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Arquillian at Devoxx 2012 Hackergarten

graphitefriction edited this page Nov 2, 2012 · 24 revisions

Arquillian is participating (alongside a ton of other great projects) in the Devoxx 2012 Hackergarten organized by Andres Almiray.

Event details


Tuesday, November 13, 9:30 - 18:30 CET


Free! You don’t need a pass to Devoxx to attend this event.


Area 1 and 2 (enclosed rooms at the far end of the expo floor on lower level of Metropolis)

Devoxx Official Hackergarten Page

Hackergarten Page on Lanyrd

What is a Hackergarten?

Hackergarten Leader

Andres Almiray

Arquillian Mentors

Aslak Knutsen, Dan Allen, Bartosz Majsak

Active Hacks


Room Logistics and Infrastructure

  • Find/purchase a router and terabyte (minimum) harddrive to set up as a nexus mirror/local file server, directly plugged into an ethernet hardline

    • Next Action: Contact Stephan and Andres and ask them 1. will a hardline will be available in the room? 2. will we be able to plug into it? 3. can they provide the computer/harddrive and router or similar equipment? 4. can they set up the nexus mirror?

  • Compile list of infrastructure resources to set up/download on mirror/filer server

    • Possible infrastructure/resources: Jenkins, git repos, AS, Glassfish, Forge, JBoss Tools, VM images, Virtual Box, Fedora Java spin with tweaked script

  • Once resource list is finalized, download and set up appropriate infrastructure on the mirror/file server

  • Team members should bring extra ethernet cords for tethering computers together (faster file transfer) if they have any

  • Write instructions for hooking computers together and sharing ethernet/wifi

  • Designate on-site technical assistant (can track down resolution of problems that might occur, such as an internet outage, missing cords, etc)

  • Next Action: Contact Andres and ask him if we should do information card with details of the event and how it will be run

  • Next Action: Contact Stefan and ask him if blank stock/tent cards will be provided (or enough whiteboards) so that tables/areas can be clearly labeled with what that group is working on for people joining late

Arquillian Hackergarten Blog Posts

Post 1 Title TBD

What is the purpose of the Hackergarten?

  • Text needed

Event Logistics

  • When

  • Where

  • Who will be there from Arquillian Crew

Who should participate

  • Arquillian is just one of many, many great projects that will be represented at the Hackergarten

  • Did we mention it is free? If you want to hack on Arquillian code, brainstorm and prototype new features for Arquillian or integration your favorite project with Arquillian, get hands on coding experience, meet other Arquillian developers and can get to Antwerp…​

  • What does the Arquillian community hope to achieve at the Hackergarten?*

  • Text needed

Hack ideas (link to wiki page)

  • Hack idea 1, 2, 3, …​.

How will the Hackergarten operate/What to expect at the event?

  • Text needed

Encourage others to add their ideas to the wikipage

*Text needed

How to stay in touch during the event

  • #hackdevoxx

  • Twitter handles and G+ page for more announcements/updates Stay tuned for additional information about the different hack idea initiatives

Post 2 Spotlight Bartosz’s talk at Devoxx

Post 3 Spotlight other testing talks at Devoxx (John, Alex, …​)

Post 4 Spotlight Arquillian BOF at Devoxx

Posts 5-X Spotlight Hackergarten ideas

Content template for Hackergarten idea announcement and requirements

  • Hack idea with link to hack idea wikipage

  • Brief statement about how the integration/merging or development of this goal benefits coders and the community(s)

  • Short background information about each project/key concepts involved in integration/development hack goal

  • One to three specific technical ideas about how to get started with this idea to jump start hacking on this goal

  • Requirements and source information

    • Ex. What APIs need to be exposed, etc.

  • Who will be onsite to help with this goal?

    • Module lead, their social media of choice, etc.

    • Link to G+ event invite

Spotlight Planning Tasks

  • Refine template

  • Write example Hack Idea Spotlight

  • Send invitation and directions (where to find template, pull request, timeline, picture) to appropriate people

    • Ideas to be spotlighted: Arquillian + Eclipse, Arquillian Persistence + NoSQL Unit (Bartosz), Arquillian + Theusidius (sp?), Arquillian + REST, Arquillian + test filtering, Arquillian + GWT

  • Schedule posts to be released


The main idea of Hackergarten (German for "hacker garden" or hackfest) is to give attendees the opportunity to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with project team members and peers to work on a coding idea (i.e., hack). That idea may be one of their choosing or selected from a list of prepared ideas.

In general, the focus of the event should be on piquing the participants' interest in a technology and, if things go well, helping them feel that they contributed in some way or formed a connection to the project.

How does it work? DRAFT

For the sake of efficiency and peer learning, participants will partner into small groups to work on one of the ideas. The groups will be spread across the two rooms. Mentors can float between the groups to answer questions or help code. At the end of the day, each group will give a brief overview of the idea, what they learned and where to take the idea from there (if they wish to pursue it).

What’s a hack?

A hack, or idea, may be a new feature for the core of the project, an extension or a new integration. To introduce a business incubator spirit to the event, the idea could be an new application that makes use of the technology.

Working on a business idea may fit best for projects like Drools Planner. For other projects, like Arquillian and Forge, working on an extension is likely the most attractive hack. For Ceylon, giving people a chance to migrate some code previously written in Java might work best, giving them a feel for the language constructs. We recommend choosing the style that you think fits best with your project.

See the list of hack ideas for Arquillian (TODO)

Keeping it going

We’d like to keep the hacking going all week. We are thinking about agreeing on an area at one of the tables upstairs where people can drop by anytime with ideas, questions or to continue working on their hack.