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Resetti edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 6 revisions

Items will be an major part of gaining power and are purchased with gold. By extension, gold will be more important than levels. Items will give stats and have passive and active abilities. There are 10 item slots in a character's inventory.

Items can take up multiple slots and come in different shapes.

(Note: this is just theoretical, untested, and an idea. please edit with comments on how we can improve this)

ItemBase[] Inventory = new ItemBase[6]; //ItemBase is the base of Item Scripts, this is an array to hold the inv.
UnitBase UnitScript; //A reference to the unit's script this ItemManager belongs to.

///An entry point to the script, called before the first update.
void Start()
    UnitScript = GetComponent<UnitBase>();

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