SeriesGuide v7 beta3
- FEATURE Display show posters and episode images full screen by touching them. Thanks Andrew Neal (@adneal)!
- TWEAK Improvements to support restricted profiles in Android 4.3.
- TWEAK New sliding tab indicators, is now behind the new overlaying nav drawer.
- TWEAK Check validity of trakt credentials when updating, auto-disconnect if they are invalid (e.g. if you change your password).
- TWEAK Add Google Play search link to movie detail page. Thanks Andrew Neal (@adneal)!
- FIX Reenable search within shows from their overview page. Suggestions still show for all shows though :(
- FIX Also correctly remember last notified about episode when touching a notification instead of swiping it away.
- FIX Activity wrongly limits number of episodes after rotating after enabling 'Infinte Activity'.
- NOTICE Updated ActionBarSherlock to 4.4.0.