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Kode 0.4: The first milestone

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@TN-1 TN-1 released this 20 Feb 00:10
· 26 commits to master since this release

Linux install notes:
If you have previously installed Kode using the install script, You dont need to download and run it again.
Download the standalone .exe and replace it at ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Kode
For steam auto detect, Create a symlink called steam in the above folder that links to where steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program. This is not required for manual entry of installs.
Windows install notes:
Download the Windows .zip, Extract to a memorable location and run like usual.
Reworked steam install detection
Reworked session restore when settings changed(Issue #4)
Redesigned the settings menu(It finally looks good!)
Added support for multiple installs(When you add the install, Make sure it is too your root KSP directory)
Added support for lowercase syntax highlighting(Issue #5)
Added the code minimiser at long last, It will strip comments, empty lines and double spaces.
Tweaked save all and save as behaviour.