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Dynamic Tagging

apurvabisht97 edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Saral App supports dynamic tagging feature. This feature is able to tag each question with learning objectives.

tags property is a boolean type of property if it's is true then the dynamic tagging process will be executed else it won't be executed.

when we hit (/schools/login) login API and if we get tags field as true then dynamic tagging process will be enabled.

"school": { "storeTrainingData": true, "name": "Dummy School 1", "schoolId": "u002", "state": "up", "autoSync": false, "autoSyncFrequency": 900000, "tags": true }

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We can add ,delete tags and attach to each questions .

when we hit (/schools/login) login API and if we get tags field as false then dynamic tagging processs won't execute.

"school": { "storeTrainingData": true, "name": "Dummy Skill School", "schoolId": "skill001", "state": "karnataka", "autoSyncFrequency": 600000, "tags": false }

In the backend, we have configure tags for each questions of exam .
Tags contain two fields .

  1. Tag Name:- it is the name of tag .
  2. selected:- selected field will contain boolean value . If selected is false then we will get tag name for each questions but it will not be enabled . User have to select that particular tag . If selected is true then we will get tag name for each questions and by default that tag will be selected.

{ "subject": "Hindi", "examLO": "Hindi", "classId": "3", "examDate": "24/09/2021", "totalMarks": 20, "type": "hindi_8s_13q_omr", "questions": [ { "questionId": "ROLLNUMBER1_Q1", "tags": [ { "tagName": "poetry", "selected": false } ], "indicatorTitle": "L0-1", "questionMarks": "1" } ], "examId": 2, "schoolId": "u002" }

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