QwerTech Version 1.0.0-a.46
- [Compat] WAILA will now display the species name, subtype name, and genetic information about any genetic mobs.
- [Mobs] All breedable mobs are now able to eat their breeding item if it is dropped on the ground. This can be disabled by turning off "use custom AI" in QwerTech's config settings.
- [Mobs] All breedable mobs will not search for food if they are under the Poisoned or Nausea effects, if being lured by a player, or attacking something, unless they are under the Hunger effect. Otherwise, they will search for food as long as they are either able to be bred, or are below full health.
- [Mobs] All breedable mobs will be healed when fed. If it is an item which can the player can eat, they will heal as many half-hearts as the food will give the player half-shanks. Otherwise, they will heal one half-heart per item.
- [Mobs] A new animation system for genetic mobs. Currently, the most noticeable additions are that chickens "breathe" while standing still, and bob their heads when walking.
- [Internal] No more "MISSING TEXTURE" reports from QwerTech. Finally. Probably.
- [Mobs] Fixed some calculation issues where a taller or shorter mob may wrongly calculate where it should look, or where it can fit when path-finding.
- [Mobs] Genetic mobs will now always have their maximum health rounded up to the nearest half-heart.
- [UI] Adjusts the position of sneaking/blocking/burning status icons to be properly centered.