A repository for the thermal_cam which provices ros nodes to fuse 2D thermal images and 3d pointclouds.
Volksbot developed by Fraunhofer IAIS Germany.
- Maxon motor system
- Dynamixel based gripper system
- 3D Scanner based on a LMS1xx sensor and a rotation unit
- Ackermann steering system
- Installation of neccesary packages
rosdep install 3DLSKdriver (For Eigen3 and PCL)
rosmake 3DLSKdriver
- Connect the laser scanner to your computer. Both devices, your comptuer and the scanner device should be in the same network.
- Computer: 192.168.0.x (netmask
- Scanner:
- ifconfig eth9 netmask up
- The rotation device is connected via USB. You have to set neccessary device permissions
- sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB*
- The IP of the laser scanner has to be configured in the following launch File: lms1xx_3dls_x.launch
- The rotational velocity and the number of ticker per round can be set in rotary_3dls_x.launch
- Start up the scanning system
roslaunch 3DLSKdriver scanmode_multi.launch
- Use Rviz to see the created pointclouds
rosrun rviz rviz -d rviz_config.rviz
- There are a couple of launch files in the package
- lms1xx.launch to start the scanner unit
- rotary_3dls... to start the rotation unit
- scan2cloud... to created a pointcloud from several scans
- cloud2pcd... to convert a cloud to a pcd file