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Releases: TN-1/Kode_Desktop

Kode 0.5: Luke, I am your project

08 Apr 06:22
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Project mode added
Support for libraries
Upgraded Linux Installer
Windows Installer
Add support for opening files via explorer
Added auto indenting
Added tab space setting for auto indenting
Added keyboard shortcuts
Added a code minimiser
Added column count
Removed now defunct "Export to KSP" button
Kode now checks for unsaved changes on exit
Kode now supports launching by double clicking files in explorer(See known issues below)
Fixes bug where Kode crashes when you open with no tabs
Fixes bug where Kode crashes if you don't select a folder on first start
Fixes bug where Kode will treat recovered tabs as new ones on setting change restart
Fixes beta bug where Export to KSP crashes when not in project mode
Worked around a bug where Kode auto restart doesn't change UI correctly. Manual restart is required after changing editor/project modes.
All changes to file will now trigger an *, not just additions
Tab close X behaviour tweaked
Syntax highlighting and autocomplete now support UPPER, lower and Mixed Case without changing settings
Update auto-detect(Added in 0.4 but this is the first release to use it)

Known issues:
File associations as set by the installer doesn't work correctly. You need to manually set Kode as the program to open .ks and .ksproj through the Right Click>Open with menu, Select Kode and Always Open with.
Autocomplete for mixed case is bugged, after typing an uppercase first letter and then a lower case second letter the A/C box disappears. Syntax highlighting is unaffected.

Keyboard shortcuts(CTL +):
S - Save
X - Cute
C - Copy
V - Paste
Z - Undo
Y - Redo
T - New tab
A - Select all
TAB - Move forwards one tab
SHIFT + TAB - Move back one tab
1 – 9 - Skip to that number tab

Kode 0.4: The first milestone

20 Feb 00:10
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Linux install notes:
If you have previously installed Kode using the install script, You dont need to download and run it again.
Download the standalone .exe and replace it at ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Kode
For steam auto detect, Create a symlink called steam in the above folder that links to where steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program. This is not required for manual entry of installs.
Windows install notes:
Download the Windows .zip, Extract to a memorable location and run like usual.
Reworked steam install detection
Reworked session restore when settings changed(Issue #4)
Redesigned the settings menu(It finally looks good!)
Added support for multiple installs(When you add the install, Make sure it is too your root KSP directory)
Added support for lowercase syntax highlighting(Issue #5)
Added the code minimiser at long last, It will strip comments, empty lines and double spaces.
Tweaked save all and save as behaviour.

Version 0.3.1

11 Feb 04:26
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Version 0.3.1 Pre-release

Please note, This is intended to be a bug fix for Linux users who have already installed Kode. If you have not previously used code, Please scroll down and use the 0.3.0 release. Thanks!
Fix allowing KSP install to be changed for non steam users on Linux.
Download this .exe and replace at ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Kode
KSP install can be changed by modifying the "install" symlink(Previously named steam which can be removed)
sudo ln -s /path/to/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Kode/install
This fix will be included in the upcoming 0.4 release

Kode Version 0.3.0

10 Feb 07:46
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The biggest release yet!

Fixed issue #1 through use of try-catch.
Changed undo/redo behaviour: Buffer now 10char long with (hopefully) unlimited actions
Added report bug and kOS docu to help
Added graphical toolbar
Export code in markup
Linux version!
General code cleanup

Some info on the tabs behaviour:
File>New(Or toolbar new) will create a new tab IF there is text in the current tab.
Open will open into the current tab IF it is empty, Else it will create a new tab.
Save all will 'Save' tabs that are modified and have been opened or previously saved, 'Save as' tabs that you have freshly created and will skip tabs with no errors.
If you close all tabs you can open a new first tab
X closes them(Obviously)

Info on the Linux version:
It runs using Wine unfortunately, However I have added some Linux specific code to make sure you have full functionality. It doesn't run natively, But it is the full program and works as good as the Windows version does. The install script does everything for you so after you run that, You can launch it by typing "kode" at the terminal or by launching it through the menu(Under the development category)
The only potential shortcoming is that it assuming the existence of ~/.steam which should exist if you installed steam properly.
Until I can find someone with substantial C# experience and knowledge of mono to help me out this is the best you Penguins will get. Once again though it is 100% functional and stable :)

Hopeful features for Version 0.4:
Windows installer!
More appearance options(including font, Syntax coloring modification, Upper/lower/mixed case for the code)
Support for libraries.
If I have enough time, Id also like to see some proper code documentation, intellisense improvements, Find and replace and a start on the code minimiser suggested by /u/kvcummins(For real this time I promise!) I got a bit carried away with the tabs and Linux.

Kode Version 0.2.1

03 Feb 04:57
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Kode Version 0.2.1 Pre-release


This is a preview release of Version 0.3.0 which will add tab support to Kode among other (As yet unimplemented changes)
Please note that some features are intentionally disabled in this release, Namely Dark mode support as well as the Open/Save dialogs no longer defaulting to KSP install location

If you find a bug, please start an issue here or comment on the reddit thread.

Kode Version 0.2.0

24 Jan 05:33
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Second development release of Kode.
Changes in this version are:

  • Steam install auto-detection
  • Open and Save As dialogs default to KSP/Ships/Scripts
  • Dark mode implemented
  • Upgrade detection(Tools>Upgrade)

I have also cobbled together a basic fix to get Kode to run on Linux using Wine until I modify ScintillaNET to run on Mono. Instructions can be found here:

Kode Version 0.1.0

18 Jan 08:45
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The initial release of Kode.