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Deploy Requirements

Anupam Ghosh edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 1 revision

For deploying the SW360, there are the following hardware requirements below. Please note that the main memory consumer is the tomcat application container. Accordingly, this requires different settings (see $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/

Please note that you can review the current memory situation of the application in the liferay administration section as well (see Configuration-> Server Administration).

Hardware and Infrastructure

CD-based test instances

When there is a continuous deployment and continuous delivery directly deployed to machine the following machine is recommended:

  • 1 core
  • 4GB RAM
  • 40GB normal file system
  • 10Mbit Ethernet link

In this case, the sw360 solution runs fairly well for clicking around and creation of a few data sets. Note that Tomcat should have 2GB.

Staging instances

Testing and working with normal data sets for staging and pre-productive testing. Pre productive does not need to have the same execution speed of the machine, however, requires enough RAM and file system to run a clone on the data set.

  • 2 cores
  • 8GB RAM
  • 500GB normal file system
  • 100Mbit Ethernet link

The tomcat should be adjusted to 4GB RAM

Productive instances

Productive with for example: 10K releases, 2k users which deploys the entire solution onto a single larger machine. It does not apply to a docker based setup.

  • 4 cores
  • 16GB RAM
  • 500GB SSD based file system
  • 1GBit link Ethernet link

Tomcat should be adjusted to 10-12GB RAM. Note: normally, you could also run Tomcat with significantly lees RAM, if you put common dependencies in a shared lib folder.


The following table shall give an overview about the inbound ports

Port Service Remarks
443 https Accessing the application
22 ssh Administering the application
80 http if you would like to access the solution over http
5984/5985 http/https if access to the couchdb (admin) interface is required

Overview about the additional outbound ports:

Port Service Remarks
3269 sldap If you do authentication using secure LDAP
443 sldap If you do consume services over https (e.g. vulnerabilty pulling)
53 dns ...
22 ssh the old way of calling a fossology server

Outbound ports for http / https may be required for downloading system updates. Ports for ssh may not be required outbound.


As for the software, the sw360 can be run on many platforms, even on Windows seven. We have the following reference platform for development:

until 5:

  • OpenJDK 8
  • Unbunu 16.04 LTS

after 5:

  • openjdk 8
  • ubuntu 18.04 LTS

after 11:

  • openjdk 11
  • ubuntu 18.04 LTS

More information about requirements can be found here:

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