Releases: SFDO-Community/GrantGuides
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set:
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package.
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity)
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without
Added CCI Namespace token to support the development and packaging of the GCKIT repo.
Replace CCI Namespace token: %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%%
This token is meant to be used for the Packaging Org. CCI documentation for Namespace injection.
Added Namespace injection token to following LWC components:
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org.
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
Added CCI Namespace token to support the development and packaging of the GCKIT repo. [PR172]
Replace CCI Namespace token: %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% [PR173]
This token is meant to be used for the Packaging Org. CCI documentation for Namespace injection. [PR173]
Added Namespace injection token to following LWC components: [PR174]
ggwGrantApplication.js [PR174]
ggwIntro/ggwIntro.js [PR174]
ggwNewApplication/ggwNewApplication.js [PR174]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
Added CCI Namespace token to support the development and packaging of the GCKIT repo. [PR172]
Replace CCI Namespace token: %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% [PR173]
This token is meant to be used for the Packaging Org. CCI documentation for Namespace injection. [PR173]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
Added CCI Namespace token to support the development and packaging of the GCKIT repo. [PR172]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Pull requests with no release notes
- FIx function ref to this. [PR168]
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs:
Critical Changes
Added Feature Test Continuous Integration using Github Actions
Added SFDX run apex test build step
Converted project to use CumulusCI.
Removed unnecessary Grant Application and Content Block Lightning Pages.
Updated cci deploy task to find and replace Dashboard running user.
- Remove the GGWDashboards from the Grant Guide repository.
Removed the dx_push task from the CCI config_dev flow in the cumulusci.yml file.
Modified CCI cumulusci.yml file to use CCI load_datasset task to generate test data in scratch orgs instead of sfdx scripts.
Removed cci load_dataset task.
Prepared package for Manage Package release.
Modified Test Classes to assign permission set during execution.
Removed Topics for Objects from the project repository
Added yml file.
Pull Request Template
Removed feature_test.yml
Modified the Grant Application Lightning Page to include the Edit Application, Edit, and Preview buttons.
Modified the Content Block Lightning page to include the Edit and Clone button.
Deleted the following components
- dashboards Folder
- GGWDashboards Folder
- dIAyJGBaPECLHDcWsALcUqZEvVKDKJ.dashboard-meta.xml file
- GGWDashboards.dashboardFolder-meta.xml file
Relocated the Unlocked package version to the gckitunlocked directory.
Release Unlocked version of package.
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs: