A Repo to test using ontologies like knowrob with deeplearning in robotics.
openai (GPT-3) -> pip install openai
fuzzywuzzy (string similarity) -> pip install fuzzywuzzy
pip install torch torchvision
pip install transformers
pip install -U sentence-transformers
gTTs (google text to speech) -> pip install gTTS
pyyaml -> pip install pyyaml
rospkg -> pip install rospkg
pyaudio -> sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev && pip install pyaudio
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-speech
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install google-cloud-texttospeech
pip install torchtext
mpg321 -> sudo apt install mpg321
get sevice account key json file and add its path to bashrc:
Replace knowrob.owl in the knowrob package with the knowrob.owl found in this package's owl folder
sudo systemctl start mongodb.service
roslaunch rosprolog rosprolog.launch initial_package=knowrob
rosrun owl_test test_prolog_service.py