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Topline observations

Allison Norman edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Topline observations

As we continue to learn more about users, the current technology and acquisition landscape, and about USFS, we have documented our observations. This is a high-level summary of what’s stood out to us after the research and conversations we’ve had so far with Forest Service civil servants and contractors. We’d like to share these early observations to help bring you along in what we’re learning as our research progresses. We still have more research to do so some of these ideas may change as we learn more.

Observations about users

  1. The current system relies heavily on people to make sure everything is done right.
  2. People spend a lot of effort searching for basic information they can trust.
  3. It’s easy to make errors, and errors are incredibly time and labor intensive to diagnose and fix.
  4. The design of the current tool matches the structure of the database, but not users’ mental model.
  5. G&A users don’t trust NRM to give them what they actually want.

Observations about the current technology

  1. There is a high cost in licenses and support to run the legacy system.
  2. The data involved is manageable in size.
  3. The G&A application has been evolved multiple times successfully in the past.
  4. The modernization process that is currently underway is very risky, but it may deliver some benefits.
  5. It isn’t possible to run the current Oracle ADF application on the NextGen database.
  6. The FS OCIO may not be ready for modern architectures.
  7. Until the NRM Grants and Agreements development team starts using GitHub as intended, they will see little benefit, and may even make things harder for themselves.

Observations about acquisition

  1. The Department of Agriculture IT Support Services (DAITSS) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) may be required for software development services.
  2. The vendor pool will be limited if the DAITSS BPA is required.

Observations about the organization

  1. Any path forward requires collaboration among NRM, CIO, OG&A, and the USDA OCFO. These groups will need to align on a shared goal.
  2. There seem to be different ideas on who actually has the authority to make decisions, who will own the long-term vision and who can lead toward a shared goal.
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