Critical Changes
Updated the GGW Permission set: [PR164]
- Include Apex Classes referenced in the package. [PR164]
- Removed permissions to the Standard object (Account, Contact, Opportunity) [PR164]
dynamic derive tab names for navigation with 2GP namesapce or without [PR167]
Added CCI Namespace token to support the development and packaging of the GCKIT repo. [PR172]
Replace CCI Namespace token: %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% [PR173]
This token is meant to be used for the Packaging Org. CCI documentation for Namespace injection. [PR173]
Added Namespace injection token to following LWC components: [PR174]
ggwGrantApplication.js [PR174]
ggwIntro/ggwIntro.js [PR174]
ggwNewApplication/ggwNewApplication.js [PR174]
- Added codegenie and husky temp directories to gitignore file [PR164]
- Updated the scratch org definition to automatically enable the "Login As" feature to support testing in a Scratch org. [PR164]
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs: