QwerTech Version 1.0.0-a.43
- [Blocks] Wood-specific chest types. They have the same storage as a vanilla chest but will not merge into a large chest. They should be already usable in all crafting recipes, but can be shapelessly crafted into the vanilla chest if desired.
- [Blocks] Counterdrawers have been added, made from a countertop, a chest, two planks, and two glue bottles or slimeballs. Wooden versions require crafting with the same variant of countertop and chest, but stone types can take any chest. They work identically to normal countertops, but also contain 18 stacks of storage in their front drawer.
- [Tools] Paper, ring, rod, and knife may be combined to create a new instrument of torture. RIght-click to activate, sneak-right-click to change pattern. Not recommended to use around children, animals, zombies, wolves, or friends who might punch it out of your hands.
- [Blocks] QwerTech blocks will now properly render blocks that aren't 3D in the inventory, such as levers.
- [Crafting] Crafting Tables will no longer refuse to craft from the 3D grid when it would result in holding the max stacksize in your hand.