Releases: Zero1UP/FinalFantasyXIRichPresence
Version Release
Version 1.2.5 Release
Added the ability for a user to set a custom server name if they are playing on a private server.
Version 1.2.0 Release
How to use
Starting with this new update, I have moved the data collection part of this program to be an addon for Windower 4. To use this addon simply download the latest release and copy the folder into windowerFolder/addons.
You will also need to make an edit to scripts/init.txt. You will need to add the following line:
lua load ffxiplayerinfodrp
You will then need to run 'FinalFantasyXIRichPresence.exe' from the addons/ffxiplayerinfodrp folder whenever you want to display the rich presence data on discord.
Windower 4
offsets.json Update
Updated offsets for the 2022-12-12 Update
Simply copy this file into the same folder as the program (provided you are running the 1.1.0 update of it) which can be found here:
Version 1.1.0 Release
Changed the program to read from a json file for the offsets so there shouldn't need to be a new build of the program every time the game gets updated.
Version 1.0.6 Release
Updated offsets
Version 1.0.5 Release
Updated to work with the latest client version
Version 1.0.4 Release
Updated to work with the latest client
Version 1.0.3 Release
Updated to work with the newest version of the game.
1.0.2 Release
Fixed a bug where the map ID that was being read in was wrong