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Releases: WiIIiam278/HuskHomes

HuskHomes 4.9.4 - LuckPerms hook, restricted /back worlds

02 Mar 17:04
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HuskHomes 4.9.4 adds a LuckPerms hook for better numerical permission calculating and lets you restrict where /back can take you by world.

  • Added a restricted_worlds option for the /back command.
    • Lets you define a list of worlds, by name, where /back will not save the player's last position within
  • Added /huskhomes dump to produce a system status dump of the plugin to the web
  • Added the ability to customise the home delimeter
    • This is the character that separates player names from home names when teleporting to a public home or another user's private home. (e.g. the . (period) in "/phome <username>.<home_name>")
    • This setting is useful for Bedrock users where the current default (a period - .) is being used as the Floodgate Bedrock user prefix
  • Added a LuckPerms hook, which allows for more accurate numerical permission calculations (#542)
    • On by default, if LuckPerms is installed. Can be disabled under luckperms in the config file
    • This lets the permission stacking calculator scan for duplicate keys - e.g. if you have the huskhomes.max_homes.1 permission set twice, the calculated max homes will be 2 instead of 1 as is the case if this hook is not enabled
  • Added the ability to disable the Plan hook (under plan in the config file)

To update from 4.9.3, regenerate your config.yml and locales (messages-xx-xx.yml) files.

HuskHomes 4.9.3 - Home slot command, bug fixes

20 Feb 22:30
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HuskHomes 4.9.3 fixes bugs found in the previous release.

  • Added /huskhomes homeslots <username> [view|add|remove|set] (#495)
    • Permission node: huskhomes.command.huskhomes.homeslots (operator-only by default)
    • Requires economy features to be enabled and an economy hook to be loaded
    • Lets admins manually adjust the purchased home slots of another user
  • Improved the compatibility of /back with EEssentials and other Fabric server-side mods (thanks: Novoro)
  • Fixed explicit negative warp permission nodes not overriding permission-restricted warp wildcard nodes (#779)
  • Fixed /tpaall failing to send request messages out on the local server (#777)

To update from v4.9.2, please regenerate your locale (messages-xx-xx.yml) file.

HuskHomes 4.9.2 - Bug fixes, improvements

14 Feb 13:38
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HuskHomes 4.9.2 fixes some significant issues in previous releases.

  • Improved permission-restricted warps
    • Changes permission restricted warps to use huskhomes.warp.<name> without the .command. (to avoid sub-command conflicts)
    • Added wildcard permission support: huskhomes.warp.* is now supported
  • Economy features are now disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled in config.yml
    • This is a more sensible default for the average user; most people aren't using economy features with HuskHomes and when enabled the economy home slot checks cause confusion with updating the max homes
    • Economy status is now reported in /huskhomes status
  • Fixed economy feature checks still being made even if no economy service was available
  • Fixed a crash on Fabric due to SnakeYML being missing (#761)
  • Fixed /tphere and /tp <username1> <username2> not working correctly due to incorrect username teleport validity checks
  • Fixed /tpall and /tpaall incorrectly reporting that no users were available to teleport to you.
  • Fixed the death event being handled synchronously on Paper servers (which could infrequently lag), courtesy of @HaHaWTH (#774)
  • Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @ZoruaFox (#770)

To update, just drag+drop and regenerate your locales (messages-xx-xx.yml) file. Please also update your permission-restricted warp permissions if updating to this release to use the new format: huskhomes.warp.<warp_name>

HuskHomes 4.9.1 - Bug fixes

01 Feb 14:08
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HuskHomes 4.9.1 fixes a few bugs found in the previous release.

  • Added an option for setting the max and min height that /rtp can teleport you, courtesy of @alazeprt (#753)
  • Fixed the plugin failing to start due to missing libraries on Fabric (#748)
  • Fixed commands on Paper appearing in TAB even if the user didn't have permission (#737)
  • Fixed being able to teleport a dead player, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#758)
  • Fixed cross-server /rtp not using the selected server, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#759)

To update from v4.9, just drag+drop.

HuskHomes 4.9 - Locale updates, internal updates

18 Jan 12:59
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HuskHomes 4.9 fixes bugs and makes internal improvements to the build pipeline (hence the minor version bump)

  • Internally updated the build pipeline has been refactors to release rolling updates for Fabric 1.21.1.
  • Updated the French (fr-fr) locales, courtesy of @FSOL-XDAG (#735)
  • Updated the Vietnamese (vi-vi) locales, courtesy of Iamsad_VN

To update from 4.8.3, just drag+drop. There are no config changes.

HuskHomes 4.8.3 - Minecraft 1.21.4, bug fixes

13 Dec 17:59
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HuskHomes 4.8.3 adds support for Minecraft 1.21.4 on Fabric, improves cross-server /rtp, and fixes bugs.

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.21.4 on Fabric
  • Extended the capabilities of cross-server /rtp, courtesy of @SinonCute (#719).
    • Added additional arguments for specifying world & server filters
    • Reworked the random teleport configuration section to add new options in this area.
  • Updated Turkish (tr-tr) locales, courtesy of @WinTone01 (#718)
  • Fixed the plugin failing to load or reload when Pl3xMap was installed and the hook enabled
  • Fixed a circular dependency issue on Paper related to EssentialsX (#727)
  • Fixed an issue where permission checks wouldn't occur correctly after a user changed server (#724)
  • Fixed an issue related to the unsetting of invulnerability flags if an invulnerability time was set (#728)

To update, please regenerate your config file. This means making a backup of your config.yml file somewhere, deleting it, and allowing the plugin to regenerate it, after which you can repopulate it with your settings.

HuskHomes 4.8.2 - Bug fixes

10 Nov 15:47
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HuskHomes 4.8.2 fixes additional bugs found in the previous release.

  • Added a /huskhomes status debug command (permission: huskhomes.command.huskhomes.status, defaults to operators only)
  • Hooks that register on enable or after enable are now reloaded when /huskhomes reload is used
  • Fixed permission errors persisting with users on Bukkit
  • Fixed the EssentialsX importer failing to load (#716)
    • EssentialsX is now deterministically loaded after HuskHomes. I hope this reduces issues related to command conflicts with this plugin.
    • Of course you can still disable HuskHomes commands to allow Essentials' commands to pass through.

To update, just drag+drop.

HuskHomes 4.8.1 - Bug fixes

08 Nov 22:45
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HuskHomes 4.8.1 fixes bugs in the previous release.

  • Fixed a permission check error that could occur due to caching issues.
  • Fixed the /back command not working on Fabric (#713)
  • Fixed teleportation no longer working after a player respawns (#714)

To update, just drag+drop.

HuskHomes 4.8 - Minecraft 1.21.3, bug fixes

05 Nov 23:30
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HuskHomes 4.8 adds support for Minecraft 1.21.3 on Fabric, and fixes bugs.

  • Added the ability to have warmup times be based on permissions, courtesy of @WuzzyLV (#682)
  • Generally refactored plugin internals and improved system performance with a new online user object caching strategy.
  • The default server name will now be that of the server's directory name if available
  • Fabric: Added support for Minecraft 1.21.3 (#707)
  • Fixed Redis disconnecting the user when RTP could not find the world on the target server, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#648)
  • Fixed a thread exhaustion issue that could occur on Fabric and cause a server crash in some cases, courtesy of @VOrlando520 (#661)
  • Fixed the plugin serving private home TAB suggestions to users without access to them in some cases (#649)
  • Fixed an issue with the Redis implementation causing the server to hang on shutdown in some cases (#675)
  • Fixed issues related to concurrency causing database rollbacks when using SQLite in rare cases (#658)
  • Fixed issues that could occur related to teleport invulnerability continuing after it should have ended
  • Updated the German (de-de) locales, courtesy of @Ceddix (#657)
  • API: Added a separate cancellable RandomTeleportEvent, courtesy of @alazeprt (#685)

To update, just drag+drop.

HuskHomes 4.7 - 1.21 support, cross-server /rtp

24 Jun 18:10
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HuskHomes 4.7 adds support for Minecraft 1.21 and adds the ability for /rtp to be used cross-server.

  • Added the ability to randomly teleport cross-server, courtesy of @ProdPreva1l (#647)
    • Requires REDIS to be set as the message broker in a cross-server setup; a new toggle has been added for enabling cross-server /rtp
    • You may define a set of "target servers" where the /rtp command may randomly teleport the player within the overworld of
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.21 on Paper (requires Java 21)
  • Added Vietnamese (vi-vn) locales, courtesy of Iamsad_VN
  • Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @davgo0103 (#639)
  • Updated the Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) locales, courtesy of @jhqwqmc (#642)
  • API: API has been added for HuskHomes on Fabric, to allow developers to create mod hooks if they so wish.

To update, just drag+drop.