   groupUI.Set<Events>(Op.Add|Op.Remove);

        // Make a special class for events.
        class Events : GroupEvents
            public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ref var entity = ref entities[i];
                    var     cUI    = entity.ComponentUI();
  • Components boilerplate code have changed.
 sealed class ComponentFSM
        public IFSM source;
        public int stateNext = -1;
        public int stateCurrent = -1;

    #region HELPERS

    static partial class Components
	 static void ComponentFSMInit() => new SComponentFSM();
        internal static ref ComponentFSM ComponentFSM(in this ent entity)
        =>  ref Storage<ComponentFSM>.components[];
        internal class SComponentFSM : Storage<ComponentFSM>.Setup
           //  Component create method.
            public override ComponentFSM Create() => new ComponentFSM();

          // Optional dispose method for all components that must be removed on the current frame.
         // Use this method to revert component to default setup or clean links.
            public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
                    component.source       = null;
                    component.stateCurrent = -1;
                    component.stateNext    = -1;

Actors Framework

04 Sep 09:51
Choose a tag to compare


  • Component boilerplate initialization.

Breaking changes :

  • Processors can work as groups. It's useful when you want to have only one group in the processor.
    // Add OnAdd, OnRemove events for group.
    [GroupWantEvent(Op.Add | Op.Remove)]
    sealed class ProcessorObserver : Processor<ComponentObserver>, ITick
        public void Tick(float delta)
            for (int i = 0; i <  source.length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref source.entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)

        public override void OnAdd(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
        public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
  • OnAdd / OnRemove delegates for entities groups were changed with event class. Also the event method holds all entities that were added/removed to the group at the current frame.
sealed class ProcessorUI : Processor, ITick
        Group<ComponentUI> groupUI;

        public ProcessorUI()
           // Add Events to the group and choose event type.
          // You can choose both events as well.
         //   groupUI.Set<Events>(Op.Add|Op.Remove);

        // Make a special class for events.
        class Events : GroupEvents
            public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ref var entity = ref entities[i];
                    var     cUI    = entity.ComponentUI();
  • Components boilerplate code have changed.
 sealed class ComponentFSM
        public IFSM source;
        public int stateNext = -1;
        public int stateCurrent = -1;

    #region HELPERS

    static partial class Components
	 static void ComponentFSMInit() => new SComponentFSM();
        internal static ref ComponentFSM ComponentFSM(in this ent entity)
        =>  ref Storage<ComponentFSM>.components[];
        internal class SComponentFSM : Storage<ComponentFSM>.Setup
           //  Component create method.
            public override ComponentFSM Create() => new ComponentFSM();

          // Optional dispose method for all components that must be removed on the current frame.
         // Use this method to revert component to default setup or clean links.
            public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
                    component.source       = null;
                    component.stateCurrent = -1;
                    component.stateNext    = -1;

Actors Framework

01 Sep 23:12
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes :

  • Processors can work as groups. It's useful when you want to have only one group in the processor.
    // Add OnAdd, OnRemove events for group.
    [GroupWantEvent(Op.Add | Op.Remove)]
    sealed class ProcessorObserver : Processor<ComponentObserver>, ITick
        public void Tick(float delta)
            for (int i = 0; i <  source.length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref source.entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)

        public override void OnAdd(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
        public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
  • OnAdd / OnRemove delegates for entities groups were changed with event class. Also the event method holds all entities that were added/removed to the group at the current frame.
sealed class ProcessorUI : Processor, ITick
        Group<ComponentUI> groupUI;

        public ProcessorUI()
           // Add Events to the group and choose event type.
          // You can choose both events as well.
         //   groupUI.Set<Events>(Op.Add|Op.Remove);

        // Make a special class for events.
        class Events : GroupEvents
            public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ref var entity = ref entities[i];
                    var     cUI    = entity.ComponentUI();
  • Components boilerplate code have changed.
 sealed class ComponentFSM
        public IFSM source;
        public int stateNext = -1;
        public int stateCurrent = -1;

    #region HELPERS

    static partial class Components
       static SComponentFSM sComponentFSM = new SComponentFSM();
        internal static ref ComponentFSM ComponentFSM(in this ent entity)
        =>  ref Storage<ComponentFSM>.components[];
        internal class SComponentFSM : Storage<ComponentFSM>.Setup
           //  Component create method.
            public override ComponentFSM Create() => new ComponentFSM();

          // Optional dispose method for all components that must be removed on the current frame.
         // Use this method to revert component to default setup or clean links.
            public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
                    component.source       = null;
                    component.stateCurrent = -1;
                    component.stateNext    = -1;

Actors Framework

01 Sep 06:02
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes :

  • Processors can work as groups. It's useful when you want to have only one group in the processor.
    // Add OnAdd, OnRemove events for group.
    [GroupWantEvent(Op.Add | Op.Remove)]
    sealed class ProcessorObserver : Processor<ComponentObserver>, ITick
        public void Tick(float delta)
            for (int i = 0; i <  source.length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref source.entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)

        public override void OnAdd(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
        public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                ref var cObserver = ref entities[i].ComponentObserver();
                for (int j = 0; j < cObserver.length; j++)
  • OnAdd / OnRemove delegates for entities groups were changed with event class. Also the event method holds all entities that were added/removed to the group at the current frame.
sealed class ProcessorUI : Processor, ITick
        Group<ComponentUI> groupUI;

        public ProcessorUI()
           // Add Events to the group and choose event type.
          // You can choose both events as well.
         //   groupUI.Set<Events>(Op.Add|Op.Remove);

        // Make a special class for events.
        class Events : GroupEvents
            public override void OnRemove(ent[] entities, int length)
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    ref var entity = ref entities[i];
                    var     cUI    = entity.ComponentUI();
  • Components boilerplate code have changed.
 sealed class ComponentFSM
        public IFSM source;
        public int stateNext = -1;
        public int stateCurrent = -1;

    #region HELPERS

    static partial class Components
       static SComponentFSM sComponentFSM = new SComponentFSM();
        internal static ref ComponentFSM ComponentFSM(in this ent entity)
        =>  ref Storage<ComponentFSM>.components[];
        internal class SComponentFSM : Storage<ComponentFSM>.Setup
           //  Component create method.
            public override ComponentFSM Create() => new ComponentFSM();

          // Optional dispose method for all components that must be removed on the current frame.
         // Use this method to revert component to default setup or clean links.
            public override void Dispose(int[] id, int len)
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    ref var component = ref components[id[i]];
                    component.source       = null;
                    component.stateCurrent = -1;
                    component.stateNext    = -1;

Actors Framework

18 Aug 07:38
Choose a tag to compare

Merge branch 'master' of

Actors Framework

05 Jul 08:08
Choose a tag to compare


  • If you use tags group filter, please set Tools->Actors->Tags->Set Tags Check
  • If you want to write components on structs, please set Tools->Actors-> Set Struct Components


  • Multithread groups. An example of how to use them

Actors Framework

03 Jul 19:01
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixes

You don't need to use deploy(); method after Set methods.

Actors Framework

26 Jun 13:12
Choose a tag to compare


  • The framework can use structs for components. To enable this feature to define ACTORS_COMPONENTS_STRUCTS in the scripting define symbols.
    Don't use this feature with projects you already work with.

  • BufferStruct doesn't expand anymore. If you use BufferStruct make sure you allocate enough spaced to run everything.

  • DiposeAction of components changed. It passes the entity instead of the component. Make sure to refactor all components dispose of action.

		internal static void DisposeComponentHealth(in ent entity)
	 	   ref var component = ref Storage<ComponentHealth>.Instance.components[];


  • Для компонентов можно использовать структуры. Подключите ACTORS_COMPONENTS_STRUCTS в scripting define symbols проекта.
    Не используйте на проекте над которым уже работаете.

  • BufferStruct не расширяются. Заранее определите нужный размер BufferStruct для работы.

  • DiposeAction компонентов поменялись. Пример как оформлять выше.