We are developing an performant and easy-to-use codebase for protein folding and inverse folding co-training, which have no dependency on MSA pre-computing.
All Python dependencies are specified in environment.yml
. Some download scripts require aria2c
For convenience, we provide a script that creates a conda
virtual environment, installs all Python dependencies, and downloads useful resources (including DeepMind's pretrained parameters).
We provide scripts for mist cluster. Run:
bash scripts/install_third_party_dependencies.sh
# alternatively, you can install in another way with script:
bash scripts/install_third_party_dependencies_concret.sh
# in case of cpu environment, please use:
bash scripts/install_third_party_dependencies_cpu.sh
To activate the environment, run:
source activate <env name>
Link of CATH general protein dataset:
The CATH folder is structured as follows
structure_datasets | |___cath | |___processed/ # the whole dataset after preprocessing | |___top_split_512_2023_0.01_0.04_train/ # train split | |___top_split_512_2023_0.01_0.04_valid/ # valid split | |___top_split_512_2023_0.01_0.04_test/ # test split
Link of miniprotein dataset:
The miniprotein folder is structured as follows
miniprotein |___filtered/ # the whole dataset after preprocessing | |___train/ # train split | |___valid/ # valid split | |___test/ # test split
Note that CATH dataset and miniprotein dataset are both PDB type data, which contains atom-level structures of Protein. Please download and unzip these data into a database
folder, and we will use these data to train the Folding model and InverseFolding model soon.
To train the model, you will not need to precompute protein alignments.
You have three options:
1. train protein folding model individually
2. train protein inverse folding model individually
3. train these models together, by adding a joint training loss
You can follow the same procedure in the following scripts to start the training (with `bash xxx.sh`). Note that you may need to modify a few variables.
We also make training ESMFold possible with our framework:
Note: if you are using slurm job system, you can submit the job with `sbatch xxx.sh`.
You can simply modify model configuration by writing different yaml files.
We simply look at an example `replace_esmFold_16+16.yml`, which implies a foldingModel's configuration of 16 evoformer layers and 16 structure modules. It also configures 16 evoformers layer in the inverse folding model, which will be useful during joint training setup:
evoformer_stack: # define the number of layers in folding model
no_blocks: 16
no_blocks: 16
inverse_evoformer_stack: # define the number of layers in folding model
no_blocks: 16
c_m: 1024 # define the hidden size
c_z: 128
c_m_structure: 384
c_z_structure: 128
num_workers: 10
lr: 0.0005 # define the learning rate
scheduler: # define the LRscheduler
warmup_no_steps: 5000
start_decay_after_n_steps: 50000
decay_every_n_steps: 5000
The codebase currently use Weight&Bias tool to help save the logs, training curves and validation curves.
If you have not initialize W&B(wandb), please kindly follow the [instruction](https://wandb.ai/quickstart/pytorch) here.
We follow the original evaluation process written in ESMFold paper. The evaluation process can be reproduced as follows:
1. download CASP14 dataset from link: https://zenodo.org/record/7713779#.ZA0uKOyZMUF
2. extract the zip, and pick out the 51 proteins used for ESMFold evaluation
3. run script: folding_benchmark.sh
Esmfold_v0 checkpoint gives the same tm-score in paper, which is 0.68
Esmfold_v1 checkpoint gives a higher tm-score = 0.70
P.S. we also need to install additional packages via this cmd:
pip install biotite
pip install git+https://github.com/jvkersch/tmtools.git#egg=tmtools
step 1: download a list of protein names from PDB
step 2:
bash scripts/data_process/esmfold/batch_download.sh -f scripts/data_process/esmfold/filtered.txt -o <output_dir_for_pdb_gz> -p
step 3: pack the .pdb.gz files into a zip, and move this file into a repository associated with the compute node.
bash scripts/data_process/esmfold/continue_zip.sh
step 4: do the following unzip operations on the compute node.
bash scripts/data_process/esmfold/unzip_pdb.sh
step 5: filter the pdb with certain criteria (filter out pdb with 20% of the sequence being the same residue type); seperate pdbs into single chain pdbs; save fasta too
bash process_pdb.sh
step 6: do mmseqs2 easy-cluster with 40% sequence identity
# to install mmseqs2 package
# If your computer supports SSE4.1 use:
wget https://mmseqs.com/latest/mmseqs-linux-sse41.tar.gz
tar xvzf mmseqs-linux-sse41.tar.gz
export PATH=$(pwd)/mmseqs/bin/:$PATH
# do easy-cluster with 0.4 similarity
mmseqs easy-cluster <fasta> <output_folder> <tmp_folder> --min-seq-id 0.4 -c 0.8 --cov-mode 1