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verific: Fixes incorrect aldff inference in verific importer
The following SV module at HEAD imported with verific, ```systemverilog module my_module( input logic [4:0] a, input logic clk, input logic enable, output logic [4:0] z ); reg [4:0] pipeline_register; always @(posedge clk) begin pipeline_register <= enable ? a : pipeline_register; end assign z = pipeline_register; endmodule : my_module ``` results in the following output verilog ```systemverilog /* Generated by 0.36 */ (* top = 1 *) (* hdlname = "my_module" *) (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:2.12-2.21" *) module my_module(clk, enable, a, z); wire [4:0] _0_; (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:3.25-3.26" *) input [4:0] a; wire [4:0] a; (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:4.19-4.22" *) input clk; wire clk; (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:5.19-5.25" *) input enable; wire enable; (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:6.26-6.27" *) output [4:0] z; wire [4:0] z; (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:10.12-12.8" *) \$aldff #( .ALOAD_POLARITY(32'd1), .CLK_POLARITY(32'd1), .WIDTH(32'd5) ) _1_ ( .AD(5'hxx), .ALOAD(1'h0), .CLK(clk), .D(_0_), .Q(z) ); (* src = "/tmp/temp_directory_zTwd0l/my_input.v:11.28-11.58" *) \$mux #( .WIDTH(32'd5) ) _2_ ( .A(z), .B(a), .S(enable), .Y(_0_) ); endmodule ``` Yosys is incorrectly infering aldffs due to an incorrect conversion of logical 1 and 0 SigBits. My PR unifies the conversion of Verific::Net objects into SigBits using Yosys' internal representation of special signals like 0,1,x,z. After my PR these signals are correctly converted into DFFs. Signed-off-by: Ethan Mahintorabi <[email protected]>
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