This project uses a simple analysis to calculate the impact and cost-effectiveness of early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) to achieve undetectable viral load and untransmissable HIV (U=U) which is also known as treatment-as-prevention (TasP).
All calculations are primarily conducted using R (version 4.2.2) with associated packages (svglite 2.1.0; captioner 2.2.3; cowplot 1.1.1; scales 1.2.0; forcats 0.5.1; stringr 1.4.0; dplyr 1.0.9; purrr; 0.3.4; readr 2.1.2; tidyr 1.2.0; tibble 3.1.8; ggplot2 3.3.6; tidyverse 1.3.2).
Repository owner: Richard T. Gray; github/leftygray;
Affiliation: The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
For any inquiries, please contact [email protected] or flag an issue. The code will be updated as required to correct issues or do further analyses. Please check for updated versions periodically.
The code for the project calculations has been incorporated into a Quarto
(version 1.3.326) markdown document Impact_Tasp_Australia-skeleton.qmd
. This
document forms a skeleton manuscript for submission to peer-reviewed journals
and is in some ways a preprint. All the materials required to run the markdown
script to reproduce the manuscript results and figures are included in this
repository including the references and CSL file.
Cleaned data inputs used for the calculations and the final results are
available in the output
directory. The script reads in two .csv
input files
and saves all the script variables and calculation results in three dated .Rda
files. Summary results and figures are saved in the outputs\figures
with dated file names with the date corresponding to the input files.
This project resulted in the following publication:
- Richard T. Gray. “Impact of Increased Antiretroviral Therapy Use during the Treatment as Prevention Era in Australia.” Sexual Health 20, no. 3 (July 3, 2023): 202–10.
This code has been made publicly available for transparency and replication purposes. We take no responsibility for results generated with the code and their interpretation but are happy to assist with its use and application.