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IrcLog2008 04 01
bdbaddog edited this page Jan 14, 2016
3 revisions
16:33:12 * Pankrat (n=[ludwig@dslb-088-073-195-149.pools.arcor-ip.net](mailto:ludwig@dslb-088-073-195-149.pools.arcor-ip.net)) has joined #scons
16:48:08 * jrandall (n=[jim@bas1-london14-1167886910.dsl.bell.ca](mailto:jim@bas1-london14-1167886910.dsl.bell.ca)) has joined #scons
16:50:29 * garyo-home (n=[chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com](mailto:chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com)) has joined #scons
16:55:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hi, guys. Five more minutes to go...
16:57:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Pankrat, can you give us a preview of what you wanted to say for 235?
16:58:21 <Pankrat> Hi, I have counterexample which does not work correctly with implicit cache activated
16:58:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And you can't add a comment? What browser are you using?
16:58:59 <Pankrat> but I cannot post due to some error: "URL was not defined; This may indicate a bug in your browser."
16:59:23 <Pankrat> Firefox 2.0. I had posted an issue already, which worked
16:59:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And do you have cookies enabled?
16:59:32 <Pankrat> yes
17:00:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Can you mail it to one of us privately so we can add it?
17:00:23 <Pankrat> yes, one moment, BTW: I'm Ludwig :)
17:00:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Guten Abend!
17:01:24 * stevenknight (n=stevenkn@nat/google/x-a4dfaed744b2a8c7) has joined #scons
17:01:31 <stevenknight> hi all
17:01:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hey
17:01:39 <Pankrat> Guten Abend :)
17:01:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Oder Morgen?
17:02:03 * bdbaddog (n=[bdeegan@adsl-66-127-238-122.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net](mailto:bdeegan@adsl-66-127-238-122.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)) has joined #scons
17:02:12 <stevenknight> hey bill
17:02:22 <Pankrat> both fits, mail has been sent
17:02:31 <bdbaddog> good evening!
17:02:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Anybody know where Bill and
17:02:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Oops, Bill's here, what about Ken?
17:02:49 <garyo-home> hi guys
17:03:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> G'day!
17:03:40 <garyo-home> I may be a bit out of it tonight, sorry.
17:03:44 <garyo-home> But I'm here.
17:03:45 <stevenknight> does the wiki page link the spreadsheet?
17:03:57 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yes, it should
17:04:16 <stevenknight> oh, duh, there it is
17:04:30 <garyo-home> So the agenda is starting with Greg's first issue list (391 issues)?
17:04:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yes, just the first few
17:04:56 <garyo-home> good.
17:05:26 <bdbaddog> btw. I think we can chat via google docs and it would get attached to the spreadsheet.
17:05:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1848 is first I believe
17:06:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, it just seems to display; there's no record (that I could find)
17:06:08 <garyo-home> bdbaddog: that would be cool but let's try for that next time.
17:06:15 <bdbaddog> I thought we wer going through the 2002 and then 2003 bugs. which are in the spreadsheets first
17:06:17 <garyo-home> (if there are records anyway)
17:06:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'm recording, I hope.
17:06:40 <garyo-home> me too I hope
17:06:45 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1848?
17:06:46 <bdbaddog> me 3
17:07:21 <stevenknight> yeah, p3
17:07:29 <bdbaddog> I though 139 was the first bug to discuss ?
17:07:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, the first few are from the issues list; no spreadsheet.
17:08:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Just the ones with priorities or votes.
17:08:11 <stevenknight> link's on the wiki page
17:08:16 <bdbaddog> ahh o.k. there now.
17:08:35 <stevenknight> damn, I wash my laptop had a bigger screen right now
17:09:07 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> It seems to me that I've done what bug is about with no problems, but I looked for it and couldn't find it.
17:09:42 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I wish my second screen on my desktop was working...
17:10:09 <stevenknight> 1848: sort of nagging thing that shakes confidence when people hit it
17:10:10 <garyo-home> doesn't it cause a problem on linux because of no exe suffix?
17:10:12 <bdbaddog> anyone had time to try and reproduce 1848?
17:10:17 <stevenknight> yes re: no .exe suffix
17:10:26 <garyo-home> seems to me like a usual case of alias/filename conflict.
17:10:26 <stevenknight> yes, someone should check reproducibility
17:10:40 <stevenknight> if it's reproducible, what timeframe?
17:10:48 <stevenknight> 1.x?
17:10:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, or 2.x
17:11:18 <garyo-home> 2.x unless the error is really gross.
17:11:34 <bdbaddog> 2.x
17:11:40 <stevenknight> i can go with 2.x
17:11:40 <stevenknight> done
17:11:41 <garyo-home> how about 1966?
17:12:34 <stevenknight> i hate wading into the configure code
17:12:35 <bdbaddog> looks like 2 issues, doc plus functional ?
17:12:38 <stevenknight> yeah
17:12:48 <bdbaddog> maybe fix docs in 1.x, fix issue in 2.x ?
17:13:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> good for me
17:13:16 <stevenknight> +1
17:13:19 <bdbaddog> should we split bug into two bugs then?
17:13:27 <stevenknight> +1
17:13:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Bill, will you do it?
17:13:46 <bdbaddog> yes.
17:13:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Next?
17:14:17 <garyo-home> 1969, looks like
17:14:25 <stevenknight> 1969: ugly problem
17:14:26 <garyo-home> i18n
17:14:35 <stevenknight> tip of the i18n iceberg
17:14:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Needs features not in 1.5.2; should be 2.x
17:14:50 <bdbaddog> 2.x
17:14:52 <garyo-home> (at least default tool setup *can* now be disabled, but that's not a good answer)
17:14:54 <garyo-home> 2.x
17:15:11 <stevenknight> sure, 2.x
17:15:13 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next?
17:15:20 <stevenknight> re; 1969 though
17:15:32 <stevenknight> no, wait, i'll update it myself
17:15:41 <stevenknight> he obviously didn't know you can disable the tool selection
17:16:05 <garyo-home> personal business, brb sorry
17:16:07 <garyo-home> keep going
17:16:30 <stevenknight> 1217
17:16:36 <stevenknight> (how far are we going on this list, BTW?)
17:16:41 <bdbaddog> 1217. anyone know the cache management stuff?
17:16:58 <bdbaddog> I think Greg said "aim for 2002 bugs, hope for 2003" to be handled.
17:16:59 <stevenknight> that'd b e me
17:17:16 <stevenknight> this needs a design for a mechanism, not a quick fix
17:17:16 <bdbaddog> this is not minor stuff is it?
17:17:18 <stevenknight> 2.x
17:17:21 <bdbaddog> 2.x
17:17:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:17:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 235 is in our 2002 list; I propose we deal with it there.
17:18:00 <bdbaddog> ok
17:18:04 <stevenknight> ok
17:18:17 <bdbaddog> 1959 then?
17:18:57 <stevenknight> i think 1.x, should be an easy fix, and it looks dumb if it doesn't work
17:19:03 * [GregNoel](GregNoel) stays silent, although 1959 was a very good year
17:19:35 <bdbaddog> 1.x unless its messy. would be my vote. :)
17:19:54 <stevenknight> 1.x then -- can always be pushed out if it gets bad
17:20:12 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> on to 2002 then?
17:20:17 <bdbaddog> yup.
17:21:03 <bdbaddog> 139 - research
17:21:14 <stevenknight> research
17:21:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I think we should close it until there's a need
17:22:03 <stevenknight> hmm, now that you mention it, I'm okay with that
17:22:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> wontfix?
17:22:31 <bdbaddog> if we close, will we loose a placeholder for the idea?
17:22:49 <stevenknight> sure -- I'd love to do better than [ClearCase](ClearCase), but if there's no compelling user demand, that's just my ego at work
17:23:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> {;-}
17:23:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> consensus?
17:23:41 <stevenknight> bill, close it?
17:23:52 <bdbaddog> I guess the issue is is the bugtracker a good place to placehold ideas or should we move to a wiki page?
17:24:07 * stevenknight has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
17:24:15 <garyo-home> if it's just an idea, make it future
17:24:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> future p5 then, the "will get to never" stack
17:24:32 <bdbaddog> o.k. that's fine with me.
17:24:48 <garyo-home> ok, I'm sort of here now
17:24:51 <garyo-home> 148?
17:25:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> assign to Brandon for research
17:25:31 <bdbaddog> sounds good to me.
17:25:36 <garyo-home> ok
17:25:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:25:49 <garyo-home> then on to 177
17:26:16 <garyo-home> already mostly works like he says
17:26:30 <bdbaddog> future. I think was the concensus
17:26:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yup
17:26:38 <garyo-home> ok by me.
17:26:45 <garyo-home> or close it.
17:27:06 <garyo-home> 193 = gsoc?
17:27:08 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 193, we have a viable proposal;
17:27:20 <bdbaddog> +1
17:27:36 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> bypass until next time?
17:27:54 <garyo-home> or assume gsoc will get integrated in the 2.x timeframe and assign to that.
17:27:56 <bdbaddog> or after projects are accepted?
17:28:06 * stevenknight1 (n=[stevenkn@](mailto:stevenkn@ has joined #scons
17:28:07 <garyo-home> anyway, make a note in the bug
17:28:28 <stevenknight1> i'm back, had to run get the shuttle
17:28:35 <garyo-home> 194? I say wontfix
17:28:37 <Pankrat> assign bug to soc student?
17:28:48 <bdbaddog> 194 wontfix.
17:28:48 <stevenknight1> what was the consensus about where to record long-term ideas? issues or wiki?
17:28:57 <garyo-home> future, p5
17:28:57 <bdbaddog> issues as future
17:29:11 <stevenknight1> okay
17:29:12 <stevenknight1> 194 wontfis
17:29:15 <stevenknight1> wontfix
17:29:28 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Pankrat, yes; you'll get some too.
17:29:47 <Pankrat> :)
17:29:52 <garyo-home> great. 219? can o' worms.
17:30:12 <stevenknight1> yeah
17:30:30 <bdbaddog> what's the benefit of being able to do this?
17:30:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Virtual current working directory, names are more convenient.
17:31:34 <garyo-home> kind of like a mini-SConscript?
17:31:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Um, close enough.
17:31:52 <stevenknight1> how about wontfix, and if someone really wants it they can contribute code
17:31:58 <garyo-home> +1
17:32:01 <stevenknight1> no one seems to be beating down the doors for it
17:32:01 <bdbaddog> +1
17:32:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:32:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next?
17:32:26 <garyo-home> 232: reasearch, then if it's true, it's an easy fix
17:32:37 <stevenknight1> ??? I don't think it is
17:32:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> assign to whom?
17:32:52 <bdbaddog> this is when a user has same header file name in more than one dir.
17:32:54 <bdbaddog> right?
17:32:55 <stevenknight1> it's replicating a quirky behavior in MSVC's preprocessor
17:33:04 <garyo-home> steven: I don't think it's true either, never heard of that behavior
17:33:10 <garyo-home> but can't prove it.
17:33:21 <stevenknight1> ah, if that's the case, then it *is* easy: INVALID
17:33:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> research?
17:33:37 <stevenknight1> or just close it, it's old and no one else has complained
17:33:40 <bdbaddog> invalid. 1 guy reported it 6 years ago.
17:33:48 <bdbaddog> and never complained again?
17:33:49 <garyo-home> i think so too.
17:33:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok, invalid
17:34:13 <garyo-home> 243?
17:34:20 <Pankrat> 235 got lost?
17:34:21 <stevenknight1> not 235?
17:34:35 <garyo-home> ok, 235
17:34:37 <stevenknight1> 235: research
17:34:44 <bdbaddog> research.
17:34:56 <Pankrat> I have a counter example, but could not post it
17:35:09 <Pankrat> (I've sent it to Greg)
17:35:10 <garyo-home> pankrat: that's exactly what's needed.
17:35:14 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> research and report
17:35:14 <stevenknight1> excellent
17:35:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll add it to the bug; who should research? I can take a look.
17:35:48 <stevenknight1> Pankrat: you couldn't add it to the issue?
17:36:05 <Pankrat> yes tigris complained
17:36:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Before you were here, he reported a problem, maybe with his browser.
17:36:16 <stevenknight1> do we need to change your project role?
17:36:19 <stevenknight1> ah
17:36:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I thought anyone could comment?
17:36:41 <stevenknight1> okay, [GregNoel](GregNoel) update and research?
17:36:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> works.
17:36:54 <garyo-home> good; now 243?
17:37:10 <garyo-home> Greg, you said Ignores would handle this?
17:37:13 <stevenknight1> 243: 1.x if it's really doc
17:37:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1.0 if it's really doc
17:37:36 <bdbaddog> +1
17:37:40 <stevenknight1> +1
17:37:41 <bdbaddog> someone research it?
17:37:43 <garyo-home> so that means research, then assign?
17:37:52 <bdbaddog> I'll research it.
17:38:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> (Maciej uses it for his stuff; it's known to work; I'll get you a ref.)
17:38:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next?
17:38:43 <stevenknight1> oh, good
17:38:50 <bdbaddog> 317
17:38:53 <stevenknight1> 317: wontfix
17:39:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> +1
17:39:11 <stevenknight1> actully, we should then make -d one of the "ignored for compatibility" options that show up at the top of the help
17:39:19 <stevenknight1> i'll take it
17:39:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:39:26 <garyo-home> ok
17:39:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1.0 then?
17:39:50 <garyo-home> same w/ 323 I hope?
17:39:51 <stevenknight1> yeah, it's not destabilizing
17:40:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next?
17:40:11 <stevenknight1> yes re: 323, i'll take that too
17:40:35 <bdbaddog> 324 2.x
17:40:39 <stevenknight1> 2.x
17:40:45 <garyo-home> ok
17:40:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll take it
17:41:11 <garyo-home> 325 is hard I think
17:41:29 <stevenknight1> might be, but i think it might be easy with overriding an individual Node's Decider() function
17:41:44 <stevenknight1> that's not supported by an API right now, but it's architecturally possible
17:41:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Or just a flag to ignore all dependencies
17:41:58 <garyo-home> future?
17:42:00 <stevenknight1> future
17:42:02 <bdbaddog> future
17:42:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:42:06 <garyo-home> Is anyone really wanting it?
17:42:09 <stevenknight1> no one's asking for it
17:42:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> what priority?
17:42:19 <stevenknight1> p4?
17:42:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> p3 then
17:42:21 <garyo-home> p3, average
17:42:25 <stevenknight1> p3
17:42:45 <garyo-home> I'd like 326 (-p, env.Dump())
17:42:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok, 1.x?
17:43:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> or 1.0?
17:43:05 <garyo-home> OK, give it to me.
17:43:08 <garyo-home> 1.x
17:43:10 <stevenknight1> 1.x
17:43:13 <garyo-home> it's a new feature, not 1.0.
17:43:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:43:48 <stevenknight1> 327: 2.x, and i'll take it
17:43:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:43:59 <stevenknight1> unless someone else really wants in on environment stuff...
17:44:06 <bdbaddog> hey. I've gotta leave now. my comments are in the spreadsheets.
17:44:16 <stevenknight1> okay, thanks
17:44:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> enjoy the sweat
17:44:36 <bdbaddog> if you have any questions about my comments which are worth waiting for shoot me an email.. otherwise enjoy the party..
17:44:39 <garyo-home> 329: what is -w?
17:45:16 <stevenknight1> make -w tells it to print the "Entering/Exiting directory" messages
17:45:28 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> not needed
17:45:32 <stevenknight1> the only time we do that is if they specify -C on the command line
17:45:43 <stevenknight1> give it to me, i'll move it to "ignored for compatibility" with the others
17:45:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
17:46:35 <stevenknight1> 322: consensus seems good, 1.x and Jim Randall
17:46:42 <jrandall> aye
17:46:42 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:46:50 <stevenknight1> 332 i meant
17:46:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hi, Jim
17:47:05 <jrandall> hello!
17:47:11 <stevenknight1> hey jim
17:47:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> that was quick; next?
17:47:21 <stevenknight1> 336: wontfix...
17:47:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:47:43 <stevenknight1> 341: wontfix...
17:47:48 <stevenknight1> (hey, we're on a roll here...)
17:48:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> wontfix, aye
17:48:28 <stevenknight1> 342: fixed
17:48:32 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> the spreadsheet helps...
17:48:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:48:53 <stevenknight1> yeah
17:49:11 <stevenknight1> 343: future, at a minimum
17:49:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 343, RANLIB
17:49:31 <stevenknight1> i don't think it's really just RANLIB
17:49:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Question: does SCons automatically apply RANLIB for those platforms that need it? Or does the user have to code something?
17:50:44 <stevenknight1> hang on, let me check
17:51:14 <stevenknight1> we just set it up in the Tool/ar.py module
17:51:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> It needs to be applied; that's 1.x
17:51:42 <stevenknight1> and only if we detect 'ranlib' installed independent from 'ar'
17:51:57 <stevenknight1> okay, so there are two parts to the issue here
17:52:13 <stevenknight1> make RANLIB independent from ar: 1.x
17:52:21 <stevenknight1> GCCTOOLCHAIN stuff: future
17:52:23 <stevenknight1> ???
17:52:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> +1
17:53:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Or just drop the GCC alternate toolchain stuff; no user need
17:53:24 <stevenknight1> okay, i can live with that
17:53:46 <stevenknight1> i can take RANLIB, I guess
17:53:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll mark it up.
17:54:01 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next?
17:54:26 <stevenknight1> 344: 1.x, mine
17:54:33 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> What priority?
17:54:55 <stevenknight1> p2, i think
17:54:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:55:23 <stevenknight1> 347: wontfix
17:55:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 347, 349, close
17:55:30 <stevenknight1> yes, yes
17:55:45 <stevenknight1> 353 close
17:56:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes, no ego permitted {;-}
17:56:26 <stevenknight1> :-)
17:56:31 <stevenknight1> 356: wontfix
17:56:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:56:44 <stevenknight1> 374: wontfix
17:56:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
17:57:10 <stevenknight1> and that's all for 2002...
17:57:23 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> next 2003
17:57:29 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 397?
17:57:37 <garyo-home> wow, i step out of the room and you're on to 2003 already!
17:57:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> got to be quick
17:58:08 <stevenknight1> i didn't pre-scan these...
17:58:13 <garyo-home> nor me, sorry
17:58:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> homework...
17:58:30 <stevenknight1> greg, is the issue link you sent sorted in this order?
17:58:47 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> uh, not quite, but close enough
17:58:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> two issues are out of order
17:58:58 <garyo-home> 397 looks like future to me
17:59:08 <garyo-home> or wontfix
17:59:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I accidently sorted them by issue id
17:59:22 <Pankrat> 397 wontfix: I prefer repos as they are
17:59:31 <Pankrat> justme
17:59:56 <garyo-home> 402 then?
18:00:12 <garyo-home> we should do something about this one, it's bit me.
18:00:15 <garyo-home> :-)
18:00:16 <stevenknight1> 397: wontfix
18:00:42 <stevenknight1> 402: give it to me, I'm revamping the Windows toolchain support
18:00:49 <stevenknight1> 2.x
18:00:54 <stevenknight1> p2
18:00:55 <garyo-home> agree
18:00:55 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
18:01:19 <garyo-home> 409: irix is dead, i say wontfix.
18:01:26 <stevenknight1> 409: wontfix
18:01:29 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
18:01:31 <garyo-home> Besides, parallel builds on IRIX have never really worked right.
18:02:16 <stevenknight1> 416: i say wontfix
18:02:31 <garyo-home> it's interesting though
18:02:38 <garyo-home> future?
18:02:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Interesting, yes
18:02:44 <stevenknight1> strikes me as the sort of nice-sounding idea that probably has lots of unintended side effects due to statefulness
18:03:02 <stevenknight1> i can live with future
18:03:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> There's an associated bug report with a model for doing it
18:03:28 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> but it is intended for advanced users
18:03:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> future is fine
18:03:40 <garyo-home> greg: where?
18:03:44 <garyo-home> ok, future
18:03:46 <stevenknight1> which bug report? am i missing a link?
18:04:07 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Isn't there one at the bottom of the bug?
18:04:31 <garyo-home> sorry, that. Yes, that's what's interesting.
18:05:12 <stevenknight1> bottom of 416?
18:05:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Oops, no link. wait.
18:06:45 <garyo-home> anyway, it's going to end up future. How about 433?
18:06:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 1933
18:07:09 <garyo-home> huh?
18:07:20 <stevenknight1> 1933 is the associated bug report to 416
18:07:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> oops 1939
18:07:30 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes
18:07:42 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> "fast unsafe"
18:08:24 <stevenknight1> wow, hadn't really looked at that one
18:08:43 <stevenknight1> lots of evil statefulness...
18:09:00 <garyo-home> I really don't like that one (not that I understand it fully)
18:09:06 <stevenknight1> wait, not really, i misunderstood
18:09:13 <garyo-home> but it looks dangerous at best
18:09:26 <stevenknight1> doesn't strike me as related to 416, though
18:09:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> advanced users, for sure, lots of warnings, but it would be fast.
18:09:41 <stevenknight1> the way i read it, 416 is "remember where I died, start there nxt time"
18:10:15 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> But what they really all ask for is quick reaction to local SConscript.
18:10:31 <stevenknight1> but 416 is transparent to the user, 1939 requires SConscript changes
18:10:42 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> or a command-line option.
18:10:46 <garyo-home> 1939 to me: future unless someone shows us some code
18:10:52 <Pankrat> well interactive solves this too
18:10:53 <stevenknight1> agree w/gary
18:11:06 <garyo-home> yes Pankrat
18:11:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> somebody twisted my arm to put it in GSoC, so I did
18:11:25 <stevenknight1> i also think we can do what 1939 is asking now that the Big Signature Refactoring has changed the .sconsign format
18:11:30 <stevenknight1> that's one of its intended goals
18:11:39 <stevenknight1> ...and I guess that means I just signed up for 1939... :-)
18:11:54 <garyo-home> ok, but still future?
18:11:59 <stevenknight1> yeah, future
18:12:03 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> p2?
18:12:06 <garyo-home> ok
18:12:09 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
18:12:12 <stevenknight1> sure, p2
18:12:18 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> same for 433?
18:12:20 <garyo-home> so how bout 433 I think is next
18:12:39 <stevenknight1> did we finish 416 before that digression? future?
18:12:52 <garyo-home> 433: I'm not an automake guy so those things look really specialized to me, I'd never use them.
18:12:56 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> oops, same for 416 then?
18:13:10 <stevenknight1> 416: future
18:13:12 <garyo-home> I'm ok w/ 416 -> future
18:13:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> p2?
18:13:18 <stevenknight1> 433: 2.x, me
18:13:24 <stevenknight1> ?
18:13:38 <garyo-home> do people really want 433?
18:13:39 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 433 p2?
18:13:49 <stevenknight1> not sure
18:13:53 <garyo-home> Can't it just be aliases etc.?
18:14:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> no, it's more complex.
18:14:07 <stevenknight1> but i think i'll need to take a look at that as part of integrating Maciej's automake stuff
18:14:26 <garyo-home> ok, i see
18:14:29 <stevenknight1> it should all be part of finishing and documenting that so it works "naturally" for people migrating from autotools
18:14:38 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> exactly
18:14:38 <stevenknight1> yes?
18:14:51 <stevenknight1> 433: 2.x, me, p2
18:14:54 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> dpme
18:14:56 <garyo-home> ok
18:14:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> oops, done
18:15:22 <garyo-home> 438: i like that one, just ignore the .sconsign.
18:15:41 <stevenknight1> yeah, that would be handy
18:15:43 <garyo-home> i say 2.x, p2
18:15:55 <stevenknight1> i think there's a make option that does something similar...?
18:15:55 <garyo-home> or maybe even 1.x
18:16:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Ah, it's a dup with 331
18:16:34 <stevenknight1> okay
18:17:03 <garyo-home> not exactly a dup though.
18:17:19 <garyo-home> 331 is "what if", 438 says actually redo everything.
18:17:22 <stevenknight1> oh, right: 331 is like -n, 438 really wants the build to happen
18:17:24 <stevenknight1> right
18:17:42 <garyo-home> 331 is harder due to signatures and generated code.
18:17:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> No, -W does not add -n
18:18:14 <stevenknight1> no, but it doesn't actually do the build, does it?
18:18:19 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> If you say -W, the file is rebuilt; if you add -n it will tell you what else is rebuilt
18:18:29 * ita has quit (Remote closed the connection)
18:18:33 <stevenknight1> oh, wow, I didn't know that
18:18:49 <stevenknight1> hey, i didn't notice that ita was here...!
18:18:56 <stevenknight1> you guys know who that was IRL?
18:18:58 <stevenknight1> is?
18:19:04 <garyo-home> no, who?
18:19:10 <stevenknight1> our good friend Thomas Nagy
18:19:14 <garyo-home> ah.
18:19:19 <stevenknight1> cool
18:19:40 <garyo-home> ... so 331 should get a note explaining what Greg said
18:19:47 <stevenknight1> agreed
18:20:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> So close this as a dup?
18:20:51 <garyo-home> i just put the note in 331 but I say link them, don't close either as dup
18:21:09 <stevenknight1> guess so, if it really does behave like make -W
18:21:46 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll dig out the exact man page section from make and add it
18:21:46 <garyo-home> ok, if they're the same then fine
18:21:51 <garyo-home> good.
18:22:04 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 447?
18:22:08 <stevenknight1> 447: i say wontfix
18:22:13 <garyo-home> wontfix
18:22:15 <stevenknight1> way too complicated and specialized
18:22:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> wontfix
18:22:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> and Bill says wontfix
18:22:43 <stevenknight1> 448: wontfix
18:22:44 <Pankrat> if you ignore the text and only read the summary than it makes a little sense
18:22:48 <Pankrat> (447)
18:23:05 <Pankrat> but I have no good idea to implement it :(
18:23:38 <stevenknight1> agreed, it's not obvious how to do it
18:23:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Bill and I say wontfix, 448
18:23:55 <stevenknight1> 448: wontfix
18:23:58 <garyo-home> 448: wontfix
18:23:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
18:24:26 <garyo-home> 449 can usually be done by massaging the action list.
18:24:36 <stevenknight1> of the Builder?
18:24:44 <garyo-home> yes
18:24:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> API?
18:24:53 <garyo-home> That's how I do 'mt' on Windows now
18:25:12 <stevenknight1> i see
18:25:16 <garyo-home> I wouldn't mind [AppendAction/PrependAction](AppendAction/PrependAction) though
18:25:28 <garyo-home> (just thinking out loud)
18:25:39 <stevenknight1> actually, related but OT: how about adding pre_action= and post_action= keyword arguments to Builder calls, too
18:25:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Overkill?
18:26:04 <garyo-home> how's that better than a separate call?
18:26:14 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> This isn't Perl
18:26:17 <stevenknight1> you may not want to modify the actual Builder itself
18:26:37 <garyo-home> If you're not modifying the builder, then pre_action === [AddPreAction](AddPreAction), right?
18:26:41 <stevenknight1> or the builder's action list
18:26:51 <stevenknight1> yes
18:27:10 <stevenknight1> but you wouldn't have to capture the return and call it separately
18:27:21 <stevenknight1> maybe that's just syntactic sugar and we don't need the extra complexity
18:27:39 <garyo-home> I think that's right
18:27:49 <stevenknight1> okay, move on
18:28:20 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 460, src_dir
18:28:20 <garyo-home> so 449 is wontfix then?
18:28:38 <stevenknight1> whoops, we're coming to my stop in a minute or two
18:29:07 <stevenknight1> i'm going to send something to the mailing list about branching
18:29:32 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> run for home; will you be back?
18:29:36 <stevenknight1> i need a place for some stuff I have to work on for 2.x
18:29:42 <stevenknight1> it's about a 15 min. walk
18:30:06 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Without Bill and you, we should probably break here, then
18:30:14 <stevenknight1> okay, gotta go
18:30:20 <stevenknight1> catch you on the mailing list
18:30:22 * stevenknight1 has quit ("Leaving")
18:30:31 <garyo-home> so who'
18:30:34 <garyo-home> s left?
18:30:49 <Pankrat> I am. But I go to sleep now ...
18:30:56 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> you and me, Ken never showed
18:31:00 <garyo-home> ok, let's just do 460 and break then.
18:31:05 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> ok
18:31:15 <garyo-home> I think 460 just wants a better error message really.
18:31:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'm of the opinion that src_dir should be removed until we know what it's supposed to do.
18:31:31 <garyo-home> :-/
18:32:03 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Every time I've tried it, it hasn't worked, or it's done something I didn't expect.
18:32:21 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I don't think even a better error message can save it
18:32:25 <garyo-home> how about we make it 1.x but only add the error message to detect this case, then file a new bug for "remove src_dir unless someone can explain it"
18:32:40 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'll buy that
18:32:41 <garyo-home> (this case being: src_dir without build_dir)
18:32:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> yes.
18:33:07 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, I'll put that in the bug
18:33:31 <garyo-home> ok then, we'll pick up where we left off next time. Thanks! Greg, are you going to do all the data entry?
18:33:32 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Since you were host, you're done; I'll take care of fixing all the bugs.
18:33:54 <garyo-home> sorry I didn't really host much. I'm only about 50% present right now.
18:34:00 <garyo-home> exhausted.
18:34:07 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And I've got the IRC log; I can post that, too.
18:34:13 <garyo-home> ok, thx!
18:34:19 <garyo-home> bye then
18:34:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> cul
18:34:36 * You have been marked as being away
18:34:43 * jrandall (n=[jim@bas1-london14-1167886910.dsl.bell.ca](mailto:jim@bas1-london14-1167886910.dsl.bell.ca)) has left #scons
18:35:37 * Pankrat (n=[ludwig@dslb-088-073-195-149.pools.arcor-ip.net](mailto:ludwig@dslb-088-073-195-149.pools.arcor-ip.net)) has left #scons
18:35:40 * garyo-home (n=[chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com](mailto:chatzill@209-6-158-38.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com)) has left #scons