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Past Sprint Summaries

Shari Carlson edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 3 revisions

Sprint 6/9/2021-6/10/2021

Sprint Project Team

Full Name Team Role Github Username Working Group
Nick Lindberg Group Leader Nickers3
Shari Carlson Group Leader sharicarlson13
Crystal Matthews Contributor crystalmathews
Serkan Bilgi Contributor serkanbilgi
Tammy Silverthorne Contributor tsilverthorne1

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Docket Manager Object Requirements and Proof of Concept
  • Finalize Reporting Workbook
  • Ammendment Reuqirements conversation

Summary of Outbound Funds work at Virtual Sprint (2/2021)

Outbound Funds

Continuation of work on the Outbound Funds Module

Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!

  • Team Leader(s): Shari Carlson, Nick LIndberg
  • GitHub Scribe(s):
  • List of all Contributors:
  • Junette Tan
  • David Chater
  • Corey Snow
  • Myke Andrews
  • Lara Kimberly
  • Libby Ziemelis
  • Caroline Renard
  • Nicole Smith
  • Tammy Silverthorne
  • Cheri Lovell
  • Maida Rider
  • Cid

Sprint Potential Topics

  1. non-NPSP fund extension (continued from last sprint)
  2. reporting workbook (continued from last sprint)
  3. data dictionary work and storytelling for the whys for certain fields
  4. exploring rollups for lookup relationships
  5. (and other ideas people bring with them to the sprint)

Sprint Summary

Day 1

  1. Introductions
  2. Brainstroming ideas to discuss - Jamboard
  3. Discussed Rollups - notes found on Issue 12

Day 2

*Touch Base and Recap from Yesterday*
  • Rollups
  • Funding Program to GAU (budgeting concept)
  • Reports
  • Data Dictionary
  • Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Guide


  • David developed flow
    • Will share code
    • Scheduled flow, runs nightly on all accounts
    • Options for providing to users
      • Include in post-install instructions
      • Include as a flow template
  • Caroline added screenshots to report samples for new use cases:
  • Discussed ideas of using reports on Lightning pages to capture rollups as graphs as an additional option to fields.
  • Tested custom report type on GAU Expenditures using field lookups to parent and grandparent records to use as graphs for pages

Data Dictionary

  • Highlight areas that need extra input

General Features

  • What’s Working
    • Many things are working well! :)
  • What Needs Improvement
    • Funding Request Hierarchical Relationships

      • Example: a grantee receives an award, but later the grantee needs additional funding for unexpected expenses. This happens frequently for David’s clients.
        • It’s almost a separate grant and request, but linked to a parent grant
      • Amendment to exist as its own, need for audit trail, want to show up in totals for reporting
        • Challenge as a separate object: doesn’t show up in Funding Requests reporting
        • Challenge as a separate Funding Request: two separate, unlinked records
    • Field Sets on Dialogue Boxes

      • Adding Beginning Date to Disbursements
        • First Date doesn’t always equal Beginning Date
      • No out-of-the-box solution
        • Need Apex controller class
      • Cheri added an Issue for future sprint work


  • Junette initiating this to create test data easily

Project Resources

Project Team Accomplishments

Reviewed the following items on the issues list from (click on links to view discussion notes)

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

We will continue to work on the issues and enhancements in our GitHub. Please reach out if you want to learn more or contribute.

See Outbound Funds repo for additional info:

Summary of Outbound Funds work at Virtual Sprint (9/2020)

Outbound Funds

Continuation of work on the Outbound Funds Module

Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!

  • Team Leader(s): Shari Carlson, Stan Reeser
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Shari Carlson, Allison Letts, Farah Charania
  • List of all Contributors:
    Nick Lindberg (University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management)
    Shari Carlson (North Peak)
    Kimberly Schaefges (
    Farah Charania (Signiforce)
    Rachel Tewelde (
    Alexa Adams (Philadelphia Community Bail Fund)
    Irina Rodina (The Good Food Institute)
    Emily Wilson (Data Geeks Lab)
    Maida Rider (Jesuit Refugee Service - USA)
    Stan Reeser (Independent Consultant)
    Allison Letts (Attain (Partner Main))
    Tom Neuburger (Smith College)
    Emily Jakubiak (Cloud for Good)
    David Bruce (Attain (Partner Main))
    Kushi ()
    Katie Powell (salesforce)

Sprint Potential Topics

  1. Discuss requirements for a GAU-like object for non-NPSP orgs
    • EDA - scholarships, for profit use cases
    • some orgs would prefer to just Funding Program (idea?)
    • same objects in multiple packages (e.g. Affiliations in EDA and NPSP)
  2. How OBM, PMM, NPSP interact/could work together (And maybe maybe how paid apps could play too)
    • PMM group conversation tomorrow ?
    • raise funds, give away - hows that org going to use those funds?
  3. Continue to explore EDA connections (bringing in the Financial Aid conversation from the last sprint)
    • EDA might be more largely applicable than a few other topics
    • we grant X, a full year later - this is where the fund came from - could the time gap be managed with OFM
  4. (maybe) if there is a developer - like Thom Behrens - work on the translation issue that was raised in the HUB
  5. There is an impact group at the sprint - so there may be some overlapping conversations with that team
    • David - interest area - measurement of impact
  6. Reporting, maybe a reporting workbook of sorts
    • Useful
    • could be related to impact and other business cases
    • adoption and usability
    • Transition documentation
      • at least in the HUB link on the side

Sprint Summary

  1. Day 1
    1. Discussed requirements and finalized the design of the object model for the GAU-like object for non-NPSP orgs
    2. Started a prototype for the GAU-like object for non-NPSP orgs
    3. Created initial reporting workbook and identified use cases:
  2. Day 2
    1. Finalized the object model for the GAU-like object for non-NPSP orgs:
    2. Finalized the prototype for the GAU-like object for non-NPSP orgs
    3. Discussed requirements for connecting Funding Program to GAU/Fund
    4. Created initial data model to connect Funding Program to GAU/Fund along with recommendations on next steps:
    5. Completed 2 use cases and started 4 other use cases in the reporting workbook

Project Resources

Project Team Accomplishments

Reviewed the following items on the issues list from (click on links to view discussion notes)

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

We will continue to work on the issues and enhancements in our GitHub. Please reach out if you want to learn more or contribute.

Summary of Outbound Funds work at Virtual Sprint (4/2020)

Outbound Funds

Continuation of work on the Outbound Funds App

Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!

  • Team Leader(s): Shari Carlson, Bill Corkill
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Shari Carlson
  • List of all Contributors:
    Thom Behrens
    Ashima Saigal
    Deepa Bedi
    Neil Harmon
    Felice Carson
    Katie Powell
    EDU: Financial Aid group joined for day 2: Emma Hutchinson and Yina Chun

Sprint Summary

We spent the majority of the sprint discussiong and making decision on proposed Enhancements as well as conversations with other groups. Thom worked on Lightning Component enhancements and Katie worked on reviewing and updating documentation.

Project Resources

Project Team Accomplishments

Reviewed the following items on the issues list from (click on links to view discussion notes)

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

We will continue to work on the issues and enhancements in our GitHub. Please reach out if you want to learn more or contribute.

Summary of Outbound Funds work at Philadelphia Sprint

Outbound Funds

Continuation of work on the Outbound Funds App

Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!

  • Team Leader(s): Shari Carlson Reily
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Shari Carlson Reily
  • List of all Contributors: Mark Adcock Libby Ziemelis Thom Behrens Stan Reeser

Project Vision (Your first task as a team)

Project Resources

Project Team Accomplishments

  1. Created Funding Request Role junction object (Issue #21:
  2. Manage GAU Expenditures code started (Issue #36:
  3. How to contribute guide

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

We will continue to work on the issues and enhancements in our GitHub. Please reach out if you want to learn more or contribute.

Summary of Outbound Funds work at Detroit Sprint

Project Team

  • Team Leader: Bill Corkil, Shari Reily
  • List of Contributors: Libby Ziemelis, Sally Burns, Sean Cuevo, David Glick

Project Team Accomplishments

  • Create Installer in MetaPloy (David Glick)
  • Update "Create Disbursements" lightning component to account for "remaining funds to be disbursed"
  • Recorded 2 NPSP Videography scripts for Outbound Funds
  • Onboarded group to CCI for branching, code review and merging.