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IrcLog2010 10 26
William Deegan edited this page Jan 14, 2016
2 revisions
16:57:18 * bdbaddog (~[bdeegan@adsl-71-131-1-95.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net](mailto:bdeegan@adsl-71-131-1-95.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)) has joined #SCONS
17:00:43 <sgk> hey guys
17:01:00 <bdbaddog> Greetings.
17:01:06 * Jason_at_Intel (~[chatzilla@](mailto:chatzilla@ has joined #SCONS
17:01:53 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Hi, I can't stay the entire time, so if we're going to get started, we should do it soon.
17:02:04 <Jason_at_Intel> hello
17:02:16 <sgk> let's go, gary indicated he has a conflict
17:02:22 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2689 clear preference for 2.1 p2, but who can do it?
17:03:07 <sgk> sigh... probably belongs in my camp, i probably know that code best
17:03:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:03:26 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2690 Consensus on "asap" but that needs to be defined (also "who").
17:03:49 <sgk> gary suggested using callable(), give it to him?
17:03:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> works for me
17:04:16 <Jason_at_Intel> agree
17:04:24 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:04:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2691 Done by Gary (thanks!)
17:04:27 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2692 Technically invalid. Also technically a dup of 2536. I agree with Steven that a separate [InstallDir](InstallDir)() is not the way to go. So, is this sufficiently urgent that we should do it independently of 2536? I'm inclined to treat it as a dup.
17:05:06 <sgk> i'd go with dup, unless someone feels strongly enough to take it on sooner
17:05:13 <Jason_at_Intel> I think this shows a need to handle structure in the node lists
17:05:42 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: that sounds right
17:05:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> This has nothing to do with node lists; it's about structuring a destination directory.
17:06:29 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Yes, zip files should be structured in the same way, but that's not the point here.
17:06:34 <Jason_at_Intel> ya... like Zipfile... remember you idea with tuples
17:07:12 <sgk> anyway, it's big enough that i doubt anyone's going to pull a rabbit out of their hat for it soon
17:07:19 <Jason_at_Intel> I agree a new function is the wrong way to go.. I am only saying that a fundamental fix is needed in SCons.. once that is done a large set of issues go away
17:07:23 <sgk> so dup 2536 should be fine
17:07:31 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, dup it is; done
17:07:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2693 I'm willing for it to be 2.x p3, so there's consensus there, but who should do it? And should it be activated by catching the exception if the unlink() fails?
17:08:19 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: since you already dealt with the os.stat() issue in Parts, could you take this one?
17:08:24 <Jason_at_Intel> I have a fix in Parts with an unlink override that will do this
17:08:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:08:49 <sgk> if you want to implement it in a way that melds nicely with Parts, that'd be cool
17:08:58 <Jason_at_Intel> I guess... can we get that patch ( maybe tweaked in this case) that i put i dev list in SCons?
17:09:33 <sgk> which one? i don't see why not
17:09:50 <Jason_at_Intel> it would this one... getting link
17:10:36 <Jason_at_Intel> [http://scons.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=1268&dsMessageId=2673518](http://scons.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=1268&dsMessageId=2673518)
17:11:02 <Jason_at_Intel> this will allow the base of what is needed to get hard links and symlinks working in SCons for windows
17:11:53 <sgk> okay, but that's orthogonal to 2693, yes?
17:11:54 <Jason_at_Intel> we can add the tweaked CCopy builder as well if you like :-) ( as my copy has the reporting API in Parts for --verbose ability)
17:12:09 <sgk> so let's get through the bug list first before discussing those details
17:12:38 <Jason_at_Intel> only in that i would then add the unlink overide to retarget readonly files as well
17:12:16 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2694 (First thing I'd look for is spelling errors.)
17:13:10 <Jason_at_Intel> Greg I would agree
17:13:55 <Jason_at_Intel> They might be an issue with MSVS_VERSION
17:14:03 <sgk> 2694: spelling errors in what? he posted his SConstruct, and MSV[CS]_VERSION are spelled correctly, at least...
17:14:45 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> sgk, I'll take your word for it.
17:14:51 <sgk> yeah, he posted it
17:14:41 <Jason_at_Intel> there should be a simple test case that can verify this.
17:15:38 <sgk> bdbaddog, do you have cycles to investigate? if not, how about if we ask gary to follow up, since he already replied once
17:15:41 <Jason_at_Intel> BDog?
17:16:20 <bdbaddog> hmm. I can take a first pass at it.
17:16:40 <bdbaddog> just checking that MSVSProject is reading/doing anything with those variables..
17:16:44 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> research? If so, then what priority?
17:16:47 <bdbaddog> it could be broken from the refactoring.
17:16:54 <sgk> p3?
17:17:11 <bdbaddog> p3
17:17:14 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> works for me
17:17:19 <sgk> cool, thanks
17:17:17 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2695
17:18:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> I'm almost positive Action() does the right thing (there are tests for it); what did you mean here?
17:18:53 <sgk> 2695: looking to see if my diagnosis looks in the ballpark
17:19:48 <sgk> yeah, looks right
17:20:16 <sgk> [GregNoel](GregNoel): you're right, Actions know how to rebuild in response to changes to variables, but only if they know what variables are used
17:20:30 <sgk> command-line strings track the changes for free because we expand them
17:20:39 <sgk> but Python function actions don't get expanded that way
17:20:57 <sgk> so they have to be told what construction variables the Python function will look at when building its target
17:20:57 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Ah, you mean MSVSProject() doesn't provide the variables?
17:21:00 <sgk> yeah
17:21:37 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> So yes, easy fix: just provide the variables. Who does it?
17:21:35 <sgk> so give it to me, should be pretty trivial
17:21:43 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:22:01 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2696 Er, it's not O(1), but I agree with Gary that the size should be included.
17:22:53 <Jason_at_Intel> I think it would be nice if we could reuse existing logic
17:23:21 <sgk> the question is how?
17:23:42 <sgk> we have this Unlink() action that really should only be called if necessary
17:23:48 <sgk> instead of every time
17:23:55 <Jason_at_Intel> and i think the link unlink can be used for more than it is going forward with the fixes i have for win32
17:25:40 <Jason_at_Intel> so it might be good to factor the checking "decider" logic in a different way in the node objects
17:25:44 <sgk> the architectural issue (iirc) is that the duplicate logic is kind of handled as a side effect of examining source files
17:26:22 <sgk> not as a direct action in the DAG walk, which is probably where it should really happen
17:26:36 <sgk> so the goal of re-using it is good, but would take a lot more work
17:27:06 <sgk> and i'd hate to not give people a good optimization in the meantime
17:27:18 <Jason_at_Intel> well that seems simple then
17:27:29 <sgk> we should still be able to refactor it in the future along the lines you're suggesting
17:27:32 <Jason_at_Intel> take the fix.. and note that this needs to be cleaned up
17:27:45 <sgk> yeah
17:27:58 <sgk> oh, i'll open up a separate issue to track that clean up
17:28:01 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> decision?
17:28:12 <sgk> so... 2.1 p3 sgk?
17:28:30 <Jason_at_Intel> +1
17:28:32 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> hmmm... Yeah, that seems OK.
17:28:34 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:28:53 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2697
17:29:05 <sgk> bdbaddog or Jason_at_Intel, can either of you volunteer?
17:29:41 <Jason_at_Intel> I have code, and stuff to share to help...
17:30:06 <Jason_at_Intel> however the current msvc tools is beyond me.. as i already have a working version in Parts
17:30:37 <sgk> can you update the issue with specifics about the registry difference?
17:30:47 <Jason_at_Intel> Be happy to
17:31:00 <bdbaddog> I was looking at vc9 vs vc9 express (and for 10) wasn't sure how to detect the diff.
17:31:41 <sgk> bdbaddog: if Jason_at_Intel provides that info, would it be pretty straightforward to fix?
17:32:34 <Jason_at_Intel> r'Software\[Wow6432Node](Wow6432Node)\Microsoft\[VisualStudio](VisualStudio)\9.0\Setup\VC\[ProductDir](ProductDir)',
17:32:36 <Jason_at_Intel> r'Software\Microsoft\[VisualStudio](VisualStudio)\9.0\Setup\VC\[ProductDir](ProductDir)',
17:32:38 <Jason_at_Intel> r'Software\[Wow6432Node](Wow6432Node)\Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Setup\VC\[ProductDir](ProductDir)',
17:32:39 <Jason_at_Intel> r'Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Setup\VC\[ProductDir](ProductDir)'
17:32:42 <bdbaddog> I'm not sure there's a fix for this, looks invalid.?
17:32:50 <Jason_at_Intel> first two are pro... second two are express
17:33:01 <bdbaddog> @jason please post to bug or email to dev list
17:33:12 <Jason_at_Intel> doing it as we type
17:33:14 <bdbaddog> if they request an invalid TARGET_ARCH..
17:33:39 <Jason_at_Intel> well there is another case in this...
17:33:51 <Jason_at_Intel> there is the 2008 server sdk
17:33:57 <bdbaddog> anyway .. yes I'll take a look.
17:34:02 <Jason_at_Intel> this has teh 32-bit -64-bit and ia64 compilers
17:34:07 <Jason_at_Intel> all looks the same
17:34:12 <sgk> bdbaddog: oh, the issue being that the default is to build for the current host arch (64 bits) but he has no 64-bit compiler installed?
17:34:14 <bdbaddog> we handle sdk separately.
17:34:34 <bdbaddog> well sort of, if I remember we have a list of SDK's which are valid with diff VC/VS's.
17:34:59 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> decision? research? If so, then what priority?
17:35:15 <sgk> if that's the case, you're right, that does sound invalid
17:35:26 <bdbaddog> research 2.1 p3
17:35:28 <bdbaddog> me
17:35:41 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:35:45 <sgk> seems like he has an obvious workaround, set TARGET_ARCH to 32 bit, so yeah, 2.1 p3 seems eminently fair
17:35:52 <bdbaddog> I did finally get a win 7 64 bit machine to play on. so that'll help
17:35:52 <sgk> I'd be okay with even lower
17:36:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2698 No spreadsheet quorum, so we should bypass this issue if there's no immediate agreement. (If I have time while I'm writing up the meeting results, I may propose a patch.)
17:36:24 <sgk> 2698: sounds good
17:36:35 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> so, bypass?
17:36:47 <sgk> yes
17:36:50 <bdbaddog> +`1
17:36:51 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:37:02 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> 2699 Again, no spreadsheet quorum. That said, I think I prefer dup 2536.
17:37:19 <sgk> i'll go with dup 2536
17:37:31 <Jason_at_Intel> +1
17:37:40 <sgk> especially since there's a reference back when the dup occurs, it's not like we lose any additional info
17:37:45 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:37:49 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> Of the issues up for review, only 1406 could be considered to have a quorum, and that's only if you include Dirk's email. I propose we assign 1406 to Dirk, make Steven either CC or QA, and turn him loose.
17:38:33 <sgk> +1, that sounds good
17:38:58 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> sgk, do you want CC or QA?
17:39:19 <sgk> uh.... both? QA, if both are superfluous
17:39:33 <sgk> (both is superfluous?)
17:39:52 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> both can't hurt; the notification email isn't duplicated.
17:39:58 <sgk> both, then
17:40:03 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> done
17:40:10 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> OK, we're done.
17:40:23 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> And I've got to go, good timing.
17:40:28 <sgk> ok, thnx everyone
17:40:37 <bdbaddog> np.. l8r
17:40:50 <[GregNoel](GregNoel)> bye, all...
17:41:12 <sgk> [GregNoel](GregNoel), bdbaddog: 'night
17:40:51 <sgk> Jason_at_Intel: any more stuff to go over? I owe you emails from weeks ago
17:41:14 <Jason_at_Intel> sure
17:41:23 <Jason_at_Intel> the file handling stuff
17:42:04 <Jason_at_Intel> I think what i have in Parts for override the file open call ( and unlink .. minus maybe the readonly file issue) is ready to go
17:42:40 <Jason_at_Intel> I have it re factored in truck as a separate file
17:42:54 <Jason_at_Intel> to make it easy to add to SCons
17:43:24 <Jason_at_Intel> there is a little quirk in that I whack the current SCons win32 file overrides
17:43:33 <Jason_at_Intel> but other than that I think this code is done
17:44:12 <Jason_at_Intel> I am sure there is other stuff.. but i can remember the e-mails at this time ( long day...)
17:44:18 <sgk> well, if your overrides work better, that should be fine
17:44:49 <sgk> i hear you re: long day, real life's been impossible lately
17:45:24 <sgk> there's nothing in your windows symlink support that'll blow up on earlier Windows or Python versions, is there?
17:46:48 <Jason_at_Intel> only if you don't have ctypes
17:47:10 <Jason_at_Intel> I have fixes in my CCopy builder to deal with an issue with hardlinks already existing
17:47:37 <Jason_at_Intel> might be a better way minus the delete call to deal with it... but it works well enough
17:47:54 <sgk> okay, so send me a patch and I'll take a look
17:48:00 <Jason_at_Intel> however that code.. or any code like this needs this override to allow correct file creation so links of some form can be used
17:48:04 <sgk> and I'll also dig up the email stuff I was supposed to send
17:48:21 <Jason_at_Intel> so.. that is the question.. I have a file
17:48:25 <Jason_at_Intel> not a patch
17:49:08 <Jason_at_Intel> [http://parts.tigris.org/source/browse/parts/trunk/parts/parts/overrides/os_file.py?revision=344&view=markup](http://parts.tigris.org/source/browse/parts/trunk/parts/parts/overrides/os_file.py?revision=344&view=markup)
17:50:02 <Jason_at_Intel> sort of unclear how to do this "patch" in Scons as it is new code, and might need a certain location
17:51:20 <Jason_at_Intel> so i guess look it over.. I will send links again tomorrow in e-mail
17:51:49 <Jason_at_Intel> we can discuss where it should go in SCons
17:53:06 <Jason_at_Intel> Does that sound OK?
17:55:04 <Jason_at_Intel> ??
17:55:21 <sgk> sure, sounds good
17:55:29 <sgk> (sorry, got interrupted -- still at work)
17:55:36 <Jason_at_Intel> great
17:55:51 <Jason_at_Intel> oh I recall one item
17:55:56 <Jason_at_Intel> the scons.bat issue
17:56:06 <Jason_at_Intel> you can use scons.py on windows
17:56:15 <Jason_at_Intel> it works better in general
17:56:36 <Jason_at_Intel> but we can do that in e-mail
17:56:47 <sgk> except for passing command line arguments, there's some gotcha with that
17:57:07 <Jason_at_Intel> I have to get going here it is about 8pm.. need to help with the twins...
17:57:08 <sgk> at least for some combination of Python version + Windows version
17:57:09 <Jason_at_Intel> oh??
17:57:19 <Jason_at_Intel> I have not seen this
17:57:34 <sgk> yeah, i remember having some links describing it, i'll dig them up
17:57:49 <Jason_at_Intel> ok.. will be good to review
17:58:01 <sgk> yeah
17:58:09 <sgk> okay, good night, good luck with the twins
17:58:29 <Jason_at_Intel> thank..
17:58:37 <Jason_at_Intel> good night!
17:58:44 * Jason_at_Intel has quit (Quit: [ChatZilla](ChatZilla) 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458])
18:00:07 * bdbaddog (~[bdeegan@adsl-71-131-1-95.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net](mailto:bdeegan@adsl-71-131-1-95.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)) has left #SCONS
18:00:13 * sgk (~sgk@nat/google/x-mbowtfhelsfesqin) has left #SCONS