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Gellért Dániel edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 16 revisions

Discord allows you to specify multiple opportunities for one argument. This is useful when the command has multiple functionality.

To add argument to the command: Command#addArgument(Argument...)

Command is like a tree, that means every argument is a branch of the tree. Arguments with SUB_COMMAND or SUB_COMMAND_GROUP type can have more branches (aka arguments), but not every type of arguments. Argument can be added to sub commands with SubArgument#addArgument(Argument)

Sub arguments

One of the main argument types. The SubArgument<T, R> is an abstract class with two generic type. The T must be an extension of Argument<O> class, since it tells which type of argument can be added to the argument. The R is the result type of the argument.

According to Discord's limitations, not every type of argument can contain any type of argument. In JCommands there are 2 types of argument that can contain other arguments:

Argument Description Accepted type of argument
GroupArgument Used to group SUB_COMMAND arguments,
since SUB_COMMAND arguments cannot be nested.
ConstantArgument Only these can contain arguments
that accepts some type of user input
InputArgument<I, O>


In the following example there is a command that has two different arguments. In the second argument the user can choose between the two different values.

GroupArgument groupArgument = new GroupArgument("which", "Which one do you want?");
groupArgument.addArgument(new ConstantArgument("this", "This is this"));
groupArgument.addArgument(new ConstantArgument("that", "This is that"));

Valid usage of the command with the arguments: /command which this and /command which that
