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Deploy Upgrade to Liferay 7.2

Anupam Ghosh edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 1 revision

NOTE: up to SW360 4.0.1 the Liferay 6.2 CE GA5 is used. In order to follow this guide, you have to work on version 5.0 or later which uses the Liferay 7.2 Community Edition GA1 version (as of Sept 2019)


This upgrade is written for SW360 installations where SW360 is the only site in Liferay and Liferay run by Apache Tomcat. All Liferay settings will be discarded during this guide and replaced by fresh settings tailored to SW360.

Do not follow this guide if you are running any other sites inside your Liferay installation or you are not using Apache Tomcat as applicaton server.

Quick overview:

  1. Make a backup
  2. Export your users
  3. Deploy Liferay 7.2 to your instance
  4. Adapt and cleanup properties
  5. Cleanup Liferay database
  6. Start Liferay
  7. Deploy needed dependencies as OSGi modules
  8. Deploy SW360
  9. Configure Liferay Portal
  10. Import SW360 site
  11. Re-Import users
  12. Finish upgrade


You need a clone of the SW360 repository to follow this guide. The location of the clone will be referred as SW360_REPOSITORY in the following.


Make a backup

You really should know how to backup your installation. In doubt, make a backup of at least the following things:

  • /etc/sw360
  • Your SW360 database (couchdb)
  • Your Liferay installation folder
  • Your Liferay database

Export your users

  1. Inside SW360, go to Admin -> Users.
  2. Click the blue download button near the bottom and download the CSV file.
  3. Save it for later import.

Deploy Liferay 7.2 to your instance

  1. Stop your current Liferay installation.
  2. Download Liferay with Tomcat from Its SHA256 checksum is 0d7dc6bab406e910048bbf4de41189495691625dc43acb65eab5400ec826d124.
  3. Extract it to the folder you wish Liferay to start from. This folder will be called LIFERAY_INSTALL during the rest of the guide.
  4. Copy the file ${SW360_REPOSITORY}/frontend/configuration/ to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/tomcat-9.0.17/bin by overwriting the existing file. Check the content and adapt it to your needs, at least the Java memory settings.
  5. Copy the file ${SW360_REPOSITORY}/frontend/configuration/ to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}. This file includes needed, useful and some optional settings to optimize running SW360 in Liferay.
  6. Open the file ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/ and uncomment all properties starting with default.admin.. This will define a default administrator used to do the setup in the following steps. You will be rememembered to change or deactivate this user at the end of the upgrade.

Adapt and cleanup properties

After cleanup you should have the following files in /etc/sw360.

  • Custom properties for Liferay Portal.
  • Database connection for SW360.
  • Custom properties for SW360 application.

Follow these steps to cleanup your configuration:

  1. Check for the following files inside /etc/sw360 as well as in your old Liferay installation folder:


    Please move the content of all of these files into the file /etc/sw360/

  2. Check now /etc/sw360/ and remove the following options. The functionality of these options is now configured via /etc/sw360/ Remember the value of the options before removing them. This way you are able to do the same configuration in later on:

    • auto.login.hooks
  3. Please check if you have added any other options that are no longer supported. You'll find the supported options on

  4. Please check if your /etc/sw360/ now overrides some of the properties in ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/ and comment or remove them if necessary.

  5. Update

    You may skip this step if you did not customize one of the following options from the previous step:

    • auto.login.hooks

    Otherwise copy the following block into your /etc/sw360/ and adapt it to your needs. Activate the necessary components depending on the settings of the old three properties. You should be able to easily match the old options with new component names. Do no remove any componentes if you do not know what they are doing!

    # Activation of Dynamic Components
    # Possible components to be enabled:
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.users.TestAutoLogin		(A stub for testing single sign on. Everyone will be logged in as [email protected])
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.users.SSOAutoLogin		(A single sign on class relaying on headers in the request)
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.users.LoginAction		(Default login action. Do not disable unless you know what you are doing)
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.users.LandingPageAction 	(Liferay does not redirect to landing page when the login is taken over by SSOAutoLogin. Activate this one if using SSOAutoLogin component)
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.components.BuildInfoTemplateContextContributor	(Provide build information of SW360 for templates)
    #	- org.eclipse.sw360.portal.components.FossologyCheckConnectionOnStartupHook (Checks at startup if fossology is reachable)
    components.activate= \
    org.eclipse.sw360.portal.users.LoginAction, \
    org.eclipse.sw360.portal.components.BuildInfoTemplateContextContributor, \

    No other options have to be touched for this upgrade.

Cleanup Liferay database

Clean you Liferay database by just dropping it and re-creating a new empty database that can be accessed by you configured database user. This can be done with something like:

dropdb -U sw360 sw360pgdb
createdb sw360pgdb -U sw360

Deploy needed dependencies as OSGi modules

The following dependencies are needed to run SW360 and therefore must be downloaded and copied to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/deploy:

Deploy SW360

With the dependencies in place you may deploy SW360 modules now. The following describes a setup where the Apache Tomcat bundled with Liferay will also host the backend and REST services.

You may run the following command inside ${SW360_REPOSITORY} to automatically deploy SW360 modules to the correct locations:

mvn package -P deploy -Dbase.deploy.dir=. -Dliferay.deploy.dir=${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/deploy -Dbackend.deploy.dir=${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/tomcat-9.0.17/webapps -Drest.deploy.dir=${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/tomcat-9.0.17/webapps

If you want to copy the artifacts manually, please use the following destinations depending on the module:

  • backend/* goes to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/tomcat-9.0.17/webapps
  • frontend/* goes to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/deploy
  • libraries/* goes to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/deploy
  • rest/* goes to ${LIFERAY_INSTALL}/tomcat-9.0.17/webapps

Start Liferay

Starting the new Liferay should be pretty much the same as starting the old Liferay version. So calling the following command should be sufficient:


Note: If you had some start services in place to start your Liferay instancen you might have to change them since the bundled version of Apache Tomcat has been upgrade and thus the folder is now named tomcat-9.0.17.

Configure Liferay Portal

To apply the following steps, login as default administrator as configured above. If you have copied all properties from this guide, the login is [email protected] with password sw360fossy.

You'll get a Not Found message after login. Do not worry that is alright for the moment.

You should change the password for that user in order to prevent any one else to login with the login data from the property file:

  1. Click on the user icon on the top right and select Account Settings.
  2. Click on Password on the left side of the tab General.
  3. Change your password using the displayed form.

The following sections will now describe the single steps to configure Liferay.

User Association

  1. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
  2. Go to Control Panel -> Configuration -> Instance settings.
  3. Click on Users (inside section Platform).
  4. Click on Default User Associations on the left side.
  5. Fill the field Sites on the top with SW360 and click on Save.

Note: This way newly created users are automatically assigned to the site SW360 and can access the content on it. This is important for the import of the users later on. Normally you would keep this settings afterwards as well. Otherwise you would have to assign all new users manually.

Import SW360 site

  1. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
  2. Go to SW360 -> Publishing -> Import.
  3. Import the following page archives (in that order) from ${SW360_REPOSITORY}/frontend/configuration...
    1. Public_Pages.lar
    2. Private_Pages.lar
    3. Private_Pages_BDP_Import.lar (optional; only if you need BDP Import)
    4. Private_Pages_WS_Import.lar (optional; only if you need WS Import)
  4. following theses steps:
    1. Click on + on the top right.

    2. Select the appropiate file and click Continue.

    3. Select Public Pages or Private Pages depending on the prefix of the filename.

    4. Change the following options according to the selected file:

      • Theme Settings
      • Logo
      • Site Page Settings
      • Site Template Settings
      • Delete Missing Pages

      They sould be enabled or disabled dependening on the select file:

      • Public_Pages.lar, Private_Pages.lar: Enable all options.
      • All other files: Disable all options.
    5. No options need to be checked inside section DELETIONS.

    6. Be sure to check Import Permissions inside section PERMISSIONS.

    7. Expand section Update Data and select Mirror with overwriting.

    8. Expand section Authorship of the Content and select Use the Current User as Author.

    9. Click Import.

Check Theme

For unknown reason Liferay does not always seem to set the theme correctly. Follow these steps to check if the correct theme has been configured:

  1. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
  2. Go to SW360 -> Site Builder -> Pages.
  3. Select Public Pages in the left column.
  4. Click on the cog-icon to configure the pages.
  5. Inside the LOOK AND FEEL section check if the current theme is named SW360.
  6. Otherwise click on Change Curren Theme and select theme SW360.
  7. Repeat step 3.-6. with Private Pages.

Note: In general SW360 should also work with the Classic Theme provided by liferay since the theme is mainly to adjust colors. However we do not test the Classic Theme extensivly. If you want to change the colors of SW360 consider forking the project liferay-theme inside the SW360 repository.

Hide portlet decorators

OPTIONAL: This is only needed if you do your daily work as an Liferay administrator (not recommended). In all other cases you may skip this step.

This will hide the portlet decorators for Liferay administrators. These decorators are very irritating when doing normal SW360 work. Normal Liferay user will not see the decorators anyway.

  1. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
  2. Go to SW360 -> Site Builder -> Pages.
  3. Select Public Pages in the left column.
  4. Click on the cog-icon to configure the pages.
  5. Switch on the option Hide Portlet Decorators for Edit under Settings.
  6. Do step 3.-5. for Private Pages as well.

Re-Import users

Note: You will not see some content like projects or components as the default Liferay administrator. So no worry if you see emtpy tables on these pages before completing the upgrade!

  1. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
  2. Click on SW360 on the top right to go to the homepage.
  3. Click on Start inside the "Welcome" section.
  4. Go to Admin -> User (URL: /group/guest/users).
  5. Scroll down to section UPLOAD USERS, select your exported users file from the very beginning and click Upload Users on the right side.

Finish upgrade

  1. Please log out as setup administrator.
  2. Please log in as an SW360 administrator now and check the content, especially the projects and components.
  3. If you had another Liferay administrator account before, it should be available now as well. You may use it to disable the setup administrator account:
    1. Login with your administrator account (not the setup one).
    2. Open the panel on the left side by clicking the button on the top left.
    3. Go to Control Panel -> Users -> Users and Organizations
    4. Search the account with name Setup Administrator, click on three points on the right side of that account and select Deactivate.

The upgrade to Liferay 7 is now finised.

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