RAI_ASR supports both local Whisper models and OpenAI Whisper (cloud). When using the cloud version, the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable must be set with a valid API key.
When your robot's whoami package is ready, run the following:
Make sure rai_whoami is running.
** Parameters ** recording_device: The device you want to record with. Check available with:
python -c 'import sounddevice as sd; print(sd.query_devices())'
keep_speaker_busy: some speakers may go into low power mode, which may result in truncated speech beginnings. Set to true to play low frequency, low volume noise to prevent sleep mode.
ros2 launch rai_bringup tts_vendor:=opentts robot_description_package:=<robot_description_package> recording_device:=0 keep_speaker_busy:=(true|false) asr_vendor:=(whisper|openai)
Run OpenTTS with docker run -it -p 5500:5500 synesthesiam/opentts:en --no-espeak
ros2 launch rai_bringup robot_description_package:=<robot_description_package> recording_device:=0 keep_speaker_busy:=(true|false) asr_vendor:=(whisper|openai)