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2020 September Virtual Sprint High Full Notes

sharireily edited this page May 1, 2021 · 1 revision

What did we talk about on 9/23?

EDA Connections - Use cases across higher ed and beyond

Funding Models

  • Scholarships as funding programs
  • Uncommon use case: apply, state your need, give scholarship as discount code instead of --compile and track
  • How is tuition tracked? Often done within Banner/SIS.
  • Are you trying to bring over the scholarship info for a 360 view, or is SF the system of record?
  • Where does the advancement team live?
    • Fund scholarship might need to be tracked outside of the existing system of record.

Many different funding models, but what's the initial intake of an application through the disbursement?

The data model for Foundation Connect requires that a scholarship/fellowship usually going to a person. Could it be an org? Is there enough of a tie to funding program if we're using funding requests? Seems like it. What do we need to do to address intake options?

  • We could make recommendations about how to use the Applying Contact, Applying Org, Applying Employee and then how to add roles to it.
  • Contact Role on Funding Request has a lookup to Contact
  • We're agnostic about who can request funding (org, user, person)

Who is donating to a fund, and then who is receiving the money?

  • Allocating but not fully committing the money as a recruitment tactic -- funding requests might be in a prospecting sort of stage
  • Some schools say that you'll get money because of particular qualities. There may be a disbursement anyway. EDA does have an application object. Does that feed a funding request? It's not an applicant-driven request, but it still will mean you have money off. (Could be a flow template)
  • Applicant to accepted to enrolled - what's available?
  • As an admissions person, how would I grab the eligible scholarships?
  • Can't give away 5 million more dollars than I have. Projected acceptance rate. Would I as an admissions person want to know how much was offered? Yes.
  • How does OFM play with EASY?
  • Verify the amount of money that the family can contribute - it goes into the offer. There's a fair amount of projection.
  • Once you know what your charges are, you can get the aid package (which is the big bucket funding request)
  • Funding package has several funding requests
  • EDA: lookup to application or program term object in lieu of the funding package
  • GAU Expenditure could be another place where the package is put together...
  • Case management aid package - financial assistance across a range of programs
  • Needs and qualifications
  • "Package Manager"
  • Financial aid was x from student, y from parents, and z from scholarship
  • Museum show: grant is an opportunity that flows into a GAU, which then is the source for a funding program.
    • when folks don't have a gau, they could theoretically use a funding program instead of a gau. Financial aid is one of the more complex situations in higher ed--it's in the roadmap for future

What Happens Next?

We need some sort of "inflow" record. It may be a number, or it may be giving/gau. This would be a generic sales cloud connector for Opportunity, assuming that the money is in Opp. We're not sure that opps are always there for education...

fork in the road - do we do a master-detail on opp, or leave it open? Because we have metadeploy, we could do more of a choose your own adventure. Ask during metadeploy if they're in npsp and want expenditures, and yes/no are you using opportunities/allocations. Metadeploy installer would do the dirty work of making a sales cloud connector. Opp field would be available unpackaged metadata installed directly by metadeploy.

What did we talk about on 9/24?

Review Prototype and ERD w/in Nick's repo

  • Bill Gates has $1m to give for scholarships for people who love computers
    • Fund = Gates Scholarships
    • Fund Allocation = junction between opp and fund
  • Bob Smith has $100k to give, $50k to Californians and $50k to farmers
    • 2 Fund Allocations: $50k to the California Fund and $50k to the Farmers Fund
  • Community Foundation: "fiscal sponsor" for a disbursement (was just a lookup)
  • How do we connect a funding program to a fund or should we?

Report Ideas for the new objects

  • Total Allocations by Fund (add as a report chart on the Fund Record page)
  • Total Expenditures by Fund (add as a report chart on the Fund Record page)
  • Fund report - What has come in and what has been spent this year
  • Fund spending over time

Should we connect the Fund/GAU and the Funding Program?

  • Why? This would address the budget side of things by allowing us to connect what is available for a Funding Program to spend.
  • In the past we have had this discussion and then decided that we don't need it.
  • Yes we do want to connect GAU/Fund to Funding Program.
  • Create a Funding Program Budget or Funding Plan object that connects the GAU/Fund to Funding Program
    • one GAU/Fund can give Funding Program Budget or Funding Plan to multiple Funding Programs.
    • multiple GAU/Funds can give Funding Program Budget or Funding Plan to the same Funding Program
  • If a Funding Program has Funding Plans, then the Total Program Amount should be programmatically calculated to rollup the Funding Plan amounts.
  • most likely we will add it to both the NPSP extension and then Fund extension packages (object can live in the core, the lookup will be in each package)
  • Another item to consider, is how do we connect the planned amounts to the actual available amount from the GAU. Not sure if this is needed or not.

General Conversations

  • Bill Gates gives $100k. Do we care about that $100k in particular all the way out to the student level?

    • No. Typically things get pooled, or else it's a named fund where you're spending the endowment/interest. You run into FERPA if you have a direct connection, because Advancement technically shouldn't know that Sally needs a particular amount to attend.
  • Many opps feed in, and many go out.

  • How are we measuring the impact and traceability? It's probably not at the micro level.

  • How do thank you notes apply? For special endowed scholarships, we present the student with the opportunity to send a TY. From the student to the stewardship office to the donor. Advancement knows that the student got a scholarship from a named fund but not how much money.

  • Fund doesn't connect to the funding program to ensure traceability of amount

  • Ability to see the drawdown is important. What's the available balance?

  • The reason there isn't a permanent connection is because it's a separate package. There's a field that holds the amount available, but it's manually populated.

  • Some sort of disbursement model would be useful. It would be useful to be able to deplete the fund.

  • We have the plumbing to enter amounts that fill up buckets of funds and disburse them, but there's another part: how do we fill up the buckets based on dollars raised or budget? Logged as Issue #8.

  • We're not doing the plumbing that fills up the buckets the same way that the goal is just a number on campaigns.

  • Customizable rollups - how much is allocated, how much is spent. Are we able to include customizable rollups in this package?

  • What are the necessary fields? If you have to do math each time, is the fund useful?

  • Lightning report charts of amount allocated and amount spent. No code, but still shows the result.

  • Maybe one overall expenditure field and one allocation field?

  • We're assuming that they don't currently have a way to pool opps, and that they want to put together funds and then programs.

    • If people aren't using NPSP or EDA, then we're assuming that they don't have an existing gau replacement "fund" object
  • We're creating a lookup, not Master-Detail, so that they take or leave the allocation part.

  • Report chart -- do we need total allocation and total expenditure to be written out?

  • What's the short-term and long-term? Short term, include those fields so that they don't create their own.

  • Use helptext and/or description to help the end user understand.

  • Is it better to create the rollup before we release the package?

  • Go-live version would ideally include customizable rollups or a coded rollup. No placeholder, but an actual solution. Logged as Issue #9.

  • Why Bother?

    • We're building to the lowest common denominator, where installing a package is a big lift and following instructions to create the data model is a lot of work.
  • Adding this data model to metaDEPLOY is now a lot of work.

  • How do we link funding program and fund?

    • Junction object, we think - and we could do the same thing with GAU.

2020 September Virtual Sprint High Level Notes

GAU Replacement Object

MVP Assumptions

  • Sales Cloud with Opportunities as primary inbound money object
  • want to create a scalable solution for orgs that use a different inbound money object (FUTURE)
  • we will avoid creating master-details
  • No replacement GAU object already in place
  • You need to know how much money you have to give out before you start disbursements
  • It's not a one-to-one (Bob gave a scholarship to Sally). We need to be tracking the path from Donor --> Funding Pool(s)/Program --> Funding Recipient
  • This object would (for now) only be about connecting an opportunity to a funding program for MVP -- we're not worrying about campaigns, payments, etc.
  • We're not providing plumbing to assign a fund to a funding program.

Design Planning

  • we'll plan to create an opp lookup lookup partially so that it's not a problem later
  • Whatever we do, installing the package would let you rewire so it's a template - unmanaged custom object that they created as a gau replacement
  • scalable option eventually might be a set of default/assumed GAU allocations based on funding programs

Other questions

  • could the Funding Program be the GAU if you're not in NPSP? For simpler implementations, yes, but it wouldn't work for more complex orgs.
  • if a funding program is the parent, then being able to show what's in the hierarchy for the funding program would be nice.
  • how can we design/document this so that we don't get asked "why isn't the funding program just the GAU"???
    • funding program right now is for applications, dollars to spend, etc.
  • we don't link from GAU Expenditure back to Funding Program

Report Ideas for the new objects created

  • Total Allocations by Fund (add as a report chart on the Fund Record page)
  • Total Expenditures by Fund (add as a report chart on the Fund Record page)
  • Fund report - What has come in and what has been spent this year
  • Fund spending over time

Reporting Workbook

Currently tracking in Issue #6