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Project structure

RoboThePichu edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 6 revisions

###Table of Contents###

###Description### This project is made in Unity using Unity Free. This project is ment to be a MOBA esque games in the style of League of Legends and DOTA2.
###Scenes### [_Link to Page_](Scenes) There are currently, as of writing, 3 Scenes. Network Test, Main Menu, and Town Hub. To start the game you must start in networkTest currently (although I am looking to change that sometime).
###Lang### This project originally used UnityScript, but has moved to C#.
###LevelLoader### [_Link to Page_](LevelLoader)

Currently, levellevelsLoader loads the , and spawns the player obj although this should be moved to GameManager.

###UnitBase### [_Link to Page_](UnitBase)

All units (aka anything that can be killed/destroyed) must derive from UnitBase, in some way or another.

Ex. of types of units:

  • Heros/Champions: UnitBase -> ChampionScript
  • Siege minions: UnitBase -> MinionManager -> SiegeMinionScript

###GameManager### [_Link to Page_](GameManager)

GameManager object in the future should manage game events like spawning minions, towers, etc.

###ProjectileBase### [_Link to Page_](ProjectileBase)

All Projectiles should use or be derived from ProjectileBase

###CameraControls### [_Link to Page_](CameraControls)

CameraControls currently manages moving the camera around, and also houses the HUD/In-Game GUI although this portion should be moved to its own class.

###MinionManager### [_Link to Page_](MinionManager)

MinionManager is the base class for all minions, and should contain the AI for them among other things.

If there is a way to make it so you do not repeat/add unnecessary code, DO IT! Be lazy, always think: How can I keep this readable, while taking up less lines of code?

###MainMenu### [_Link to Page_](MainMenu)

MainMenu houses the GUI for the MainMenu Scene, anything on the Main Menu should go in that file.

###Options### [_Link to Page_](Options)

Options should house all the settings/options in the in-game options menu. Currently it just has one field. In the future, I want it to house the GUI for the Options menu as well.

###Player### [_Link to Page_](Player)

TODO: Add info

###SimplePathing### [_Link to Page_](SimplePathing)

TODO: Add info

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