This ros node provides access to the iowarrior device. You can switch the states by calling internal services. This package was created for ROS Hydro.
#Usage After compiling the package you can run the node directly. A private parameter determines the device which should be controlled
- rosrun iowarrior iowarrior_node _device:=/dev/usb/iowarrior0
#Problemshooting If you can not open the device, try to load the module.
- sudo modprobe iowarrior
Also the device file needs root permissions, but you can allow the user to open the device too.
- sudo chmod 666 /dev/usb/iowarrior*
This has to be done each time you connect the warrior to your computer. Alternatively you can copy the provided udev rule to /etc/udev/rules.d so you doesn't have to set the permissions everytime.